Part 29 - Straightforward

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Author pov

"I'm here, alone. Because all the members are busy with their works. While me, sitting here all alone. In this vocal room. Ehek."

Joy said to the camera since she bored and do her live now. Wants to have a conversation with her fans, ENGENES. Ofcourse!

Joy read all of the comments that are from fans. There are some of them positive and negative. But, she just ignore it. Don't wants to make her members worry about her again. While she was reading, she heard someone open the door. She turns around and see Anne walks in.

She got nervous out of sudden..

"Hey, Anne!"

She greet her. But, Anne just ignore her. She crossed her arms and leaned on the wall while staring at the camera. Joy feels the awkwardness around them. She looks at the camera back and smile widely.

"Guys! We have a guest today! Please greet our Anne Park!"

Joy said while pointed Anne with her hand. Instead of greeting back, Anne glares Joy who is laughing awkward right now.

Did something happen? Why she looks at me like that?

That's what Joy's thought that time.

"Hmm... Anne, here... You can sit on my seat."

Joy said as she stands up and give her seat to Anne. Anne ignore her and takes another seat. She sit harshly makes Joy feels uneasy right now. She takes a sit back on her seat. She reads the comments although nervousness fill inside her.

"Anne eonnie is more prettier than Joy eonnie."

She reads it lowly. She also side eyes Anne who is sitting beside her, to see how her reaction is. No reaction.

It's awkward...

"Guys. What if we try to play a game with Anne? You guys agree?"

Joy asked to the fans. And she reads the comments back.

"Yes, please! I wants to know her more than about you, Joy eonnie!"

After read that comment, it's really crash her heart. Since her first day as a member of Enhypen, she always got hates from her fans, till now. She don't knows why they hate her so much. But, loves Anne that only 5 weeks with them as a member.

"So, Anne-"

"Leave the group."

Anne spoke out of sudden, after a long time being silence. Joy frowned after heard that. She looks at Anne with confusedly.


Anne looks at her with her poker face.

"Are you deaf? Leave the group."

She said again. Joy got speechless but quickly put a smile, although it's awkward right now at the same time, her heart is broken.

"Anne... We are in live. Isn't that too straightforward for you to say it at here?"

Joy whispered to her.

"Who cares? I bet all fans want you to leave the group too. Isn't that true, Engenes?"

Anne said it loudly, clearly in front of the camera as she said to their fans. Joy reads all the comments. It is true. What Anne said just now, all is true.


"We want Joy leave the group, right now!!!!"

"Please leave the group! You don't deserve it, Joy! Anne more deserve it!"

Joy hands started shaken after read the comments. She looks at Anne who is already smirking towards her. She leans slowly towards her and whispered.

"I'll make sure, you not happy with what you have right now, Joy Kim."

After that, she stands up and leave the room. Leaving Joy who is still in shocked.

What happen right now? Why it's happen?

She looks at the camera slowly and put a force smile.

"That's all from us today. Hope you guys have a good day. Bye."

Then, she turns off the live. What happen just now, it's really disturbing her right now.

How could Anne said that in front of their fans? Also, did they really want her to leave the group? Are that make them happy?

Joy sighed. Her mental... Damaged today.


Time skip

"I'm home..."

Joy said lowly as she walks inside the house. No one respond to her. Wonder that no one in there.

Glad to know that. Because she wants to be on herself right now.

She walks inside the living room just to see all the members, except Anne were sitting on the couch and floor look at her.


Sunoo stands up from his seat and walks towards her. Joy don't know what to do. Her heart hurts right now. Her knees feel weaks. Before she could fall on the floor, Sunoo quickly catch her.

"Are you okey?!"

Jay asked her worriedly. He can see how pale she was right now. Sunoo helps her to sit on the couch, beside Heeseung.

"Is this my faults? To be in this group?"

Joy asked out of sudden with her lower voice. The boys got stun to speak after heard that. It's not their first time to see how down she is, but for now... It's really their first time to see how damaged she is. They can see how blank she was right now and looks like people that have no life after this.

"No. It is not your fault, Joy."

Jake said as he takes her hands into his. He can feels how shaken she is right now. It's really broke his heart to see her condition right now.

"But, why? Why everyone hates me that much?"

Joy asked. She looks down on her laps as she can feels her tears started forming in her eyes. The boys look at each other. They don't know what to say after know what happen to her just now.

"We will make sure, Anne got her own works."

After heard that, everyone looks at Jungwon confusedly. They can see how serious he is.

"What do you mean, Jungwon?"

Heeseung asked him. Jungwon's expression changed into more darken than before, and it's really scary for his members. First time to see him like this.

"I will make sure, she got what she did. And Joy will get what she deserves."

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