Part 5 (Sasaeng?!)

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Author pov

After got arrive at their home, they laying on the floor in the living room tiredly.

"Aish! Today is the most tired day!"

Sunoo groaned while stretching his sore body. Joy just watching them while sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall.

"Ahhh... Let me borrow your laps, Joy ah."

Sunoo said while looking at Joy who is not far from him. The boys who heard that looking at them two. Joy feel a little uncomfortable because of their looks, but instead of shake her head, she nod as accept the ask. Sunoo smile widely after that before move closer to her.

Joy sit properly and comfortably so Sunoo can put his head on her laps comfortably.

"Ahh... It's feel like I was laying on my noona's laps."

He said.

"Oh... You have noona?"

Joy asked curiously. Sunoo look up at her and smile brightly and he nodded.

"Yes. She is the one who always let me put my head on her laps."

Joy smile after heard that. Looks like Sunoo have a good relationship with his sister.

"She must be pretty right?"

"Yes. I agreed!"

He answer her with his bright smile. She smile back before look forward as she can feel the boys are still watching them.


Then, the boys look away after she asked. Joy just shook her head before look down at Sunoo who already close his eyes. She smile.

Cute! That's what she thinking right now.


Time skip

"Joy noona!"

Joy jumped a little after heard someone call her.

Joy noona?

She look at behind her while she is applying her skincare on her face as she can see Niki who the one standing behind her right now.


She ask. She can see Niki smile sheepishly to her.

"Do you want to eat bbungeoppang with me?"

He ask out of sudden making Joy look at him blinking.

Did he ask me?

She asked to herself.

"Ah... Y-yes. At where?"

She ask back with her awkward smile.

"At the store. It's not far from here. I found its when we're on the way back home just now."

"Okey then."

Niki jumped happily after heard Joy's answer. Joy just shook her smile while smiling because how cute the maknae was. She can't hold her smile whenever she found her members cute. That is her habit now. Smile when found out the members cute. Updated!


"Hmmmmm! Oisyi!"

Niki said in Japan happily after got a bite of his bbungeoppang. Joy who heard that smile widely. She knows what does that word mean. She did learn a little but not that much.


Niki nodded after Joy ask.


He nodded before take another bite. Joy chuckled. They now are on the way to go back home. Yes. They already ask a permission to their manager about this.

While they walking through the street, they feel someone is following them from behind. Joy stop and turn around to see if someone at there. She can see one man or woman wearing a hoodie right now, cover his or her face making Joy can't see their face. Then, she quickly turn to Niki who already look at her weirdly.

"Should we run?"

He suddenly whispered to her. Joy shook her head.

"No. He will think that we're already notice him."

"But, he will know where we live later if we just stay walking while ignore him."

Niki said. They both are talking like they know that person is man or woman.
Joy thinking the plan.

"I got the idea."

She smirked after say that. Niki look at her suspiciously.


Time skip

"We're home!"

Niki said.

"Yah! Why did you guys take so long to buy a bbungeoppang?"

Jay quickly ask them the question after the both of them open their shoes and put it on its shelf. He standing infront of them while his hands on his waist. The other boys do the same thing as they stand behind Jay.

Joy and Niki look at each other before smile and laugh making the boys looking at them weirdly.

"What are you guys laughing about?"

Jungwon asked them curiously, wants to know what are they laughing about.


Niki said.

"We'll going first. Bye. Let's go, Niki."

Joy then pulled Niki with her and they walk passed the boys as they watch them suspiciously.

"Like they are hiding something from us."

Sunoo said while his fingers on his chin, like people are thinking right now.

"We need to find out then."

Jungwon said to him.

"Let's go!"

Sunoo and Jungwon then follow the two just now. The oldest just shook their head while watching the maknaes right now. Such a childish people.


"Yah! Niki! You better tell us! Why are you guys laughing just now? What so funny about?"

Sunoo still can't stop from asking the same question. It's already 7th time for him to ask the same question to Niki. And Niki's answer will be.

"No. It's only my and Joy noona's secret. No one can know about that."

He said before continued focus on watching the tv. Sunoo pouted after that. But, it is won't letting him to give up easily.

He was about to ask the same question when someone spoke.

"Stop asking the same question if you want to know the same answer."

Joy said as she take a sit beside Niki who still focus on the tv. Sunoo look at him shockly but in sassy way.

"How dare you talking to me like that. I am older than you okey?!"

Sunoo said dramatically.

"But, just one year older than me."

Joy said as Niki turn to her and give her high five. Joy smile and accept it as they laugh together. Sunoo give them a shock dramatic way.

Now, he found his new enemy, Joy Kim from now on.

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