Chapter 7- The training session

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The following week rolls around as I get ready to head out to the cobra kai dojo for some extra training with Mr silver. As I pull into the parking lot I see him standing outside waiting for me to arrive "hey, Haley come on in." Silver said as he opens the door for me " thank you." I said walking in " alright, ready to start training?" He asked " as ready as I'll ever be sir." I replied as he chuckled at my response.

"Alright, what I want you to do is get into fighting position and remember always keep your hands up otherwise your enemy will use that to there advantage." He said as he demonstrated what to do so that she can copy him "like this?" She asked "yep that's perfect." He said approving of what she was doing.

A little while later after some pretty intense training we now moved onto practicing kicks and ways to anticipate your opponent's next move by analyzing their body language " okay, that's perfect now I want you to aim your kick a little higher." He said as lifted his gloved hand for me to kick "like this?" I asked as I demonstrated my kick "yep that's perfect. Now I want you to work on those combos I showed you, alright." He said as he picked the gloves back up for me to practice.

As the sun started to set I figured it was time for me to head home "well I think that's gonna be it for today great job today Haley." Silver said as he high-fives me "thanks I really tried my best." I said as I nod at him "you did amazing way better than I did when I first started karate." He chuckled "oh, I very much doubt that. I mean come on you've got to be pretty good at karate in order to be helping out here at cobra kai." I replied with a laugh "maybe, it's just been so long since I've done karate." He mumbled quietly as we both made our way to the exit heading towards our cars.

"I'll see you later Mr silver and thanks for the lesson! I yell as I pull out of the parking lot and driving off "anytime and come by whenever you want the doors to cobra kai are always open." He said as he gave me a small wave. Once I arrived home I unlock my door and throw my keys on the dining room table heading straight for the bathroom to take a shower, as soon as I finish my shower I put my pajamas on and head to bed.

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