• Chapter 5 •

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Third Person POV:
Sage sat in the library waiting for Hallie. She had been hanging out with George more and more. Sage found she didn't dislike George as much as she thought but she would never admit that of course.

"There she is." Hallie whispered from behind her
Sage looked up from her book staring at the bookshelf in front of her. Hallie had brought people with her and she was afraid it was who she thought it was.

"Hello Sage." George nodded
Sage gave him a half a smile. She was willing to be civil but she wouldn't say she liked him just yet. Of course part of her hindrance was when there there was one, there was the other.

"I've got to find my books." George spoke
"I'll go with you." Hallie replied and off they went
Sage went back to her reading as Fred Freaking Weasley had the audacity to sit next to her.

He tapped his fingers for a moment before sighing. Sage could feel her eye twitching. He was just so annoying.
"I need to know, is your dad a dwarf or something? Because every time I see you all I can think about is how damn short you are." Fred commented

Sage looked up at him, she could feel her blood boiling but she was determined to keep an air of calm about her.
"Better to be small in stature than be small in other ways like you."

Fred's smirk widened "And in what ways am I small?"
Sage looked at him bravely "Well, I'd say you're about two inches." Sage sat back letting a satisfied smirk cross her face
Fred's smile never faltered "You wanna test that theory? You wouldn't even have to get in your knees cause you're so short."

"Excuse me-"
"We're back!" Hallie sang
Fred stood up grabbing his bag "Eight o'clock my dorm and we'll see if you're right." Fred whispered
All three of the remaining group gaped.

"What was that about?" George asked
"I hate your brother!" Sage snapped at him
"Yeah, well he says he hates you too so I can't help you there."
Hallie sniggered at George's remark.

The three stayed in the library for hours but Sage couldn't stop sulking about how Fred had gotten the upper hand again.
"I better go find Fred before he gets himself into more trouble." George sighed putting his books away
"Alright, I'll see you later!" Hallie called

George left the girls to find his twin who he found hanging out with their other best friend Lee Jordan as well as Cormac McLaggen. George didn't care for McLaggen much. He tended to sexualize women to a point that made George uncomfortable. Fred and him shared this opinion but McLaggen seemed to think him and Fred were best buds and Fred had yet to shake him off, said Cormac didn't have any other friends and didn't want to be rude.

"Not too hard on the eyes either... so short though." Cormac spoke
There he went again.
"Fred, you like her right?" Lee asked
Fred let out a laugh that sounded all too forced "Like her? Yeah, right. I can barley hold back my puke when I look at her."
Talking about Sage, she was the only one he talked about like that.

All three of the boys looked at him skeptically.
"No, I don't like her." Fred scoffed "She's too sarcastic and snippy and that thing she does with her hands when she's nervous is dumb."
"What thing?" George asked
"You know when she-" Fred mimicked the gesture as Lee smirked at George
"I think only you noticed that." Lee pointed out

"Nervous hand thing or not she's definitely in my top five for girls I'd want to have a one night stand with. Her and that friend of hers." Cormac nodded
"Don't talk about Hallie like that." George snapped

It wasn't a well hidden secret that George had feelings for Hallie. He just hadn't worked up the courage to say anything, he felt she deserved better than him. Of course Hallie felt the same way and George was too daft to notice. They both were.

"I don't know, everyone who's interacted with Sage has always said she's super sweet. I can't see her being mean or snippy to anyone." Lee butted in
"Well she is." Fred crossed his arms "And you're supposed to take my side. I've known her for years and she has never had one kind word to say to me."

"I think I'd have to put Hallie in front of Sage though, I don't like a girl with no height and fat thighs. Hallie's got that sexy body that's perfect for-" Cormac was still off in his sick world making sick detailed images of women's bodies

George reached out grabbing Cormac by the collar "I swear if you don't shut your mouth right now I'm going to throw you off the goddamn quidditch bleachers. Stop talking about her like that."
"Yeah, he'll do it too and we'll help him hide your body." Fred nodded
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I'll stop!" Cormac yelped

George released him with a slight shove, his knuckles turning back to a normal color. Cormac decided to walk off strutting like he owned the place. All three boys rolled their eyes.
"I don't like him." George grumbled
Fred and Lee nodded in agreement.
"Head back to our dorm?" Fred asked

Fred wasn't sure what made him dislike Sage so much. He wasn't even sure what made taunting her so enjoyable. All he knew was that even thinking about her made his face feel warm and his heart race. He was pretty sure that was hate.

Maybe it was the way she was always snippy for no reason. Sure they hadn't started off on the right foot but even when she tried to apologize she was snippy. It only made it easier to hate her when his whole family hated hers. Though, Fred couldn't tell you why and he'd never cared enough to find out.

Fred lay on bed listening to his brother and Lee chattering think about what Cormac said earlier. He'd never really thought about her that way but he supposed she was quite pretty, when she wasn't snapping at him. And She was quite short but Cormac seemed to think that was a bad thing. Fred didn't think she was too short. You know going by beauty standards or whatever.

He wondered what her genuine smile looked like and what her laugh sounded like. What it would be like to hug her, and hold her, and kiss her. Kiss her? What?
"Oi! Earth to Fred!" George called
"Hm, what?"
"Off in lala land again are we? Come on, it's time for dinner."

Kiss Sage? No, absolutely not. The very thought made him want to vomit. He didn't like her and she didn't like him. End of story. Fred's mind often wandered into places he didn't want to go. He shook the thought of kissing her off as that and went on with his life. He didn't want to and would never kiss her.

1200 Words | Feb. 20 2023

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