Part 22 - She is bad news

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Joy pov

Uhh... I'm hungry. I should just accept when Niki ask me if I wants to eat Mcd or not. He must be happy at there with, Jake and Heeseung. Poor me >-< . 

Where is Jay? I should ask for him to cook something for me, since I'm a little lazy now. I walks down from my bed since I was laying on it just now before walking out from the room and go to kitchen just to see Jay and Anne. Anne was sitting on the chair at dining table, meanwhile Jay is cooking.

"Hey, Anne!"

I greet her, but she just give me her fake smile. What is that? I just ignore it as I walks towards Jay.

"Yow! Jay! What are you doing?"

I ask him as I peek my head to look what he is cooking right now.

It's a meat. Wohooo! I can't believe that he is going to cook meat today. 

"I'm doing laundry right now. Can't you see it?"

He said sarcastically as he give me a glare. I just smile sheepishly before watch him cooks. He always good at this. How I wish to have him as my boyfriend, so I can eat his cooking everyday, everytime and everywhere. Hehehe.

"What are you guys talking about right now?"

Me and Jay got shock when suddenly Anne appeared from Jay other side.

Because of the shockness, Jay throw his hot spatula on my hand. I winched in pain because of the hotness of the spatula. And I'm too dumb because I catch that spatula with my bare hand.



I'm watching Jungwon who is bandaging my wound hand carefully since it's pain.

"I'm sorry, Joy. I didn't mean to let the spatula go. But, why are you catch that hot spatula? You pabo ah..."

Jay said worriedly making me pouted.

"I just  don't want your precious spatula got its first kiss with the floor."

I said nonsensely, earn a knock on my head making me looks at Jungwon shockedly. He is literally glaring at me with sharply. Sometimes, Jungwon can be scare although he is cute like a kitten. Aww.. Kitten is mad right now.

"Aiii... I don't care if that spatula falls on the floor as long you didn't get hurt. But, now?"

I pouted again after heard Jay nagged again. Well, he sounds like my mom.

"You should be more careful next time, Miss Kim Je-Ha."

Sunghoon advice me as he put his hand on my head.

"No worry. I'm strong after all."

I said while smile proudly.

"Tch. Strong foot. When that old man was staring at you, you scared." 

Jay said making me looks at him with wide eyes. Jay also realised what he said just now.

"Old man? Was staring at you? Why I didn't know about this?"

Ahh, the leader already into his mode right now. He is glaring at me and Jay one by one. I looks at Sunghoon, ask for helps, but he just shrugged his shoulder. I sighed. Then, my eyes land on Anne who is watching us right now. As  our eyes met, she rolled her eyes and left. I shocked.

Did she literally rolled her eyes on me? What's wrong with her, dude? Is she have a problem with me?


Time skip

Everyone already sleeping, while me... I can't sleep. It is because what happen just now. Why did Anne rolled her eyes at me? Did I do something wrong? Should I ask her tomorrow about that? Yeah tomorrow. I hope that I gain a braveness while talking with her tomorrow. Fighting, Joy!

I turns my body to the side where Sunoo's bed was.

"Joy, are you sleeping?"

Suddenly, I heard a voice spoke. And it is Sunoo.

"Not yet, Sunoo. Why?"

I ask him. Oh yeah. I just realised that we haven't talk to each other for almost 1 weeks now. Why? I don't know.

"Can I talk with you for a moment?"

 He ask making me sit up from my bed, just to see him also sit up on his.

"About what?"

I ask him. I can't really see his face since it's dark.

"Let's go at outside. I'm scare that the boys will hear us."

I just nodded before walks down from my bed. He did the same thing as I am.

"So, what is it?"

Finally, I can see his face clearly now. We are in makeup room, which is his favorite room. He suddenly walks towards me. I just stay still till he is standing right in front of me. I just stares at his face. We are at the close gaps. But, I didn't bother about it.

I snapped from my thoughts when suddenly he holds my shoulders making me looks at him with wide eyes.

"W-what are y-you doing, S-sunoo?"

I ask him. Eyy. Why did I'm stuttering?

"Joy, looks into my eyes."

He said. I just follow what he said. Ommo. Never realised that he have such a beautiful eyes. I'm so jealous, huhu.

"Will you stop from being friend with Anne?"

After heard his question, I'm looking at him frowned.


I also want to know why he said that. He sighed.

"Because she is bad news."

He said. I just remember what happen just now. That's why he said that.

"Ahhh. No worry about that. She is not dangerous after all. It's already late, Sunoo. We should have sleep now because tomorrow we have practice again. Goodnight, Sunoo."

I remove his hands from my shoulder. Not to forget ruffled his hair and walk out from the make up room. All I need now is sleeping because I'm too sleepy right now.


Sunoo pov

Aish! Joyy! Can you stop making my heart feel this way? The feeling that I've never feel.

I just watch her walk out from the room. I sighed after that.

I must protect her before something bad happen.


Author pov

Sunoo actually worries about Joy because he has heard a conversation of Anne with someone he didn't know.

And the conversation is about how to remove Joy from this group. He would never let that happen, especially it is about Joy.

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