• Chapter 21 •

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Fred's POV:
"You are a sick individual, mate." Lee eyed me
"I don't know why." I replied
"That's horrible!"
"I know!"

Lee had been asking me why I was acting weird with Angelina all of a sudden. Truth was, I did have a crush on her. I think. But the real reason I had started acting the way I was, was because I liked making Sage upset.

It was sick but seeing Sage shift and squirm uncomfortably in her seat while Angelina whispered to me about how hot she thought I was gave me a major ego boost. When I really thought about it I felt like some sort of narcissist that enjoyed watching someone suffer.

She wasn't really suffering though, she was just mildly uncomfortable. And thinking about how shes treated me in the past this felt well deserved. It wasn't that sick, was it?

My feelings for Angelina weren't that strong, but my hatred for Sage sure was. I don't even know why it bothered her so much. It was me and Angelina and it wasn't like it wasn't mutual.

"I thought you said you were going to stop being such an arse to Sage! What about Angelina?"
"I said I would try! And what about Angelina? I never said I didn't like her!"
"You sick, sick man." Lee shook his head

"Who's sick?" Angelina asked coming up between us
"Oh-" lee started
"Cormac." I said over him before he could respond
"Agreed." Angelina nodded

"Where are you two boys headed?" She asked
"Just, wondering around."
"Oh! Well im on my way to hang out with Hallie and Sage at the library. George will probably be there too now I think about it. Wanna come?

"Sure!" I replied a little too eagerly
Lee looked at me knowing why I was eager.
"Sick." Lee mouthed
"Shut up."

Sage's POV:
"Hey guys." Angelina sang walking in with two others in tow
"If it isn't my favorite lady." Lee joked sitting next to me
"Glad I'm someone's favorite." I laughed
"See, I told you Hallie, she does talk. You just gotta talk to her the right way."

"Don't tell me how to talk to my best friend."
"Geez Lee, don't anger it."
"Shut up George."
"Yes ma'am."

"So what's everyone been doing since we got here?" Angelina asked
Fred was leaning over resting his chin on her shoulder, it looked so natural, I hated it. I shifted in my seat trying to relieve the uneasy feeling I had.

We had been there for hours. Not even working or reading, just enjoying each others company. Taking about random things like upcoming plans, the Yule ball, the tournament. How the twins were going to be taking bets and who was bringing who to the ball.

Fred and Angelina had been basically snuggling the whole time, of course she insisted they weren't dating. They sure had a great way of showing that. They whispered in each others ears, she leaned against him, he rested his head against hers. They were perfect. She deserved better than him.

Angelina had been talking for weeks about what made Fred so great. I didn't see it.
Sure he was conventionally attractive, if you're into defined jawlines and muscles that could be seen through shirts.

I guess I wasn't attracted to idiots. I guess I could understand why she liked his smile when it lit up rooms the way it did. When his lips looked so soft and pink and-
"Earth to Sage."
"What?" I said snapping out of my trance

"You were staring at that book like you were rethinking your life choices." Hallie spoke
"Or thinking about a certain hot guy."
"I-wh-wha-" I said getting increasingly flustered
I wasn't thinking about Fred that way, I was weighing the pros and the cons.

"Mhm, Cedric Diggory."
"Oh, no." I sighed in relief
"Cedric! Really?" Lee questioned
"No." I replied

"Yeah? Who then?"
"No one."
"Sure, sure."

"Well as much as I enjoy listening to Sage's nonexistent love life, we have that prank at 3:30." Fred spoke standing up
"Don't be rude." Angelina corrected
I glared at him harshly as George and Lee stood up.
"Yep it's gonna be a big one." George said stretching

"Have fun!" Hallie called George waving back at her
The three of us watched the boys leave before Angelina whipped forward and started whispering excitedly.
"Did you see? He was totally flirting with me!"

"He actually was." Hallie agreed
"And you and George are so adorable together! He is head over heels in love with you."
"Awe, stop." Hallie blushed
"I can't believe Fred is flirting with me!" Angelina squealed

"He is sooo cute!"
I beg to differ
"He's so tall,"
I guess.
"And well built,"
I suppose he was.

"And his smile, oh god,"
I mean, if you're into that sort of thing.
"And the way he hugs, I could live in his arms,"
Physical affection isn't all that.

My mind started to swirl with memories from the borrow, the way he'd given me his shirt, the way he asked if I was ok. I suppose there might've been a different side to him... somewhere.

Still, there wasn't enough to make someone like him like that. I didn't understand why he was so popular amongst girls. He was the Gryffindor Cedric Diggory.
"He makes me feel special."
He made her feel special...

Why did he make her feel special? Why couldn't he make me feel special? Wait... what? That's when I knew, I'd been hanging around Angelina far too much. I was starting to think like her. Goodness. I did not want Fred to see me that way. That would be silly and utterly ridiculous.

That night I lay in my bedroom questioning why I would think about Fred in that way. I was sure it was a combined idea from all the thoughts filling my mind. I was thinking about Fred because he'd pissed me off again and I was thinking about how I wanted to feel special like she did. Yes, I was sure that was it.

"What's on your mind, honey boo boo bear?" Hallie asked coming out of the bathroom
I laughed lightly "Nothing."
"Okay, be honest with me... do you actually have a thing for Cedric? All jokes aside."
"No, I don't. He was quite literally just nice to me and we hit it off. I'd like to be friends but nothing more right now."

1085 Words | May. 4 2023

Two chapters in one day? 👀🫢

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