Part 8

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Author pov

The time skipped fastly. Now, Joy feel better after laying on the bed while the boys are taking care of her. They always keep on looking forward for her sickness. Now, they were sitting on the couch while watching the tv. Yes. They already have a couch for their living room. Now they were sitting at there.

Joy who just woke up from her sleep walk out from the room just to see them sitting on the couch.


Jake who first saw her quickly stand up and walk towards her. The other boys also look at her.

"hey, joy! Why are you walk out from the room? Do you want something? If you want, just tell me. Hyeong will take it for you."

Heeseung interrupt them as he stand up and walk towards them too. Joy look at him weirdly.

Is he just call himself as hyeong? That's mean, he wants Joy call him as hyeong? Not oppa? Well, it's better for her. She smile.

"Nope. I feel better now. Thanks to you guys! I'll going to the toilet for now."

Joy said while smiling before leaving them that were still watching for her. Jake and Heeseung just watch her till she got inside the bathroom before walk back to where they were before.

"waish! You guys look really care about her huh?"

Jay said after the two of them sitting on the couch beside him.

"Eyyy... Don't think negatively. Just think that we as the oldest one take care of their young sibs. Like that."

Jake said, remove the negative thoughts inside their head while Heeseung just nodded, agreed with what Jake's said.

They continue watching the tv after that.


After a few minutes, Joy done with her business in the toilet. She came out and feel refreshing after taking bath. Don't worry, she actually bring her clothes also her towel before she got inside the bathroom.

"Ahhh... Fresh!"

Joy said while smiling to herself.

"Are you done?"

She jumped a little as someone asked her. She look at the person who ask her. It's Jay, who was cooking right now in the kitchen.

Joy just nodded. Feel embarrassing for herself cause didn't cover her excitement.

"Sit down there. I'm cooking for the lunch."

He said. Joy just obeyed what he said as she walk to the dining table and sit on the chair while waiting for him done cook. While waiting, she watch Jay from the back side. She can't denied, Jay have handsome figure although from the back while cooking. He is really a material boyfriend. That will cook whatever his girlfriend's wants. She's wondering, who is his girlfriend if one day he get it?

"Wah! What's hyeong cook for today?"

Her thoughts gone after heard someone spoke. She turn around and see Jungwon walking inside the kitchen before take a seat beside her. She doesn't know if that boy know that she was exist right now.

"Something delicious for you guys to eat at lunch."

Jay answered him. Jungwon nodded before he head turn to Joy who was staring at him right now.

"Why did you look at me lik that? Is there have something on my face?"

He asked making Joy look away from his face. Aish! How can she staring at him for a long time?

But, also, can't denied how handsome Jungwon is.

Jungwon just shook his head after saw that. She's weird. Thought him.

After a few minutes, the cook done.

"Guys, the lunch are ready!"

Jay who already served the lunch on the table shouted from the kitchen. They can heard feet stomps, and reveal the other boys who really hungry right now.

"What did you cook, Jeongseongi?"

Jake asked as he take a seat beside Jungwon. And...

"Hey, Je-Ha!"

Jake greet her as he saw her. Joy look at her weirdly. Also the boys.

"Who are you talking to? Who's Je-Ha?"

Sunoo asked as he curious about the name. Jake look at them with his innocent face.

"Isn't that Joy's Korean name?"

Everyone look at Joy who still blank about what happen right now.

"Is that really your Korean name?"

Sunoo asked her after that. Joy don't know what to say, so She just nodded after that.

"Wah! Your name is so cool."

Niki said excitedly after that. Sunoo's frowned after heard that, also Jungwon and Joy.

"But, that name more use by the boys, not girls."

Jungwon said straightly. The other boys also Joy look at Jungwon who looking at them with blankly.

"I don't know, but my father loves that name. Although my mom said it's for boys."

Joy said before eating her lunch. The boys look at each other before look at her back.

"I'm sorry, Joy."

Jungwon said. Since, he worry that she will feel bad about what he said just now.

"Nah. It's okey. Chill, man!"

Joy look at him and push him like she was close with him. Everyone shock with her sudden changed.

"Wow. The duality..."

Niki said. Joy just give him a smile before continue eating her lunch like there have nothing happen. The boys shook their head as they also eating their lunch.

Meanwhile, Jungwon. He looks at Joy who eating peacefully beside him. He doesn't know what happen, but after she push him like they were close, he feel something different inside his stomach.
Also, his heart beat increase when he look at Joy right now.

What does that mean?

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