• Chapter 29 •

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Third Person POV:
    It had been about a week since the Yule ball. Hallie and George were happy together, Fred and Angelina were seemingly happy together. Everyone was happy.

    Except Sage. She had been confused since she kissed Fred and he'd kissed her back. She thought for a moment it had meant something, that they were going to talk.

    But if you thought Fred had been avoiding her before. It was a whole new level now. The only time she saw him was tables away from each other and Fred wouldn't spare her so much as a sideways glance.

    Sage couldn't help but feel a small sting when Angelina had come screaming and barreling into her dorm room that Fred had asked her to be his girlfriend.

    They never talked. She thought that kiss had meant something to him, that they would talk and maybe put things behind them. At least something, a crumb. But there was nothing.

    She wasn't looking for a proposal but at least some sign he wasn't cold hearted kissing girls and their best friends left and right. Maybe he hated her. More than he already did. Maybe he felt she was in the wrong.

    Fred didn't know how to feel. He had never been so confused in his life. He didn't think he wanted to kiss her but there he was in that moment.

    The most hurtful words spilling from her mouth and his instant reaction was to kiss her? On top of that, he'd enjoyed the kiss? He found that her lips were soft and coaxed him in.

    He'd been just as shocked when she kissed him back. It had made him feel warm all over his body. But he had Angelina. His date, the girl he'd asked to go with him and was planning on asking to date him.

    He liked Angelina, he liked her a lot. She liked him back. Why would he choose Sage, who even told him she still hated him over someone who was open and willing for a relationship.

    That kiss with Sage, it was a one time thing. A burst of built up emotions. A moment and a moment that would never happen again. Fred had even distanced himself. He tried forgetting, he let himself fall into a relationship with Angelina.

    It was great, she was everything he wanted. She understood his interests and she enjoyed going out and doing things. She enjoyed parties like he did. She enjoyed quidditch like he did. They were a match made in heaven.

    So he forgot about Sage and let Angelina consume his thoughts. And it worked, it worked so well that he didn't even dream at night about Sage anymore. He forgot, or at least he thought he did.

    That was until he was forced to sit across from her at the library. He hadn't gone to the library in a while for the exact reason that he knew Sage was there a lot.

    But then everyone decided they wanted to meet up and hang out in the library together. Fred had tried to get out of it but Angelina wouldn't let him. It had almost been their first fight.

    Sage kept looking at him and looking away as soon as he noticed. He was sure he had never seen her this nervous before. Fred had never felt so uncomfortable he wanted to pitch himself off the astronomy tower.

    "Where's Lee?" Hallie asked
"He-he was busy." Sage spoke
Her voice cracked in a way he'd never heard before.

    "Poor Sage, the third wheel." Angelina teased gripping Fred's arm tighter
Sage barley cracked even a half smile. The guilt was eating her alive.

    How could she have kissed her best friend's crush? While she was on a date with him no less. It was disgusting. She hated herself for it. She was confused as to what was even going on in her mind when she didn't push him away.

    She had kissed him back. They had kissed each other. Hallie and George had seen them do it too. They couldn't just, just dismiss this. But she didn't want to talk about it.

    Hallie had harassed her about it until Sage had pretended to break down over it and made Hallie feel bad so she would let it alone. Sage did not want to talk about it. But the tension gripping her heart made her want to stand up and confess.

    She wanted to bang her head against the table, she wanted to be dumped back into the black lake, she wanted to do cartwheels down the staircase, she wanted to jump into the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. She was suffering to say the least.

    "Me and George have plans." Hallie said standing up "See you later losers."
Hallie stood up taking George with her. She didn't even glance back. Sage reached out to stop her but it was too late.

    George shooting her a sympathetic look before disappearing as well. Sage truly thought she was going to die here. She wasn't ready. She would never be ready to be left remotely alone with Fred.

    Sage let out a stream of curses in her mind panicking on what to do. Shakily she picked up her book and continued reading.
"I have to use the lavatory. I'll be right back."

    "Wait! I'll-"
Why did everyone walk so fast? Sage was going to cry. Sage sat back locking eyes with Fred immediately. The look spread through both of their bodies and was evident in their faces.

    Fred's leg was bouncing uncontrollably from under the table and Sage had begun to fidget. They sat there glancing up at each other. Sage couldn't help but wonder how long it really took one person to use the lavatory.

    "Okay will you quit?" Fred snapped
"Quit what?" Sage snapped back
"That stupid fidgeting thing you do with your hands!"
"Oh I'm sorry, I can't control it!"

    "It sets my teeth on edge!"
"That sounds like a you Problem."
"You seem to think everything is a me problem. When do you start looking at yourself?" Fred's nostrils flared

    "When you stop being an idiot and a git."
"You know, I cant believe I kissed you!"
"Not like it's a fond memory for me either Gingy!"
"Will you stop calling me that!"

    "Oh screw you." Fred slammed his book shut and left the table
"Still not getting along?" Angelina asked coming up behind Sage
"We never will." Sage crossed her arms

    It was an unspoken agreement and one that didn't need to be made. Angelina was never going to know about what happened that night. As it would ruin both of their relationships with her.

    And besides, why say something when it was a dumb choice that would never happen again.
    Unfortunately for them and never to their knowledge Angelina had overheard their conversation. Turns out, it doesn't take one person very long to use the lavatory.

1120 Words | June. 6th 2023

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