• Chapter 14 •

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
{Mentions of abuse, suicide and SA}

Sage's POV:
I winced as I wiped the remaining blood off of the cut across my shoulder blade. I examined it in the bathroom mirror along with all the other cuts across my body that had long since healed.

Dumping the bloody cloth in the sink, I gripped the edge of the counter and cried. I cried until breathing seemed impossible, until the tears stopped and all I could do was hiccup. My life felt like a downhill spiral.

I paused long enough to look at my brother through the mirror. I was stupid to think he was saving me that day on the platform. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I was so happy to see him I didn't notice that he wasn't himself.

Then to sit in the car four three hours and see that mansion flood my view. He wasn't taking me somewhere far away and he didn't have custody of me. I found out not long after the rumors were true, he was a death eater now.

"Go away." I snapped
He always managed to come into my room when I was in the middle of a breakdown.
"Here let me help you." He said picking up an abandoned bandage off the floor
"Why do you come in here?"
"After I found you trying to drown yourself in the bathtub and then teetering on the edge of the balcony, I think it's within my rights to be concerned."

But it was ok to let my mother and other men treat me anyway they wanted to.
"So how did you get this one?" He asked placing the bandage over the cut
"I tried to leave and he broke the wine bottle on the table and then threw it at me."
"I'm sorry."
"He wasn't one of the main ones, so I don't think I will have to see him again."

"Do they all treat you like this?"
Apollo just sighed finishing up with the bandage. He opened his mouth as if to say something but the house elf walked in cutting him off.

"Mistress wishes to speak with you." She squeaked out "And she asks that you change into appropriate clothing."
I nodded fixing my face once again, my brother leaving me to get dressed.

I listened to the clicking of my shoes on the marble floor as I made my way to my mothers office. My shoulder was screaming in pain as I kept my uncomfortably perfect posture.

Things hadn't always been this way. Sure, mother had never been very kind but she never hurt me or let anyone else hurt me, physically at least.

Maybe it was cause I was little and she was still hoping she could shape me to fit her mold. It didn't work out, and that was painfully obvious after my first year at Hogwarts.

"Come in." My mothers sultry voice carried through the walls after I knocked politely three times
I opened the door bowing my head, sucking up as much and as quickly as possible. If I skirted under the radar and was compliant she wouldn't get angry.

Standing up from her desk mother made her way to where I was standing. Not daring to look up I stared at her shoes. She grabbed my jaw harshly, I had to stifle a gasp as her bruising grip held firm.

She slapped me so hard that I collided with the wall, a sharp pain spreading through my cheekbone and my eye.
"You are worthless. How can I expect you to get our top clients when you can't even manage the lower class ones."

I pulled myself up using the wall I hit as leverage. Grateful for the hair that had fallen in the way of my face.
"You have ruined yet another proposal. Get out."
"Yes, mother."

I collected myself enough to get back to my room. I refused to cry as the throbbing on both sides of my face started to flare up again. I opened my bedroom door greeted by the circular mirror attached to my vanity.

My hair was a mess, my lip was cut and bleeding, there was a giant bruise across my cheek and the other side of my face was pink and swollen. How had my life gotten to this point?

Overwhelmed with hatred for my own reflection, I grabbed the mirror, violently detaching it from the rest of the vanity and slammed it against the corner of the dresser causing it to shatter and scatter in pieces everywhere. I backed away, the sound of class crunching under my shoes.

I had to get out.

I frantically searched for parchment and a quill thinking about who I could letter that could come and save me. Everyone was gone. They were all away from home and wouldn't receive my letter until it was probably too late.

Then, a still small voice rang through my mind.
Well if you need to be saved from mass boredom.
I took in a shaky breath starting to write. My own tears stained the parchment, I didn't know who else to go to.

It didn't matter that he was Fred's brother. It didn't matter his entire family despised mine. The only thing that mattered was that he could save me. He was the only one who had the means to actually help me.

I packed my bags, changed my oddly Victorian clothes, and did the best I could to cover the marks. I packed everything I would need for school and then some, charming my bags to hold more.

It was early morning and I prayed by the time they got my letter and decided weather or not they were going to actually help me it would be evening when they got here.

Or, they weren't going to help me at all. Fred could talk George out of doing something. Their family could find out about it and forbid them from coming, or worse ground them for even speaking to me.

There was no guarantee that they would save me but they were all I had. No one else was going to save me and it was obvious that I couldn't save myself.

I sat on the edge of my bed clutching my wand tightly. I waited anxiously saying more than one silent prayer.
Please let them come for me.

1070 Words | Apr. 11 2023

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