• Chapter 1 •

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September 1st

Me and my family hated the Weasleys. I in particular hated one Weasley, Fred. That's how I found myself staring daggers into the group of red heads along with my mother and father. I didn't particularly hate the whole family I guess I had just been raised to hate them and went along with it. It was the beginning of fifth year and my hate for Fred had yet to die down.

"Goodbye mother, father." I nodded curtly
"Leave, before I slice off your head." My mother snapped
I knew she didn't mean it, at least I hoped she didn't. I climbed onto the train looking for Hallie, basically my only friend, also my best friend. Definitely my only one of those.
"We'll look who it is." Fred clicked his tongue
"Hm, I heard you'd finally killed your self with your idiotic pranks and deplorable driving skills."

"Stalking me are you?" He narrowed his eyes
"You wish." I spoke turning away
"I'll have you know I'm a fabulous driver!" He called after me
He just knew how to press my buttons I could only walk away without throat punching his stupid face.
"Shove off Weasel!" I shouted back my face reddening in anger
I hated, and I mean hated him.

I finally found Hallie sitting in an empty compartment giggling at a letter.
"Hello, you." I spoke
"Oh, Hi! I've been waiting for you." She smiled "How was your summer?" She asked
"Horrible, as usual." I replied sitting down
"I want to leave, desperately but there's no chance until I'm 18."
"I suppose legally there's no chance either?"
"Who wants to deal with death eater's Hallie?"
"That's true. I'm sorry your summer was terrible."

"Anyway," I sighed "What was in the letter you were smiling at?"
"Oh ummmmmmmmmm, nothing." She stuffed the paper into her pocket
"No, let me see." I smiled reaching for the letter
"It's nothing!" She squealed trying to fight me off
We laughed and giggled as I fought to get the letter until she froze staring out the compartment window. I turned to see what she was looking at, the Weasley twins. Fred and I glared at each other as George shyly waved at Hallie.

I whipped my head around to look at her response, she blushed waving back. My jaw practically hit the floor. She seemed to remember that I was there and her blush vanished as she looked at me apologetically. She knew how much I hated them, how could she do this to me, they weren't even cute.

"Listen, Sage-"
"No, I refuse to listen. How could you do this Hallie? How could you betray me in this way? When you know I hate them! Is that's what's in the letter? Tell me, tell me right now."
"Well, yes. We exchanged addresses the end of last year..." Hallie mumbled
"When I was off having that big fight with Fred in the potions classroom? Hallie!"
"Listen! You hate Fred, you've never even spoken to George and he's desperately sweet-"
"He's a Weasley."
"I know you'd love him if you just gave him a chance, please? For me?"
"Absolutely not." I crossed my arms

"It's not like I'm asking you to date him! It's not like I'm dating him! Just don't be so mean to him, he's my friend."
"And you're mine, my best friend! How could you do this to me? You befriended my mortal enemy's twin brother. When you know how I hate Fred, how I hate all of them."
"This is one thing we will never agree on... you have let your parents have too much influence on you in this subject because you already dislike Fred."
"I do not." I scoffed
"Just give it a chance..." Hallie sighed
And with that the train took off.

The train flew past hills and trees and birds and other beautiful scenery but my mind never left how Hallie had betrayed me. How could she even stand them? How could anyone stand them? This was truly a travesty. Now they would have all the cards, they would steal Hallie away from me, I would be friendless and lonely and everyone will make fun of me. Worse than they already do.

"I'm going to go find the trolley." Hallie finally spoke
She shut her book and stood up, heading out of the compartment. A few minutes later I decided to go after her and get something from the trolley too. Better to go with her than alone I suppose. I poked my head out looking both ways down the train but I didn't see her, I did see the trolley. I started making my way towards it assuming Hallie had gotten distracted or something only to pass a compartment where she was sitting with the twins laughing.

I stopped, turning angrily to look at her. The betrayal just kept getting worse. She noticed me standing there glaring that the three of them. I stormed off before she could say anything. I didn't want to speak with her right now. I bought what I wanted and went back to my compartment where I found not Hallie but baby Malfoy waiting for me.
"Your friend finally betray you? I knew it was coming." He sneered

Draco's family was close with my parents, so Draco knew all about my life unfortunately. Including my non Voldemort supporting friend.
"What's it to you Draco?" I asked
"I thought you might like some real company, someone from your own kind."
"You know my views are the same as Hallie's, you are not my own kind." I spoke taking a bite out of my licorice wand "Now I think the train will be arriving soon, you better go get changed."
"Whatever Jackson, you'll realize it soon enough, we're better than everyone else."

Draco finally left the compartment, I didn't like him either. The castle rolled into view as the students began packing up and getting ready to get off. Hallie came back, deep down I knew I couldn't ignore her. Though I would hold a grudge about this. We unloaded off the train, successfully avoiding the twins. We caught a carriage to the school and headed to the great hall in time for the sorting ceremony and Dumbledore's announcements.

"We better have a room together again." I commented walking to our common room with Hallie
"No literally, it would be very upsetting if we didn't."
"Hallie Gold!" The prefect called
"Here!" Hallie spoke trying to get to the front
"You're in dorm room 27." They spoke handing her a paper
"Same as last year!" He smiled
At least she knew she would be sleeping in a familiar place. I loved that dorm room, I better get it too.

A few more names were called before I heard mine. I pushed my way forward trying to get through the crowd of people and luggage
"Sage, you're in room 27."
Oh thank the gods! I smiled happily taking the paper from her marching my way up the stairs. Hallie and I exchanged an excited hug before I noticed something on the window. A note.

I opened the window and grabbed it, flipping it over to read.
Good luck surviving me now.
-Fred Weasley
This was going to be a miserable year.

1220 Words | Dec. 16 2022

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