• Chapter 22 •

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Sage's POV:
It had been weeks since the Yule ball had been announced and my strange thoughts about Fred. Though the thoughts had been haunting me I found they had finally come in handy for once.

I practically floated down the hallway with excitement of my new idea. It was everything I needed to be, original, creative, sneaky, effective, humiliating for Fred, and most of all, it was something so outrageous that even he would never guess it in a million years.

"Good morning ladies." I smiled sitting down
"She speaks." Hallie mused
"Yes, yes I do. You know why?"
"Extra talkative too, it must be good." Angelina smiled

"Because I, Sage Selene Jackson, have come up with the brightest, most brilliant idea I have ever had in my attempts to humiliate Fred."

"Do say more." Angelina smiled leaning forward
"Well I need your permission Angie and both of you guys' help."
"I'm down." Hallie agreed

"Will he get hurt?" Angelina asked
"No of course not."
"Then I'm probably down too. What is it?"
"I'm going to slip love potion into his drink at breakfast." I grinned

"Woah! Really?" Hallie asked "I knew your plan would be crazy but geez!"
"Only if Angie is comfortable with it." I said "It'll only be enough to last a day and then he'll be back to normal."

"I am so down." She smiled
"So what to you need our help for?"

"Well, I need help making it and I was thinking when it's ready you can distract George and Angie can distract Fred. I'll let Lee know our plan and when both boys are distracted, I'll slip it in."

"That's what she-"
"Hallie shut up."

"I think that's a pretty genius plan."
"So when do you want to start making it?"
"As soon as possible."
"Let's go now then."

All of us agreed to start making it now. We slipped into Snape's supply closet for the things we couldn't find on our own.

Angelina was used as the distraction, I was the watch dog and Hallie grabbed what she needed as quick as possible.

"Oh Professor Snape! I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh uh about Uhm.... tutoring!" Yeah tutoring."

I watched Angelina distract a very suspicious Snape as Hallie opened the door as quietly as possible.

I'd been standing there for about five minutes and Angelina was running out of topics to jump to.

"Psst! Sage!"
"I need a boost."
"It's the last ingredient he won't catch us if we're quick. Help me!"

"Alright fine!" I said quickly slipping into the supply closet with her
"Hey baby girl."
"Shut up and get the ingredient." I shoved her

She laughed stepping into my hands as I boosted her up.
"Professor wait!"
"Crap! Hallie hurry!"

"Sage, don't move-"
My jolt of nervousness caused Hallie to wobble

Hallie jolted forward before we both toppled over. Hallie clutched the ingredients tight to her chest making sure they didn't break with the fall.

"Go, go!" I hissed grabbing her by her robes and hoisting her up
She'd gone into a state of shock still clutching the ingredients.

I poked my head out the door and noticed Angelina looking over Snape's shoulder with evident panic in her eyes.
"Go!" I urged Hallie who snapped out of her trance

She took off down the hallway and turned a corner and I couldn't see her anymore. I counted to ten in my mind before giving Angelina a thumbs up.

I shut the door just as she finished up her conversation and I took off in the same direction as Hallie.

We were smart enough to pick a meet up place to hide for a while in case Snape noticed some missing things from his cabinet.

"Never again!" Hallie wheezed trying to catch her breath
"That was kind of exciting." Angelina laughed
"Sage, this thing with Fred, officially too far, I don't have the lung capacity for this crap."
Angelina laughed.

Once we deemed it safe to leave and we were sure no one was looking for us we booked it to the forgotten bathroom where Moaning Myrtle lived, died, inhabited, something.

"This will take at least twenty four hours." Hallie explained
"Sleepover!" Angelina chanted
"We'll have to and someone will have to stay up all night for this.

"We can take turns." I suggested
"Yes I like that."
"Then it's settled we can set up and get our stuff to sleep while things are simmering.
"Alright then, go Team." Hallie said setting up the cauldron


"You did not!" Angelina laughed "And he fell over?"
"Yeah!" Hallie cackled

She had been recounting the story of how she had shoved George at Hogsmeade last Christmas and he had actually fallen over while she ran away.

"What time is it?" Angelina asked crunching down on more popcorn
"1:56 AM," I replied
"Wow, we're already almost done."
"Time flies when you're having fun." Hallie spoke

"So, have you really thought this plan through?" Angie asked
I shrugged, I hadn't really but it seemed like a good plan and it would start rumors which would humiliate him. Which is what I wanted.

"Yeah I mean, he's going to be in love with you. Like head over heels, probably trying to shag you around every corner-"
"Woah." Angelina interjected "Bit graphic there."
"Sorry, I'm just saying. You might not know what you're getting into."

"I have to get him back, this is the best plan I've had."
"That is true." Angelina agreed "And it's only for a day, it's not like it's forever or anything. Besides he deserves it."

"Don't you have a crush on him?" Hallie laughed
"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind seeing him humbled a little bit. Besides I'm her best friend before I'm his fangirl."
"Hoes before bros or something like that?" Hallie commented

We all looked at each other before bursting into laughter.
"For life!" Angelina grinned


"Wakey wakey." Hallie shook me awake gently
"What time is it?" Angelina groaned "When did we fall asleep?"
"We all took turns watching the potion, I took the last shift."

Angelina and I sat up fully waking ourselves up. It was morning already and today was the day.
"It's ready."

1044 Words | May. 13 2023

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