• Chapter 32 •

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Sage's POV:
     "A Durmstrang?" Hallie questioned
"Yes, why is that so shocking?"
"I don't know, I just didn't expect that to be your type." She said continuing to pick up her half of the room
"What do you mean?"

I'd forgotten I didn't tell her about Stefan. I had met him a while ago. He was very sweet. Gentle Giant type. Of course Hallie had to make a big deal about it.

She sighed sitting down on her freshly made bed "I don't know, I guess you just, you never talk about these kinds of things and after seeing you literally make out with Fred-"
"Hallie I told you,"
"I know, I know it was nothing. It just didn't look like nothing."

"It was a heated argument with anger taken out the wrong way. That's all."
"I konow but typically your first reaction is to punch someone you hate, not kiss them.
"He's with Angelina."

    "He was kissing you back too you know."
"We argue worse than we did before."
"Maybe because neither of you know how to talk about your feelings and neither of you want to accept them because you have been fighting for years and your both stubborn-"

"Okay, okay. Im sorry. You said it's nothing then I'm sure its not."
"Thank you." I said laying down
"Just make sure this new guy doesn't turn into some weird rebound because you cant accept you might not actually totally despise Fred."

    Might not totally despise Fred? I scoffed to myself at her words. I did totally despise him. I think. Yeah. I mean other than when I didn't hate him. But how often was that really?

    I hated when Hallie was right and I was determined not to let this be one of those times.
"Sage!" A thick accent called out behind me

    I smiled warmly trying to hide my worries
"Hello Stefan."
"How are you today?" He asked
"Oh I'm good, how about you?"
"Good, good. Better since I've seen you."

    "That's sweet of you to say." I smiled
"It's true." He insisted "I always enjoy my time with you. I'll be sad when I have to leave again."
"Then, we'll just have to exchange addresses so we can write each other."
"Yes." He nodded

    I spent a few hours with Stefan, I always enjoyed hanging out with him. He was, like I said, quite sweet and well spoken. Though a lot of times neither of us said anything at all.

    "I have to go."
"Oh, alright." I smiled "I'll see you later then."
"Yes, I always enjoy our time together "
"So do I." I agreed

    Stefan left, netting up with his friends who were laughing and talking wildly. I turned walking down the other end of the hallway.

I went looking for Hallie when I was grabbed suddenly. I gasped but before I could say anything I was pushed into an alcove. A mess of red hair invading my vision.

Locking me against the wall, between his arms, Fred connected our lips together. My hands pressed against his chest I felt his rapid heartbeat as I kissed him back.

What was going on? I was so confused and overwhelmed at the same time. His lips were fire against mine. One second you're walking down the hallways the next Fred has you pushed into a corner.

He continued to kiss me feverishly and I could feel myself kissing him back. I don't know why...

"Fred wait-" I said trying to push him away
"I saw you with that Durmstrang." He spoke moving to planting kisses along my jaw "I can't stand it when I see you talking to other guys." Fred mumbled into my skin

"Fred we can't do this." I whimpered gripping his arms that kept me from leaving
He was dating Angelina, one of my best friends Angelina.
"Fred please," I whispered as he moved further down my neck

This wasn't right. She would be crushed if she ever found out we did this. Heat flooded my face, I loved this but I hated myself. How could I do this to her?

   I let my head fall to the side giving him more access to what he wanted.
How could I do this? I refused to look at anything but the wall, guilt eating me alive. But I couldn't stop.

A group of students passed knocking me back into reality. Fred froze, his heavy panting thundering in my ear.

He slumped sighing deeply before pulling away.
"Go." He ordered moving to the side
I stared at him blankly trying to read his emotions.

He was like a blank canvas, an undisturbed surface of water.
"Go." He repeated
I pushed off of the wall and left down the hallway.

I was going to cry. This was so confusing. I hated him I didn't hate him. I wanted him to hold me I wanted to slap him. He pissed me off but I loved him. I loved him. Oh god.

I didn't know what to do. I wandered aimlessly to my dorm room. What was I going to do? Did he feel the same way I mean he did initiate some of the kisses.

Was I just a plaything for him to torture as he pleased? Was it hormones? Why? Why would he kiss me back when he already had the most amazing girl.

Angelina didn't deserve this. She deserved someone who was gonna be faithful to her. How I could I say that when I might have cause him to stray?

I initiated some of the kisses, I didn't stop him when he kissed me. I enjoyed the kisses. I was going to loose my mind.

"Are you Alright?" Hallie asked
I didn't even realize I was standing in the middle of my dorm staring blankly at the carpeted floors.

I opened my mouth to say something but the right words wouldn't come.
I'm in love with Angelina's boyfriend.
You were right that kiss between me and Fred did mean something.

There were no right words that didn't make me sound like a complete skank. What would Hallie think of me? She was Angelina's friend too. Maybe her other friends had good reason to hate me.

I hated myself right now.
"Come here, sit down." Hallie led me to my bed "Tell me what's going on."
I fisted my hands in my lap. I was in love with Fred Freaking Weasley.

"What is wrong?" Hallie asked placing her hand on my back "You've been acting strange all day and now you're completely out of it."

It had taken me a long time to realize what my feelings were. That it wasn't hate that burned my cheeks when I was around him. I couldn't keep them from her. Not Hallie. The words clawed their way up my throat, my eyes burning. I looked at her tears welling up in my eyes.

"I am in love with Fred." I confirmed
A tear slipped past my cheek landing on my leg "I think I've been in love with him for a while."
Hallie looked at me stunned as the tears continued to drip.

I brought my fisted hands up to my face, once the tears started they couldn't stop. Fred and Angelina made me uncomfortable because I was jealous. I hated him liking her because I wanted him to love me.

I wanted what I couldn't have and I didn't care who's heart I broke. If Angelina ever found out, she would be crushed. How could I do this to her. Why did this have to happen?

I sobbed into my hands "I'm in love with Fred Weasley!"

1280 Words | Jul. 7 2023


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