• Chapter 4 •

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Third Person POV:
It had been a few days since the major project in Snape's class, Fred and Sage had mostly avoided each other except for occasional bickering.

That was until yesterday morning, when Sage had called him carrot top and Fred practically exploded. It had been a satisfying thing to watch but Sage knew she would be paying for it later that day.

The only thing was she didn't. He hadn't pranked her once, she didn't even see him the rest of that day. She didn't know if he was just taunting her or planning something truly horrible.

Today was the day of Hogsmeade, both Hallie and Sage got up early for the occasion. Most people did. Unfortunately the quidditch team had practice so not everyone would get to go.

Sage yawned getting out of bed adjusting the bun on top of her head. Sage looked at her friend confused as Hallie started to cackle.

"What? What's so funny?"
Hallie cold only point at her as she started to laugh harder.
"Is there something on me?" Sage asked looking down herself
Hallie started pointing at the bathroom as she practically fell over laughing.

Sage stood up fearfully walking to the mirror. Red. It was a mess of red curly hair on top of her head. Weasley red to be exact. She gaped at her own hair with betrayal.
"I am gonna kill him." She snapped

Sage grabbed her jacket quickly not caring if she ran around the school in stupid looking flannel pajama shorts and a skimpy tank top. She practically flew down the hallway to the quidditch pitch, anger singeing her cheeks.

Her eye caught on two tall redheads in quidditch uniform walking with some other kid with dreads. Fred turned his head laughing at something George had said. Sage was livid.

Her body seemed to move as if on it's own as she silently ran up behind him. She didn't even register her actions as her feet left the ground and her arms wrapped around his neck putting him in a chokehold.

Fred let out a startled cry as she locked her legs around his hips and started strangling him. George jumped back before realizing who it was and started laughing harder than Hallie had.

"Bloody hell-"
"You fix my hair Fred Weasley or so help me!"
"I can't-!" Fred coughed
"Then you die today!" Sage roared tightening her chokehold
"Okay okay!" Fred cheeks had gone red as he tried and failed to get her off him

He couldn't stand up straight and her grip on him was frantic like a scared chipmunk.
"Put my hair back to normal." Sage seethed
"I can't do it, you're gonna have to go to Madam Pomfrey."
"Fine, Then you're taking me."
"What?! I have practice-"
"I don't care. You put my hair this way!"
"You called me carrot top!"

"Are you gonna take me to madam Pomfrey or are we going to stand here bickering while I choke you to death?!"
"Can you let me go?"
"And give you a chance to run for it? I think not. Now start walking bud."

Fred rolled his eyes, awkwardly hobbling to the hospital wing leaving behind a confused Lee Jordan and a still laughing George.
"Either they are going to be married by the end of the year or they will have killed each other." George smiled wiping his eyes

Fred, without much of a choice, took Sage to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey fixed her hair like he'd promised. Luckily she didn't give him any punishment seeing as there was no harm done and everyone knew that it was all harmless bickering.

"Anyway. Now I'm late and you're welcome. Since you couldn't walk here on your own two feet."
"You wouldn't have been late if you hadn't dyed my hair." Sage retorted
"Well I wouldn't have dyed your hair if you hadn't called me carrot top." Fred snapped
"Well I wouldn't have called you that if you hadn't-"
"Sorry, I cant hear you from up here."

Oh she hated Fred. She especially hated the height difference. The top of her head didn't even reach his shoulders and Fred made sure to use that to his advantage. Taking pleasure in how she practically had to look straight up to look him in the eye. He knew what he was doing. Though Sage had taken to side eyes or just not looking at him at all. She felt she had more dignity that way.

"Whatever, go play with your stick and balls."
"I will, you'll be asking to play with them soon enough."
Sage swiveled around barley catching his comment but he was already swaggering down the hallway in the opposite direction. Her cheeks burned. How he managed to make her as riled up as she did was beyond her.

By the time Sage got back to her dorm to change she had already missed the time to leave and now she would be stuck here. She would hold this against Fred. Grumbling madly she plopped down in the windowsill with a book but she couldn't focus long enough to get through a chapter.

Her mind kept swirling with Fred Weasley and his stupid face, with his stupid pranks, and his stupid stupid smirks and commentary. She could have killed him but somehow he always managed to get the upper hand and took pride in how angry she got.

How could one person be so infuriating? She wanted to slap him so hard he fell over and broke his precious ego. She wanted to humiliate him the way he did her seemingly without trying. One day, she would. She would think of some way to hurt him that was so amazing that he would leave her alone for the rest of time.

Sage sulked on the thought, trying to think of some way to get him back. She would dye his hair brown? No that would be too normal and copying his idea. It had to be original. It had had to be good.
"I'm back." Hallie sang walking in with more bags than she could handle "I got you some stuff that I thought you'd like since you were sorting out your hair."

"So, is Fred still alive or do I need to plan my funeral outfit?"
"He's at quidditch practice. Do you know what he said to me?!" Sage could feel herself getting riled up again
"Ooh, let me get my candy and you can tell me all about it."

1190 Words | Feb. 17 2023

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