• Chapter 16 •

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Sage's POV:
We were weeks into the new school year and I had managed to make it to school. Somehow Fred and George kept me hidden long enough for them to get me out and to Hallie.

I'm sure it was treacherous for them but they did it and I was more grateful than they could ever imagine. I think they might have just saved my life...

Hallie's family had gladly let me stay for the rest of the summer and somehow no one came after me. Though the subject of my numerous bruises and cuts did come up.

I did my best to calm Hallie who was the one mostly concerned about it. She was always concerned and I think my clumsy excuse was wearing thin.

The cut across my shoulder had been reduced to a scabbed over line that I had to resist picking at, and my black eye was a light purple against my skin, barely even noticeable.

Everyone had come back raving about their summers and I managed to skid under the radar. Especially with what happened at the quidditch World Cup, no one noticed the wallflower Hufflepuff with a mild black eye.

The twins had been there first hand, seen the dark mark for themselves. They went on and on about how chaotic and scary it was. I could feel George glancing at me while he told the story.

I knew he had questions but they were probably questions I didn't have the answer to. After a week or so everyone went about their business and the whole QWC ordeal simmered down though was never fully forgotten.

I scribbled down my notes in the library as everyone came clambering back in from amongst the shelves. All except Fred. I hadn't seen him recently and it felt like he was avoiding me.

Not that I was complaining of course.
"So talk to us." Hallie sighed sitting down
I looked up from my notes and everyone was staring at me.
"What's going on with you and Fred?" She asked

"What?" I asked
"You and Fred." Angelina repeated "You two haven't been fighting, you sit in each others presence without issue."
George nodded along with them concern etched into their faces.

"Are you depressed?" Hallie asked quietly placing a hand over mine
I probably was but I wasn't going to put that on anyone else.
"No, I'm fine." I replied
"Then how come you're suddenly fine around Fred?"

"I don't know."
"What's changed?" Angelina interjected
"Maybe I'm just tired of petty arguments."
"You maybe be one of the most quiet people I have ever met in my life you are also the most stubborn. You never get tired of that stuff until you get the last word in!"

I sat back staring at her blankly. I didn't know what had changed. I hadn't fought with Fred in a while but he hadn't tried to start anything with me either. Why was I the one getting cornered?

"Whatever." Hallie sighed "You won't answer, you won't answer. But I'll find out."
"I'm gonna go find Fred." Angelina spoke leaving the library
Hallie and George went off to play a prank on Draco, leaving me by myself.

What had changed? I didn't fight with Fred really anymore but we weren't on good terms. It felt like he was avoiding me too so maybe it was that.

My mind shot me back to a memory from a few weeks ago when I was still at the burrow,

"Here's a shirt." Fred said tossing me one of his out of his dresser "You can wear that till George gets back. You probably want to change clothes."
"Thank you." I mumbled
We sat in silence for a while before Fred spoke again "Sorry for sitting on you that one time. I didn't know what else to do."
"It's fine." I said slipping the shirt over my head
I was drowning in the fabric, it reached all the way to my knees as I stood up trying to adjust the shirt.
"I guess we aren't the same size." He half joked
"I guess not." I smiled lightly

It was the first civil interaction we'd had. Ever. It was strange to see him in a non obnoxious light. I could almost see what everyone else claimed what was so great about him. Almost.

But he still snapped at me and I still snapped at him. We didn't act any different when we were fighting, it's just the fights became fewer and far between. Maybe putting your life in someone else's hands makes you hate them less. I don't know.

Maybe it's because he was becoming close with Angelina and I was subconsciously trying to see what she saw in him. Maybe I was just tired. Arguing with someone constantly does wear on you after a while.

My heart still raced around him. My face still flushed, I was pretty sure is till hated him. Not that much had changed, right?

"Are you ok?"
I paused my crying to peer at him through the dark "What?"
"I can hear you sniffling." He said it as if it was obvious and I was stupid
"I'm fine." I replied

Nothing about him had changed except his looks and although it was an improvement he was still the obnoxious jerk that he was in our first year. Just because we didn't fight as often anymore didn't change that fact.

Maybe he had come with George to save me. So what? It wasn't willingly. Maybe he had carried my bag up to his house for me. It was probably a subconscious habit. So what that he gave me his shirt? And just because he asked me if I was ok doesn't make him a better person.

It didn't change the fact that he had been tormenting me for the past six years. It didn't change the fact that he was a Weasley. Absolutely nothing is what all that changed.

1000 Words | Apr. 18 2023

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