• Chapter 43 •

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Sage's POV:

    "Hey." Fred spoke from behind me
"Hi." I replied not bothering to look at him as I continued to flip through a book I'd been reading.

    I felt him lean in, burying his nose in the crook off my neck making me jump "Fred!" I squealed quietly
"What?" He asked feigning innocence "You smell nice."

    "What are you doing?" I questioned as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and took in a deep breath "Nothin' " he replied he tongue darting out to lick my skin teasingly "You taste nice too." He smirked

    I shiver ran down my spine as I tried to pull away "Fred-"
"No~" he whined pulling me against him harder "Just stay here. I promise I'll be good."

    I look back at him with a disbelieving look on my face "When are you ever?"
"Never." He nodded
"I thought you had class." I rolled my eyes relaxing back into my previous position
"Shh," Fred hushed "I most definitely don't."

    "You most definitely do, now get out of here."
"Ugh, you're no fun." Fred pouted
"Hey, I can be fun!" I quip
"Prove it." He smirked

    "Fine." I challenge "You make your way to my dorm room after your class."
"I look forward to it." He smirked


    A class period later I was pacing around my dorm room. I had no idea what I was on when I told him to come to my dorm room but here I was. He was right, I was no fun. I should've taken the insult on the chin and moved on.

    But noooo, I had to prove I could be just as much fun as him, that I could be romantic, that I could be spontaneous and passionate. Now I was stuck. I had no plans and I wasn't sure if I was ready for what he probably had planned.

    I jumped as i heard a knock on my door. I swung it open a little too aggressively.
"Listen!" I practically shouted "You're right! I'm no fun, I had no idea what I was doing when I told you to come here and I know what you're thinking and I don't think I'm ready!"

    I could feel my face warming with embarrassment. Fred loomed over me with a smug grin on his face.
"I know." He whistled waltzing into my dorm room "That's why I brought wizards chess."

    I stood there with my jaw dropped "You knew?"
"Oh yeah," he laughed
I huffed slightly. He knew and that pissed me off. He already knew I arranged this out of an act of stubbornness.

    I watched as he examined my room before flopping down on my bed.
"Hey now, how did you even know that was my bed?"
He cocked an eyebrow at me "Hallie is a neat freak. Besides I don't see you as the one with the strawberry comforter."

    "... yeah alright." I sigh making my way to sit down next to him
"Chess?" Fred grinned
"Why not." I smile shaking my head


    "Hey you cheated!" I protest as Fred checked me in the fourth game in a row
"Oh, did not!" He replied
"yes you did!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Fred! You so cheated! You cheater! You can't do that you-"

    Fred grabbed my face in his hand pulling me close as he silenced me with his lips. A moment later he pulled away smirking smugly "What were you saying?"

    "Shut up," I grumble leaning in for another kiss
"Mhm," Fred chuckled, obliging quickly
I so loved kissing him. It was the most thrilling sensation and I knew I would never tire of it.

    Before I knew it the Chess board had been messily pushed aside as Fred and I began to make out. My hands had just messed up his hair when the door opened.

    "Hey Sage you have a letter from-"
Fred and I jumped apart but it was too late. Hallie stood there in the doorway looking a mix of horrified and flabbergasted as she dropped the letters she was holding.

    "Hallie! It's-it's not what it looks like-" I stammered
"Where is there room for misinterpretation!" She replied
"Hallie listen!"
"No! I will not listen! And you-" She jabbed her finger at Fred "You-you- Oh! Just get out! I can't think straight."

    "That's fair." Fred nodded, winking at me before leaving our room looking wholly unfazed
That lucky jerk. I thought I was going to hurl from anxiety.

    "Stop." She held her hand up "Give me a second."
I stood there as Hallie paced around the room, mumbling to herself. She would pause occasionally to look at me angrily. If looks could kill.

    After about twenty minutes she took a deep breath and stopped.
"I knew... I knew you were in love with him."
"Mhm," I nodded
"But Sage... this is, this is totally different.

    "I know! Okay, I know."
"Sage he's taken-"
"I know."
"His family would never accept it."
"I know."
"How would Angelina feel?"

    I grimaced. I knew she was right. I didn't want to hear it.
"And he wants you too?"
"He says he does." I mumble
Hallie sighed "Why didn't you tell me?"

    "I don't know..."
"I'd be a lot less freaked out if I hadn't caught you two. I thought we told each other everything."

    "This is different Hallie, this is- is like my deepest secret, it's horrible and I know it's horrible and I don't want anyone else to remind me of how horrible it is."

    Hallie sighed again, plopping down on her bed "It's not horrible... it's a little shocking but you can't control your feelings."
"I know it would crush Angelina..." I admit "I think about it everyday."

    "How could you not tell me." Hallie repeated still in shock
"I thought you would harass and ridicule me."
"Now is that likely?"
"You're very pushy when you want to be."

    "Yeah alright," Hallie sighed "But not when it's something major like this."
"Yeah okay." I nod "So what now?"
"I don't know..." Hallie replied
"I'm sorry I kept it from you."
"It's okay."

1020 words | Feb. 16 2024

Y'all I say this every time but I swear I'm not getting out of writing I've just been super busy, I promise yall I'm not abandoning this book 😭🙏

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