Part 2

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Sunoo pov

I am waiting for someone finish from showering in the bathroom. It's already take an hours for this boy showered inside the bathroom. Do you guys want to know who I am talking about right now?


He take a long time to finish from showering and now I'm waiting for him to come out like a crazy people right now.

"Aish! What is this ahjussi doing inside the bathroom?"

I started mumbled annoyed.

"Well, we always know that Jungwon will take a long time for shower."

I sighed after heard that from Sunghoon hyeong. Yes. I agree with him.

While I was waiting for him, I saw Joy who just walk out from the make up room. Yes. She is the first one who showered before us.

How I wish to be like her... To be the first who get shower before the others. Hmmm.


She asked as she stand beside me.

"This Jungwon literally take a long time for showering."

I complain to her about this thing. Then, she look at me with a sympathy look. I don't want that look. I want you to help me, to make the boy inside this bathroom come out,ugh!

"I don't know what to do. Just knock."

She said. Aish! This girl also did not help. I rolled my eyes. At the same time, finally, the boy that we are talking about right now done with his shower.

"You know that you are taking a long time in the bathroom."

"Am I?"

He asked me back. I tsk him before walk inside the bathroom. They are really annoying.


Jungwon pov

"Did I?"

I asked at Sunghoon hyeong who was sitting on the table beside Heeseung hyeong who was busy eating with his ramyeon right now.

Sunghoon hyeong nodded, agreed with what Sunoo hyeong said just now. I sighed before my eyes land on the small girl who now standing beside me.



She greet me back before walk towards the refrigerator. I watch her. Although she is going to be our groupmate, I still can't accept it how the girl can be in the same group as boys. It's really awkward for me and the boys since we are not really meet the girls when we were in the trainee days before. And now...


Author pov

Joy walk out from the kitchen and see two boys are sitting on the floor while watching tv. One of them notice her.

"Eyyy, Joy! Join us!"

He is Sim Jaeyun, or called as Jake. He invited her to join them. Joy smile awkwardly since she still feeling awkward around the boys. Yeah. She is still.

She walk towards them. He and the maknae give her a space.

"Here. Sit here."

The maknae said. Nishimura Riki or being called as Niki. He smiling while looking at the girl.

"Thank you..."

Joy said with her low voice before take a seat between them. Then, their eyes glued on the tv.

"What are you guys watching right now?"

She asked after a long time being silent. She don't want to be awkward with them. Since she is the friendly and at the same time shy type, she is trying her best to talk with them.

"Our survival show."

Jake said while smile widely.


Joy nodded.

"Have you watch it already?"

Niki asked her making she look at him and smile.

"Still in episode 1 hehehe."

Niki and Jake then nodded as understand what is she saying. Then, they three focus on the tv back.


??? Pov

Looks like they already being friend. I turn to Sunghoon hyeong who was standing beside me right now.

"You don't want to join them, hyeong?"

I asked since I know that he will with Jake 24 hours. But for now... He is not. Why? It is because have Joy at there.

"I can't..."

He said making me look at him curiously.


I asked him. He then look at me.

"Eyyy... Don't look at me like that!"

He suddenly mad at me.


I mad at him back.

"Why are you guys shouted about?"

We both look at Heeseung hyoeng who suddenly appeared infront of us. Then, me and Sunghoon hyeong look at the 3 people who were in the living room. They already look at us. Haih.


Then I quickly leave the scene after that. Won't talk about why we were shouted just now.


Author pov

"Are they always like that?"

Joy asked the two boys who also watching the scene just now. Niki and Jake nodded before continue watching the tv. Joy feel a little awkward about that. This is going to be a long day for her.


Time skip

Joy was on her way going to the kitchen when she's bump into someone who is have a same age with her.


Jungwon greet her as they pass.


Joy greet him back with a smile.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to sleep now? It's already late."

He asked curiously.


Joy look at where they will sleep later. Yeah. They going to share a room and that's a little awkward for her since it's her first time to sleep with people who called boys.

Jungwon looks like understand what she wants to say.

"Ahhh.. Don't worry about that. Just pretend that you are sleeping with the girls. Not the boys okey?"

Jungwon said, give her a motivation although it is just about going to sleep. Joy found it's funny but she just hold her laugh as she nodded her head.

"So, where are you going now?"

"Want to wash my dishes."

She answered before show the bowl on her hands.

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

He asked. Well, since he wants to know more about Joy, he decide to accompany her.

"Nah... It's just washing the bowl. After that, I will going back to the room."

Jungwon feel a little disappointed but he won't show it. He smile and nodded.

"Okey, then. I will wait in the room then. And be careful with the ghost."

Before Joy could do anything, Jungwon quickly leave her at there.

"Aish! This boy!"

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