Part 46 - Boyfriends

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Joy pov

I'm here right now, having a contest with the guy named Kim Sunoo in living room of our dorm. We're staring of each other eyes for 5 minutes now, but no one to lose.

"Can you close your eyes, Joy ah? My eyes is starting to get hurt."

Sunoo spoke after that.

"who are you to tell me that?"

I declined it. He's pouting after that. We stay like for a few minutes more. Niki is right now sitting beside me while watching us with his disgusted face.

"When will you guys stop staring at each other like that?"

He did annoye right now by what we did. But, we just ignore him. Poor the maknae, ehek.

"Joy's eyes started to get red."

Jake who sits beside Sunoo said as he laughed at me. We ignore him too.


Then, a hand disturbs us by waving it in front of our faces.


Me and Sunoo shout syncly as we gave a death glare to Sunghoon who did that. He just gives us idgaf face.

"That's not fair!"

Sunoo shouted more as he pout.

"Stop this childish thing."

Jay spoke after being silence for a long time.

"Why did you guys even play this game? I know that you guys are bored, but you guys can do anything except this game."

Jungwon also interrupt. I rolled my eyes.

"Sunoo, let's go to the cafe. Leave them all."

Sunoo nodded and we stand up after that.

"I'll join."

Heeseung suddenly, appear out of nowhere said.


Me and Sunoo said it syncly again. Heeseung pouted after that.


Time skip

We watch the oldest drinks his drink cutely while watching around him. Sunoo already chuckled beside me, while me just shook my head.

Can't denied. With those bambi eyes, he can shoot any girls with his cuteness. He seems very cute right now. CuTeNeSs OvErLoAd!

"Hyeong, you look like a baby right now."

Sunoo compliment him. Heeseung then smile shyly after that. I gives him my disgusted face, and still smiling for that.

"But, Joy is more cute then me."

Suddenly, he said makes me look at him with wide eyes.

"Eh? Why me?"

I look at Sunoo.

"Yeah. You look more cuter than Heeseung hyeong."

I rolled my eyes sassily after that. This guys never leave me alone without compliment me by that words. It makes me blushed.

I flip my hair after that.

"Of course, I'm cute."

I said and the end with looking at the children who are with their parents right now, standing in front of the counter. They are so cute. As they walk passed us, one of them stop and stares at us for a long time. It's a girl The boys and I look at each other before looks at the child.

"Hey, kid!"

I greet her.

"Eonnie, are they your boyfriend?"

My eyes open widely after heard that.

"What? No-"


The boys answered it. I look at them with unbelievable.

"Wah. I'm so jealous. I always want to have handsome boyfriends as yours."

She said makes me look at her more unbelievable. Seriously?

I look at the boys as they already smile like idiots.

"So, you need to study well so you can get a handsome boyfriend just like this eonnie."

Sunoo said as he puts his arm around me. I give him a glare death.

Before the girl could say anything, her mother comes.

"I'm sorry. Let's go."

Then, she pulled her daughter with her. After they gone from out sights, I quickly give my best pinch on Sunoo's waist.

"Ouch! What is that for?!"

He brushed on where I pinch him just now.

"What did you guys answer wrongly to that girl?"

I ask them annoyingly.

"Isn't that true? You are our girlfriend. And we are your boyfriends. So, you need to accept the facts."

Heeseung said. The glares exchange it place. I rolled my eyes after that, again.

"I never agreed for this before."

"You are, you even said that you like all of us. Can't choose. So that's mean we are dating now."

Sunoo didn't show to give up about that. I look at them unbelievable. Looks like, I really need to discuss about this with other boys too. To know, what's our relatinship now.


Time skip

Everyone is looking at each other after I ask the question.

"I already said before, you are our girlfriend, and we are your boyfriends. Isn't that clear?"

Sunoo got annoyed by that.

"I just don't want to get confused by that. What if the fans know that I'm dating with seven boys in one time? Isn't that unfair for the engene females?"

I look so much worry about this.

Everyone looks at each other again.

"I bet you are thinking too much right now. You should rest, Joy."

Jungwon spoke but I shook my head.

"Gives me the answer."

I said again. I heard Jay sighed as my eyes land on him.

"Just like Sunoo said. We all are dating with you. So, that's mean the engenes can't say no about this because this is our own feelings too. They need to accept any impossible of our relay with you."

He explain. Although it is not understandable, but I can say like we all are in the relay right now. So, I need to provide my loves with them too.

"So, what now?"

Niki ask confusedly to them. They all look at each other.

"How about... Since we are dating, how about we make a schedule for ourselves, when we can spend our time with Joy, who will spend their time today with her, who will sleeps with her tonight or when. It's much better so Joy can separate her loves to us fairly. Do you guys agree with that? "

Jake finally spoke, interrupt our conversation. The boys got ideas about that.

I understand what he means. Well, that is not bad idea btw. Ehek.

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