Part 39 - Comeback

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Author pov

The boys are practicing so hardly. After they video call with Joy two days ago, they got more enthusiastic on practicing. They are being more serious than before on this.

After a few hours on practicing, they finally stop for a rest.

"Wah. We never done on this before."

Sunoo said while panting, as he sits on the floor.

"Yeah. After we video call with Joy noona, I being more enthusiastic on practice."

Niki spoke while smiling. He can't removes the moment when they have a nice talk with Joy two days ago.

"Yeah, me too!"

Jake interrupt them.

"When she will come to visit us hm?"

Jay asked as he takes a seat beside of Jungwon.

"We don't know when is it. Just wait and see."

Jungwon spoke after drink some water of his. All the members nodded.

"Who wants a tealive?"

Suddenly, Heeseung said.


Everyone put their hands up, then they laughed together. It's been a long time they haven't acted like this. It is all because of Joy Kim.


Time skip

They are on their way to go out from the building when suddenly they saw their manager who is standing in front of the main door.

Why he isn't in the van? Shouldn't he be in there?


They all run towards the manager as the manager turn his body to them.

"Hey, boys! How the practice?"

He ask with a smile. The boys notice something different about it.

"Not bad. We killed it, hyeong!"

Niki said excitedly.

"Wah! Good to hear that!"

Their manager patted the maknae's back.

"Why did you at outside of the van, hyeong?"

Jungwon asked after that. The manager looks at him and looks at the other boys too. He smile.

"Nothing. Just wait you guys at outside. It's boring to wait inside the car."

He said makes everyone looks at him suspiciously.

"did you hide something on us?"

Sunoo finally spoke about it. The manager's expression changed after heard that. Into a nervous one.

"What? Me? No! Of course no!"

"Eyyy... You literally stuttered right now."

Jake started to get suspicious with their manager too.

"Since when I'm stuttering? I didn't stuttering, tho!"

He said with his hands on his waist. Everyone laughed after see how nervous their manager right now.

"We just kidding, hyeong. Don't get it seriously."

Everyone laughed again after that. Their manager sighed relief.

"Are you sure, you're not hiding something with us?"

Sunoo ask him again, but this time with his serious expression. Everyone did the same thing after that. Makes the manager gulps his own saliva.

Before he could say something, they heard a voice scream from inside the van. The boys look in the van. They can't see anything inside the van since the mirror is tinted.

"Is anyone in the car, hyeong?"

Heeseung ask the manager after that. The manager bites his lower lips.

"Aish! I can't keep this no more. You guys should go and watch it by yourself."

He said make the boys look at each other. They all nodded and slowly together walk towards the van. As they arrived in front the van's door, Jungwon who is the most closer with the door slowly open it. Without waste their time, they look inside the van.

Their eyes open widely after see what's in the van.


Sunoo literally jumped inside the van and quickly gives a hug to Joy who is sitting at the back of the van.

"Yah! Sunoo... C-can't breath..."

She said as Sunoo hugs her too tight.

"Oops, sorry!"

Sunoo laugh awkwardly after that before slowly pull away from her.


After that, Niki did the same thing as what Sunoo did just now. Everyone laughs after watch it. But, then they stop when see there are two little girls are sitting beside Joy while watch them.

"Is that your little sister, Joy ah?"

Jake ask her. Niki pulls away from the hug and also looks at where the little girls are. Joy put her hands behind the two girls and said.

"Hana, Della. Say hi to oppa."

Joy said softly to her little sisters. The boys look at the little girls as they also did the same thing.

"H-hello, oppa !"

The two girls quickly hide themselves as they hug their older sister. Everyone is awwing with that scene.


Time skip

"When did you arrive? You didn't tell us that you will come here?"

Jay ask Joy as his hands on his waist. Joy smile awkwardly. They already at their dorm right now.

"Sorry. But, I don't want to disturb your practice. That's why."

Joy said as she looks at her little sisters who are playing with the other boys.

"They both are cute."

Jay said.

"Yes. They are."

Joy replied with a smile. Jay looks at Joy. He can't denied that Joy is getting more prettier. She looks more happy now. Is she still single? He can't removes his eyes from Joy who is watching her little sisters right now.

Joy feels like someone is staring at her, so she turns her head, and their eyes met.

The world stopped from spin when they both look at each other. And that be notice by the other boys.

"Jay hyeong. Stop staring at Joy like that."

They both got snapped when suddenly Niki said that. Joy smile shyly meanwhile Jay looks away. The boys are jealous after see that.

But, it's okey. As long as Joy come back, they will be more enthusiastic on doing their work from now.

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