Part 16 - Care About Her?

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Author pov

Joy walk inside their house with Jake and Sunoo behind her. She walk towards their room after that, leaving the boys look at each other. After that, they sighed. They walk into the living room just to meet the other boys who dumbfounded right now.

"What happen?"

Heeseung asked them as they walk in. He curious about how fast Joy walk into their room just now. Jake and Sunoo look at each other, then sighed again.

"Is it about hate comments again?"

Sunghoon interrupted making the boys look at him.

"Hate comments?"

Heeseung look at them worriedly. Again, Jake and Sunoo sighed before they nodded.

"Aish! When are they going to stop giving her their hates???"

Jay messy his hair because he frustrated about why the fake engenes love to give her hates.

"I don't know. I hope she won't leave this group because of that. I don't want it happen."

Niki said before look down on his laps, while he was sitting on the couch. Everyone inside the room got silent after he say that. Jake walk towards him before put his hand on his shoulder.

"It would never be happen. I promise."

Jake said while smiling to make the maknae feel better. Niki nodded.

"So, what are we going to do? Are we going to watch her get hates for a long time?"

Jungwon spoke up after being silence for long time. The boys started to think about it.

"Hah! I've got an idea!"

Everyone look at Sunoo who already smiling, showing his squishy chubby cheeks.


"So, what are you guys want to talk about?"

Pdnim asked while looking at his boys who literally standing right infront of his table right now. Yes. 7 boys coming to his room because they want to talk about something.

"It's about Joy Kim."

Pdnim frowned. It is about his friend's daughter. What's going on here?

"Why? Is there something happen to Joy Kim?"

The boys look at each other before look at him back and they nodded. Then, Sunoo pushed Jungwon forwardly, earned a glare by him. But, he looks at the pdnim.

"It's already been 2 months we debuted. And this time, they started to be more harsh than before."

Pdnim frowned.

"What are you going to say?"

"Can you help us put a notice about hate comments for Joy Kim? She's literally got this since she was debuting with us. And it started getting worse. Everytime she do her live with other members, or solo, she will got a same things, which is hate comments. I hope you can take action about it. "

Jungwon said it straightforwardly after that. The boys got impressed on how Jungwon arrange his words to say it to their Pdnim. Bang Pd actually already know about this. But, he just keep silence till one of them come to meet him, to talk about this.

But, never thought, the boys will come and meet him for this thing. It's really proud things ever that he have in his life. Means, the boys are really care about their only girl member in their group, Joy Kim.

He smiled.

"Thanks for your braveness to see me about this. I really really proud of you."

After he said that, the boys look at him confusely.

"What do you mean?"

Jay asked confusely. The boys just nodded and waiting for his answer. Pdnim chuckled. It is because of their reaction.

"Do you know, how I'm waiting for you guys meet me to tell me about this?"

The boys more frowned.

"You already know about this, pdnim?"

Heeseung catch up what happen right now. Pdnim smile and nodded. Everyone gasped in his room unbelievable.

"Why you didn't report about this?"

Sunoo asked dramatically, earned chuckled by Pdnim.

"I want to know how much you guys care about your member, Joy Kim. And finally know that you guys are really care about her."

After he say that, everyone look at each other before look at him back.

"So, when are you going to report it?"

Jake quickly asked about it since he feels uneasy right now.

"Right now."

Pdnim said while smiling.


"I never thought about this. How can he will think like this?"

Sunoo asked dramatically as they walk out from the room. Yes. Pdnim already report about it. They will put a notice later once they finished right the notice.

"Yeah. Me too."

Niki said. Everyone nodded, agreed what he said. While they are walking through the coridor, they got stop as they saw someone familiar is leaning on the wall.


Jungwon called her name making she turn to them.

"Why are you guys take a long time?"

Joy pouted as she walk towards them. The boys look at each other before look at her back.

"How long you are waiting for us at there?"

Jake asked.

"For almost 30 minutes. What are you guys doing in the pdnim's room?"

She asked but the boys clueless. They don't know what to talk about.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat. It's my treat."

Suddenly, Jay walk towards her and put his arm around her shoulders. He pulled her with him.

"Yah! Hyeong! Treat us too!"

Sunoo chase them after that.


Everyone follow them after that. They walk while laughing happily.

Actually, Joy know what happen to them while they were in the Pdnim's room. Because the pd told her about why they were in his room just now.

She so grateful to have them as her group members. Hope they will be her first and last groupmate after this.

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