• Chapter 3 •

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Sage's POV:
I ran down the hallway determined not to be late to Professor Snape's class. Today was a major project and I wasn't going to get stuck with the one student no one wants to be with.

I stopped just before the door trying to be as quiet as possible. I opened the door and to my dismay it creaked louder than the shrieking shack. Everyone turned towards the door including Snape who narrowed his eyes at me.

I looked at Hallie hoping she would be alone and not paired up. Of course she was paired with George. Some friend I had.
"Finally decided to join us did you?" Snape drawled

"I'm very sorry professor." I replied
"Five points from Hufflepuff and since you decided to live on your own time you can work with Weasley since neither of you can seem to remember to show up on time."

I froze. Not Fred, anyone but Fred.
"But professor-"
"This is not a negotiation."
I turned to see Fred sulking with his arms folded.

I hated this. I hated Snape. I hated Fred. I hated life. I practically threw my bag as I sat down next to him.
"Don't think I'm looking forward to this either sunshine." Fred grumbled
We glared at each other harshly. I barley heard the instruction.

"You will not have any class time to complete this project. It will all be done outside of class and will be due Tomorrow during our double period. Now get out."

All the students packed up their bags and headed out. I signed standing up and grabbing my bag.
"Library at Four, be there or I'm kicking your ass." I snapped
"I'd like to see you try." He scoffed

I walked out of class with Hallie who looked at me sympathetically.
"Not your top pick for a partner huh?"
"I think not, and now I have to meet him in the library at three."
"That's only a few minutes from now." Hallie pointed out

"What?" I asked checking my watch
We had been talking for almost an hour and a half just wandering around the school.
"I've got to go." I said turning down another hall heading to the library

I found Fred in the very back of the library popping Bertie's Bots Every Flavor Beans like pills with his feet propped up on the table. Not a book in sight. Food wasn't even allowed in the library.

He gave me the biggest eye roll I'd ever seen as I approached the table. I wanted to smack that look of his face. I held no restraint as I slammed the books we would need on the table making him jump back slightly.

"Let's get this straight right now. I don't want to work with you, but we have to and I'm not letting you get me a bad grade so suck it up and get it together so we can get this done."
Fred looked wholly unfazed as we stared at each other.
"Fine." He sighed

It was going well for about five minutes until Fred started goofing around. He stared throwing beans at my hair, fascinated at how they stuck.
I slammed the book sup hut glaring at him "Is everything a joke to you?"
"Pretty much." He smirked placing his hands behind his back relaxing

"I cannot believe you sometimes," I said burying my hands in my hair "Does everything have to be a struggle with you?"
"Listen, it's not like I want to be here either. So I'll just save us both the stress because I have quidditch practice." He said standing up

"What? No! You still have your half a project to do! I'm not doing all the work you jerk!"
"Fine!" He groaned "Leave the project under my dorm room door and back off! I can't handle being in the same room as you anymore."
With that, he left. He just left. Neglecting his responsibilities as usual not caring if he took me down with him.
"We're gonna fail." I said to myself

I left the library running into George on his way to practice. I reluctantly went up to h8m clutching the project in my fist.
"Oh hey Sa-"
Shoving the project at him I cut him off.
"Give this to your idiot twin."
George gaped at me and I stormed off. Two hours had been plenty of time with his face.

The next day I actually got to class early. My leg bouncing with anxiety. I hadn't seen the project since I gave it to George and I was sure we were going to fail. My grade was already on the edge and I was counting on this grade saving me but that hope was long gone.

Five minutes into class and Fred wasn't there. I was doomed. He couldn't even show up on time he probably hadn't even finished the damn thing.
"Missing your partner?" Snape cocked an eyebrow at me
The door burst open and Fred came swaggering in with his bag thrown over his shoulder.
"Here." He smirked cockily

"Just in time to go first. I'd drop the attitude if I were you Mr. Weasley, you are walking in thin ice."
It took everything in me not to bang me head against the table. I had no idea what he'd done and there was no time to prepare. It would be up to him and I was doomed. I stood up there hands folded in front of me as Fred set up the presentation.

"That is why The Draught of Living Death is also considered a death potion and how it's ingredients affect the drinker."
I about fell over as Fred handed out a practically perfect presentation and paper. I think the only mistakes we're ones I made. This could not be right. Snape begrudgingly gave us a 95 and we sat back down.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked
"Well," Fred set his feet on the table "I think I just got us that grade. You're welcome."
"Feet off the desk." Snape smacked his ruler against the desk causing Fred to jump into impeccable posture
I sniggered earning a harsh glare from him.
"Shut up."

1039 Words | Feb. 16 2023

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