Chapter 33-Actions Have Consequences

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As I was doing laps with the rest of the class Robby walks in "Mr Keene to what do we owe the pleasure?" Silver asked looking at him "I came here to apologize.....I let you down turned my back on you.....I didn't understand at the time, but I realize I was wrong.....I shouldn't have just left.....I should've taken you all with me.....everything your taught here is bullshit. There is pain in this dojo and it's built upon fear because this man is not your sensei he is your enemy but it's not too late you're not past the point of no return and I promise there is still another way." Robby said as he looks at everyone especially me.

"Bold move, Mr Keene.....bold move we've heard you it's my turn to speak. Joon-bee stance! Right leg back, kia! Forward strike, side kick, kia! There's a difference between being heard and being listened to......they heard you but they listen to me." My dad said as Robby starts walking out until he stopped looking at me as he nods and I nod back.

As training continues my dad finally tells us to stop "all right that's enough......class dismissed except you, Haley.....I need you to stay a little longer." He said as I walked up to him and sensei Kim seeing that they brought out a stand that looks similar to a training dummy but much harder.

"What is this?" I asked as sensei kim stands in front of me "this is your enemy.....destroy it." She replied as I walked up the stand reaching out to feel the material only to realize it was something hard and solid "it's solid stone....I'll break my hand." I said as I looked at my father with fear in my eyes "it will heal in time for the tournament." She replied as I scoffed at her "this is crazy.....I'm going home." I said as I started to walk away only for the other senseis to block my way out.

"You will go home when the lesson is over." She replied as I walked back to the stone tablet getting into fighting position preparing to strike the tablet as I thrust my fist at the stone groaning as I feel a sharp pain run through my fist "not hard break it you must use all your power." Sensei Kim said as she looks at me with a sadistic smile on her face as I thrust my fist at the stone once more but still not being able to do it.

"Are you even trying?" My dad asked as I try not to focus on the pain radiating from my hand as I continue punching the stone falling to the floor in pain "something is holding back." Sensei Kim said as I take a shuttering breath "I....I can't do it." I replied as my father buts in knowing what to say to get under my skin "it's the boy.....isn't it?" He said knowing that he is getting under my skin, as i look up at him through my lashes with fear in my eyes.

"You act strong, but inside you're soft." Sensei Kim said as her and my father picked at me until I get ready to snap "that's not true." I replied looking up at her "your feelings for him have made you weak." Silver said as both him and sensei Kim keep picking at me until i finally give in "no!" I yelled looking up at them "you care more about this boy than your own dojo!" Sensei Kim said as I stand up with rage filling my body "Robby has nothing to do with this you psychotic bitch." I yelled gritting my teeth as I thrust my fist straight through the tablet of stone making me cry out in pain as I fall to the floor a bleeding, sobbing mess as I cradled my hand.

"You see sweetheart.....all you had to do was doing things my way and you wouldn't be going through all of this.....and maybe I should've killed your little boyfriend while I had the chance." He said tauntingly as he crouches down and pulls me into a hug while gently petting my hair, as he leans in and whispers in my ear as I look at him with fear in my eyes.

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