Part 36 : Hate Comments Pt. 3

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#warning: there might have uncomfortable contain that you guys will read. Please skip if you guys feel uncomfortable. Thank you!

Joy pov

"Noona, can you recommend some Kdrama?"

I read one of comments that on my live right now.


I look up as I think what dramas that would I recommend for them.

"There are many kdramas that I already watch. For example, 18 again, the tale of nokdu, the alchemy of souls and many more. But, the most is, all of us are that. I'm not recommending it for those have weak heart because it is about zombies. I am really scare with it but still can manage to watch it till the end. That is what a movie recommended by Joy Kim."

I said with smile. Then, I read the comments again.

"Zombie? Who even likes zombie? I hate zombie! How could she recommened such a bad story."

One comment literally caught my attention. It's broke my heart but still manage to smile.

"Oh, you guys hate zombies drama? I'm sorry. I just like how the plot is. Maybe it is not your type. I'm sorry again."

I said with a smile although inside me is crying. When will they stop give me hate comments? Anytime, I can't really bare it.

I read the comments again. After a few minutes, another comment caught my attention.

"Noona, are you v*rg*n?"

I frowned after read that. What kind of question is this?

I give the camera a disgusted face.

"She didn't even answer the question, means she literally had sleeps with the boys before."

What the heck? How can they even jump to the conclusion? Isn't this too much? How the other members reaction if they read this such a comment?

I read another comment.

"Noona, can I have a s-"

Before I finish to read it, someone burst into th room where I am right now. I turn around just to see 02z liner in our group.

"Sorry, engenes. But, you guys are too much for asking that question. Don't you guys know, that is sexualizing for a girl like Joy?"

Jay suddenly spoke in front of the camera with his serious tone. While Jake is covering up my ears with his hands. Although he covers it, but I still can heard what happen right now.

Are they trying to protect me?

"Stop asking that question. We will be going now. Bye!"

Sunghoon savagely turn off the camera after that. Then, they turn to face me as they sighed relief. Jake also already pull away his hands. I look at them one by one.

"Why did you guys do that?"

I ask them as I look down while playing with my fingers.


Author pov

The 02z liner watch their favourite girl who is playing with her fingers right now. They can see how anxious she was right now.

Jay stands in front of her as he crossed his arms.

"Why didn't you defend yourself while they were sexualizing you?"

Jay ask her with his serious tone. Joy looks up at them. They shocked. They see a tears formed in her eyes.


Jake pulled her into hug. Joy snuggled her face on Jake's stomach as he is standing right now.

"Mianhae... I- I just s-scare..."

Joy said in hiccups of her cry. Jay feels guilty after that. Sunghoon who watch her can see how shaken she was right now. He sighed. He walks towards Jake and Joy. Jake looks at him. Sunghoon signaled him to let her go. Jake obeyed and slowly let her go from the hug. Sunghoon kneel in front of her. He slowly takes her hands as Joy looks at him shocked.

Sunghoon smile.

"It's okey. We are here now for you. If they do that again, we will do whatever to protect you from that situation. Don't ever worry about this again."

Sunghoon said softly and his thumbs wipe her tears that fall down on her cheeks. And then, he gives her a smile. Joy shocked with that and she looks at him without blinking.

Sunghoon notice it. He quickly stands up and pull away his hands as he puts inside his pocket's pant.

"J-just ignore what I'm saying just now. I-it all are nonsense."

Sunghoon said with stuttered voice. Jake and Jay look at each other as they found their best friend actually is blushing. They both smile suspiciously.

"Eyyy... You literally blushed right now!"

Jake started to tease him.

"But, you also blushed, don't you?"

Sunghoon started to tease him back.

"I always blush whenever it is about Joy."

Then, they all turn to Joy. Joy slowly looks away as she can feels herself is blushing right now.

"She is blushing! How gwiyeowo!"

Jay started to tease them. After that, they are teasing each other.

This is what Joy's like. She loves how 02z liner friendship is, because although they all like her, but it's never broke their friendship. That's really admire Joy to the boys. They all are her family, best friends and group members.

How she didn't want to lose them.


"You need to leave the group, Joy."

Joy looks at their pdnim shocked.

She never thought that this might happen.

All her happiness with her group members, it's broke into a pieces.

Her happiness already gone.




They all gone...

Everything has gone....

Hello guys! It's been a long time I haven't update this story! Sorry for keeing your waiting. I literally can't really finish this story in one time, it is because of the problems that I can't cut it. Sorry for keep you waiting. I hope you guys can wait for another parts to update. Stay tuned!

Have a great day! Hope you guys enjoy!

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