Part 32 - Sleep

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Joy pov

I walks out from the room since I was bored right now. No one at here. Just only me. Yeah. Me only.

I walks towards the kitchen. To find something to eat, so I can enjoy my drama Hehehe.

While I was searching a snack, I heard, our door dorm opened.

They already home? I thought they will home at 5 pm? It's still 3 pm duh.

I turns around just to see Jake who already sits on the chair while looking at me. It's kinda... Weird?

"Uhm... Hi, Jake hyeong! You're early today."

I said friendly although something is not right in here. He just nodded and his eyes still can't take off from me. Wae? There are something on my face? Or what?

I shook my head to remove all those negative thoughts and continue with what I'm doing just now.


I heard he called my name.


I'm humming as respond.

"Did you will trust me when I said one of our members is like you?"

I turns around and looks at him frowned. Our members is like me? Who?

"I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no."

He then nodded his head.

"I wanna say that someone in the group is crushing on you."

I looks at him frowned again. How can that happen? If that happen, what will happen to us?

"Who is it?"

I asked him since I'm curious. He stares at me for a long time before looks away.


"is that you?"

I cut his words makes him looks at me with his wide eyes. Is that true? Because I'm just saying it since I'm really curious about it.

"W-what? M-me? N-no. You misunderstood."

He said then I nodded. I'm chuckled because I can see how nervous he was.


Jake pov

Glad to know that she's didn't know about my feelings towards to her. I can see how she can't believe with what I said. I bet I should just keeps this feelings till one day, I have a braveness. So, I could confess to her.

Yes. I had feelings towards Joy Kim since our first day together as members.

But, looks like, Joy will never know about my real feelings towards her. I will wait.


Time skip

??? Pov

We walk inside the dorm after finally arrived.

I knows that Joy is in here alone. And about Jake, he is going back home early. But, I don't know,if he is in here or what.

As we walks inside, the kitchen was dark. Did she at home?

"We're home!"

I shouted from the kitchen. But, no one respond. Heeseung hyeong turns on the lamp.

"Sunghoon hyeong! Look at this."

Sunoo said as he walks inside the living room. I follows him from behind. No expected too much, I saw Joy who is sleeping on Jake's laps who also sleeps. I don't know why, but I feels kinda jealous to see that. There should be me as Jake. But, grateful that her head's only on his laps. It's okey for me since I always do that with Jake. I understands if she sleeps on his laps.

"How cute! I should takes the picture of they two."

Sunoo said excitedly as he takes out his phone. I turns my head to Heeseung hyeong and Jay hyeong. I can see... They have a same expression just like me.

Are they also have the same feeling as me? Then, I turns to Jungwon.

Jungwon too?!

Never thought about this, but I knows about what others feeling right now. And Niki... He didn't care about that after all since he was eating his favourite bbungeoppang. Such a baby.


Time skip

Author pov

Joy opened her eyes slowly. She fell asleep when talking with Jake just now.

How can she fell asleep? She shook her head after that.

She stares at the ceiling. After a few minutes, she realised about something. Her eyes open widely. She looks at the person face who is sleeping while sitting right now.

Did she just fell asleep on Jake's laps?!

How can?!

Joy wants to slap herself, but she just hold it since she doesn't wants to make Jake woke up from his beauty sleep. Joy stares at his face for a moment.

She can't denied... Jake had a such beautiful face.

Isn't his back will hurt if he sleeps like that?

Joy felt sorry for him. She slowly remove her head from his laps when suddenly, Jake opened his eyes. Joy opened her eyes widely after that.

"Joy? You're awake?"

"I'm sorry. Did I woke you?"

He smiled widely after heard that. His puppy smile!

"Don't worry about that. How's your sleep? Did you sleep well?"

Joy looks away after he said that. It is because, how he looks cute in front of her right now. She can't hold it and looks away. She also feels that her face is burn right now.

"'s good."

Joy replied him. He smile after heard that.

"Glad to know that."

"H-how can I ended s-sleeping on your laps, Jake?"

Joy asked bravely to him since she curious about it. Jake stares at her without blinked then he smile.

"You're sleeping when we were talking. And you're sleeping on my shoulder for first. Then, I see you that you uncomfortable at that time. That's why I move your head on my laps. And glad that you are comfortable while laying on it."

After heard that, Joy feels a little embarrassed about herself. How can she sleeps while he was talking at that time? That's rude.

"I'm sorry, Jake hyeong. I feels exhausted at that time."

Jake shook his head after that.

"No, it's okey! I know you are tired. That's why I let you sleep while your head on my laps."

Jake just too straightforward that makes Joy can't stop from blushed.

What happen to her?

UwU :)

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