• Chapter 2 •

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Fred's POV:
I never really considered myself to be a judgmental person. Sure I disliked the Slytherin house but for good reason. It was the same thing with the Jacksons. I may have been raised to despise them for what they did to us generations ago but I mean who really holds a grudge for that long?

There was a war, we killed some of their ancestors, they killed some of ours. Lots of people were killing other people and they didn't start feuds over it. Even George agreed that fighting them was kind of pointless. We decided to be chill after finding out one of them was in our year.

It was only downhill from there... first year I met her. She was walking down the hall when she walked right into one of mine and George's pranks. Turns out she didn't have a sense of humor. I tried apologizing but she shoved me out of the way and stormed off. The git.

Ever since then she's been rude, I think that's just her personality honestly. She's so mean and for no reason other than she was stupid enough to fall for a very badly set up prank. I even thought that maybe she might have just been in a bad mood that day but she never let me get close enough to say anything other than snide comments. Honestly she provokes me. I wouldn't say the mean things I do if she didn't start it.

George never had to meet her except in passing when she was trying to make me angry. He used to tease that I liked her until he realized I just really really hated her. There was nothing to like. She had a squeaky and quiet voice when she wasn't yelling at you, she barley made it to 5', her hair was frizzy all the time, her eye color was basically black. Like her soul. There was no way in hell I was ever going to catch feelings for a heartless, humorless, short little raccoon like her.

I already didn't like her parents, no one did. They were openly death eaters who just hadn't been caught yet. I guess this was to be expected seeing as she lives with them. There was even a club that plotted ways to get her expelled, I thought about joining then decided it wasn't worth mums wrath. Even if we did hate them she wouldn't like me getting some other student expelled.

"Cmon, you liked Hallie when you met her!" George argued
"Yeah before I knew she was friends with her." I replied "That changes everything!"
"How? How does it change anything?"
I crossed my arms "Anyone who gets along with Sage must be mentally ill and should be sent to a crazy house."

George rolled his eyes "Well I like her and I'm going to hang out with her, so you're gonna have to deal with it."
Despite the fact that I like Hallie, this still felt like a betrayal. When I saw her sitting with Sage on that train I could have gouged my eyes out. Stupid girls. Stupid Sage.

We walked to the great hall deciding not to talk about it anymore.
"Ok bye." George said suddenly
"Woah, wait what?" I asked
"I'm going to talk to Hallie, obviously you don't like her so I assumed you weren't coming."

"Oh Merlin's beard..." I grumbled following him
"Thought so." George mocked
"Morning George! Fred." Hallie nodded
I gave her a half nod sitting down across from Sage.

She was fully absorbed in a book she didn't even spare a glance up. She was probably ignoring us. Not that I wanted to talk to her anyway, she's a jerk. She gripped her book tightly as if she were having an internal battle before looking up from her book.

Hallie jumped besides her looking at her friend. Sage looked at George with obvious dislike but no hate. Unlike me who she didn't even spare a glance at.
"George." She nodded curtly before standing up "I'll see you later Hallie."

Hallie waved at her friend looking back at us.
"She's really sweet when you get to know her, I swear."
I scoffed, not likely.
George looked at her skeptically "I don't see it."
"Yeah! She's really very quiet and keeps to herself I've only ever seen her get angry with... well Fred. She's quite shy actually."

"Glad I bring out the best in her." I rolled my eyes "I think she has you fooled."
Hallie shook her head "I've known Sage most my life. She hates her parents as much if not more than most people, she doesn't like people getting in her business, she gets anxious in every social situation, the total opposite of what you see. Other than the sarcasm."

We both stared at her, I still didn't believe it.
"I don't want you two to get the wrong idea of her. Though it might be too late for that."
"Yeah it's too late." I agreed
"I'll talk to her, I'll try to get her to be more civil."

"I'll talk to Fred." George nodded
I scoffed again, he was not corrupting me. I hated her and that wasn't going to change. Ever. Though I think I'll be ok if Hallie sticks around. I may have misjudged her, slightly.


"So, Hallie?" George nudged my side as we walked to class
He knew he had won this fight.
"She's, alright." I conceded "I may have misjudged her."
"Thank you."
"I still don't like Sage, I still hate her in fact." I added quickly
George patted my back "We'll work on it, don't worry."

Like hell. I will never be friends or anything else with her other than mortal enemies.
"Speaking of which. How did you know what dorm room Hallie and Sage would be in?"
"We've had the same dorm room for the past two years, from what I heard everyone else has too. I think it's just first years who get moved around." I explained
"Thats mad."
"I also followed her on the map." I confessed
"Knew it."

1023 Words | Jan. 26 2023

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