Part 10 - Meeting TXT Sunbae

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Joy pov

I was walking through the building coridor when suddenly I bumped into someone making me almost fall.


I groaned in pain on my shoulder since we bumped into shoulder of each other. It's really hard. And hurt huhu.

"I'm sorry!"

That person said. I look up just to see a tall figure standing right infront of me. I can't see it clearly since there have a light that hitten my eyes. I don't know what happen to my eyes. Everytime I see the lights, it's going to be blurry and can't see the image clearly. That's why.

I squinted my eyes to make it clear. My eyes open widely after see who it is.

"Oh my! Sunbaenim! I'm sorry!"

I quickly bowed to the person who I just bumped. I'm doomed. You guys must wondering who it is. It's... Choi Yeonjun sunbaenim from TXT sunbaenim. The famous boy group for this year. The oldest of that group and aces for that group too. Oh my gard! Never thought will bumped into with him today, in not a good term.

"Ahhhh! You are one of the ENHYPEN group members right?"

He asked. I quickly stand up straightly and smile at him widely.

"Yes! It's me. My name is-"

"Joy Kim! I know you!"

He said excitedly. I smile widely. He actually know me! Oh my gard ! Can I faint?

"Wah! Never thought you will look so short when met in real life."

He said while pat my head like his deongsaeng. My eyes open widely after that. How dare he call me short? Aigoo!

"Ahhhh... I'm sorry if that word hurt you."

He quickly remove his hand from my head.

"ahhhhh! It's okey, sunbaenim! You can call me whatever you want."

I said while smiling widely.

Although inside me, and I will call you a nickname where you don't like too. Tsk (no hate please:) )

"Hahahahha okey okey. You're so funny, Joy~nie."

He said as he put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair softly. I smile. It feels like I was at home. Feels like my mother who did this to me. I smile again.

"Ahh... It's time for me to go."

I look at him.

He was smiling.

"I' ll be going now. Bye, Joy nie! I'll see you again later!"

He said as he ruffled my hair again. I smile. I bowed to him for the last time before he walk passed me. I watch him walk away till his figure gone from my sight. I smile widely.

It's okey if you want to call me as Short. As long as you handsome, Yeonjun sunbae😊

The i leave the place with my flowers heart.


"Yah! Joy! Where have you been just now?"

I walk inside the room where the boys are. I walk with a wide smile on my face.

"Oh hey, Sunoo ah! You look cute today!"

He looks at me with disgusting look before click his tongue.

"I'm always cute. Just you who don't realise it."

He flip his hair after that. Showing his sassy side. I chuckled after that before my eyes land on Niki who look at me weirdly.

"Ommo! Niki ahhh... You look so handsome today!"

I said as I pinch his cheeks not hard, and not softly.

"Yah! Noona! Gwaenhane yo???"

He push my hands softly from his cheeks as he look at me with disgusted face. I just smile and take a seat beside him. Everyone inside the room look at me weirdly.

"What happen?"

I asked them with smile that never fade from my face.

"You literally smiling like crazy. Are you okey? Did you eat your medicine?"

Jay asked me after that. I look at him.

"I didn't have medicine to eat."

I said honestly, but still with my smile. Then, he look at Heeseung hyeong.

"Looks like we have to buy her a prevent crazy medicine."

He said to Heeseung. Heeseung just nodded.

"Yoi! Jungwonnie, you look more handsome today."

I said to Jungwon who literally, really, looking at me like something was wrong.

He then look at Jay.

"Let's go buy her a medicine."

Jay, Jungwon and Heeseung stand up from their seat and was about to leave the room when suddenly the door opened reveal people who I don't expected to come.


Everyone inside the room, included me stand up and bowed to the most boy group who just come inside the room. Well, you guys know about that already. Of course, it's TXT sunbaenim! I can see, the boys are excited after seeing the boy group come in, although I already met one of them. Then, the one of them is now land his eyes on me.

"Oh, Joy Kim!"

Yeonjun sunbaenim come towards me as he ruffled my hair.


I pouted after he do that. The boys looking at us unbelievable.

"You guys know at each other?"

Choi Soobin sunbaenim asked Yeonjun sunbaenim about that since he watch it.

"Oh. We just bump to each other, right Joy?"

Yeonjun sunbaenim said as he look at me with his wide smile. I smile back before look at Soobin sunbaenim.

"Yes! I bump into him when I was on my way going here."

I said honestly.

"Owh. That's why you come inside this room, compliment us out of sudden with crazy smile. It is because you just met Yeonjun sunbaenim?"

Jake asked. I scratch my nape while laughing nervously.

"Wah. It's mean you are fan of me?"

Yeonjun asked me. I smile and nodded.

"Who won't the fan of the famous boy group right now?"

I said.

"Then, who is your bias among of us?"

Suddenly, Taehyun sunbaenim interrupt us making me look at all of them.

"Of course, it is me, right Joy Kim?"

Beomgyu sunbaenim intterupt too. I smile awkwardly.

"Of course it is not you hyeong. Don't remind him. He always like that."

Hueningkai sunbaenim said softly. Oh my. I think I'm gonna faint.

That day, is my best day ever in my life. Meeting with my favourite idol. Wooooooo. I hope I got to see them again in the future. I will work hard to see more idols in my life. Hehe.

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