Part 18-"I will never win as a boy if a girl like her"

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Jungwon pov

I look at Joy who is sitting beside me while we were in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching tv together. Isn't it feels like dating at home?

Eyy... what are you even thinking about, Yang Jungwon?

I shook my head to remove that thoughts from my head.


Suddenly, she called me, making me a little nervous. I slowly turn my head to her, just to see she is still focusing on the channel that we are watching right now.

"Did you just call me?"

I asked. I'm scare that it just my hallucinations. Joy then turn at me making me quickly look away. Fuh... Almost...

"Of course, I'm calling you, Yang Jungwon-shi."

She said. Ommo, she just called my full name!

Keep on yourself, Yang Jungwon. She just call you by full name. It's nothing more than that.

"Oh yeah yeah. Why?"

I quickly asked her as I turn my head back to her. She's already look away, like I'm doing just now.

"Do you think... Jake hyeong is okey?"

Her question... it's about Jake hyeong. Not me. Stop dreaming, Jungwon.


I then look away. My eyes on the tv. I don't know why, but my heart feels something different that I have never feel before. What does that mean?

"I-i don't know. Maybe, we could ask him later."

I said. Ayyy.. did I was stuttering just now? What is gotten in you, Yang Jungwon?

"Maybe you could ask him for me."

Her words making me look at her. She's already look at me, earn an eye contacted. I can feel my heart started beating fastly. What does that mean? Don't tell me that I'm-

"Can you?"

She asked again. I look into her eyes. I can see there a hope inside her eyes means she really wants me to do it. After a few minutes, I broke the contest. Yeah eye contacted contest.

"You can do it by yourself, don't you?"

I said sarcastically.

"Yah! I just wants your help. If you don't want to help, just reject it already."

I look at her shockedly as she stand up from her seat and walk away. Is she mad?

But, why is she mad? It's not like I'm rejecting her request yet. I'm just asking, tho.

Girls are complicated.

I shook my head as I continue focusing, watching the tv. 


Author pov

"I just want a help. But, he don't wants to help me. Hmph! I hate him."

"You hate who?"

Joy flinched after someone spoke from behind her.

"Yah! You almost makes my heart burst out from it place!"

Joy shouted madly at Sunghoon who laughed right now.

Actually, she walk out from the house, just need a fresh air. Although it's night already. Like I'm said, she just need a fresh air. That's all.

But, never thought she will met Sunghoon at outside.

"What are you doing outside btw?"

Joy asked after finally she could calm herself. Sunghoon stopped from laughing and look at her.

"I'm the one who should ask you that question. Why are you at outside, in this night? You know right, if a girl-"

"Yeah yeah. I know I know. Aish! You sounds like my mom."

Joy cut his words as she rolled her eyes. Sunghoon who see it just shut his mouth after that. He don't know what to say now. He can see how she is not in her mood right now.

"What's wrong?"

He asked out of sudden making Joy look at him confusedly.

"What's wrong what?"

She asked him back.

"What with that ugly face right now?"

He asked again. Joy who heard that open her eyes widely.

"Yah! How dare you call me ugly face?!"

Joy shouted at him again making him cover his ears.

"Aigoo. Do you wants to broke my eardrums? Your voice sounds like broken radio, you know?"

He said again making Joy look at him with more wide eyes.

"Broken radio? Yah!"

Joy wants to throw hit to him but he quickly move away from where he is right now.

"Boo! You can't catch me!"

Sunghoon tease her as he run away from her.

"Yah! Park Sunghoon! I will catch you no matter what!"

She started to chase him. All people who are walking at there just watching them weirdly.

I thought they may said, what's wrong with those too? Mental illness? HAHA.

Those people included someone who is literally watching them right now.

Without they know, but someone that they know are watching them with full of jealousy. But, that person can't do anything about it. As long they happy, that person will be happy too.


Time skip

"We're home!"

Sunghoon shouted as they arrived at their place. He still can't move on about what happen just now. He still laughed although they already home. Joy who was beside him just glare at him.

"Welcome hom- .. How can you guys together?"

Sunoo asked as he welcoming them.

"And why with your side lips? It's literally a wound."

Sunoo asked shockedly after see a wound on his side lips. Sunghoon chuckled.

"Ask Joy, what is she doing at me just now?"

Joy open her eyes widely after heard that.

"Don't tell me that you guys..."

Niki started to think negatively about them.


After she open her shoes, she chase him then. Sunghoon just laughed, meanwhile Sunoo and Heeseung who just appeared out of nowhere look at him.

"So, tell the truth. What happen to you guys just now?"

Heeseung asked making Sunghoon stop from laughing. He can see how serious he is right now. He didn't dare to look at his face.

"I'm just tease her. Then, she got mad and give me a punch on my pretty face."

Sunoo and Heeseung shocked after heard that.

"Wah. Never thought that she is that strong. How can you lose with her, hyeong?"

Sunoo shook his head. Sunghoon is a boy, but how can he been punch by a small girl like Joy? Sunghoon look at him before his eyes land on Joy who is now chasing Niki right now.

"I will never win as a boy if a girl like her."

He said with full passionate making Sunoo and Heeseung look at each other.

Don't tell them that...


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