Part 19 - Shopping Groceries

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Joy pov

I walks inside the house lazily after we just arrived from work. Finally, I can relax on my bed now. I walk towards our room. But, got stop as someone grab my hood of hoodie. I open my eyes widely and turn around just to see that Jay looking at me.

"Where are you going, kiddo?"

He asked.


He shook his head after that.

"No no no. You will follow me to the supermarket."

He said making me look at him with wide eyes.

"What? No! I want to stay at home! Agh!"

I am whining, begging for him to let me go and sleep on my precious bed. I'm so tired right now. But, why he wants me to join him going to the convenience store?

Again, he shook his head.

"Now, follow me."

Without letting me give my words, he quickly pulled me by my hood. I almost choke because of it. Aish! This guy literally getting my nerves!


Author pov

While they were on their way to the convenience store, Joy just keep her pouted lips with her. Jay who sit beside her just smile proudly because he finally can drag that kiddo with him. Everytime he ask her to follow him, she never wants to do it. So, now. He win.

Who is the most powerful now?

He smile with proudly and show it to Joy meanwhile she is glaring at him with her pout.

As they arrived, Jay quickly take a basket before give it to Joy. Joy looks at him unbelievable.

"Why me?"

"Because you will be my assistant now. Let's go."

Jay leave her behind. Joy looks at his back and pretend wants to punch him but quickly acting innocent when he turns around. She smile fakely to him.

He walk towards her and give her hand making a girl looks at him confusedly.

"Give me your hand. You might get lost later. There are so many people inside the market."

Jay said making Joy looks at him with wide eyes. But, at the same time, her cheeks turn red.

"Come on. Faster!"

Jay said making Joy looks at him with annoyed face. She then slowly takes his hand as he holds it softly. Jay looks at her, and she looks down. Don't wants to make eye contacted with him.

"Shall we go now?"

Jay asked. Joy just nodded. Jay smile because he found it's cute. Then, he pulls her with him.


Time skip

They finished searching for the things they might be need in the house. They are at the counter right now. While waiting their things been scan, Joy looks around at where she is right now. She is standing righ behind Jay as he stand in front of her, to pay the things of course, when suddenly she feels uneasy. She turns around just to see eyes stare at her sharply.

Her forehead frowned. It's a man that not really old but old enough for her. And it's scare her. She quickly closer to Jay. Jay notice it. He turns round to face her.


He asked as he can see how scare Joy was.

"Someone is staring at me. And it's creeping me out."

Joy whispered to him. Jay looks at the person who did it. As he saw, he understand. He put his arms around Joy.

"It's okey. I'm here. Don't worry about it, okey?"

Jay spoke to her with his soft voice. Joy who heard that nodded and feels safe in his arms.

After purchased, they walk out from the supermarket till the car. Jay is still holding Joy in his arms meanwhile Joy did the same thing as she holding his hoodie that he wears right now.

As they arrived, Jay quickly close the door. Joy sighed heavily after that.

"are you okey?"

Jay asked and put the plastic bags under his seat at where his legs are before pay attention to Joy. Joy takes a deep breath before nodded.

"Why you didn't show him your taekwando? He might scare after that."

Joy glares at him after that as he laughed because he found it hilarious. Joy rolled her eyes.

"Although I have taekwando, black belt, it doesn't means that I can use to many things, especially in this kind of thing... Because he is literally creeping me. And it's hard for me to show my taekwando because I'm not confident after all. What if he smack me down before I do it? Annyeonghasaeyo. "

After heard that, Jay stop laughed and changed into serious mode.

What she said just now, is true. That man is big, and Joy is small like a cute kitten. The man win if she fight with him.

And that, worry him.


He broke the silence. Joy looks at him after he called her. Their eyes met.

"If there are creeps coming towards you or whatever that you needs help or someone you wants to lean on, let me know. Cuz I will be there for you. Whenever, wherever and whatever I am."

Jay said with his serious tone. Joy looks at him without blinked. Is he serious right now?

"Eyyyy... Don't worry about it. I can figure it out by myself."

Joy said with confident.

"But, you literally said that your taekwando will gone once you scare. Isn't that might be dangerous for you?"

Jay asked making Joy being silent for a moment. He is true. But, because of she don't wants to burden him, she just wants to through it by herself. But, after see his serious face. She can't say that anymore.

Joy sighed.


She finally give up. After heard that, Jay smile.

"That's my girl!"

He said as his hand ruffled her hair. She was stun to speak. Jake and Heeseung always do that her but when it's Jay... A little different, because he do that with saying those words.

Her heart flutter...

What does that mean?

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