• Chapter 8 •

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Apollo's POV:
"I'll see you later." Hera waved
"Night." I smiled
I apparated home fumbling with the keys of for my door. I flipped on the switch turning on the main lights of the house. I stretched heading to the bathroom for a shower.

"She's quite pretty."
I nearly jumped out of my skin thinking I had imagined the voice. Last I checked I lived alone. I looked around making sure I was alone.
"Funny her name too."

I wasn't crazy and it was coming from the dining room. I gripped my wand tightly. There she was, I hadn't seen her in years since I left.

She was smiling at a bundle of photos she had in her hands like family photos though I knew we didn't have any of those.

"When I heard my son had gone to work at the ministry of magic and had found himself a girlfriend with the name of a goddess, I couldn't believe it."

"What are you doing here?"
"To give you an option." She replied "Sit."
I reluctantly sank down into the seat across from her. What was she doing in my house?

"Now, I don't like what you've been doing recently but you are an adult. So I'm giving you the final decision."
There was always a catch. She placed the photos she had been looking at on the table.

My heart sank as they sprawled across the table. It was photographs of Sage at school obviously taken without anyone's knowledge. She had been watching her. The whole time. The one place she was supposed to be safe.

I glared at my mother pressing my palms into the table trying to transfer my fear.
"Either, you quit your job and come back to The Dark Lord or... she dies."
"Your own daughter?" I scoffed
She shrugged "Your choice dear. Just know your choices will have an affect on others."

She stood up leaving the photos on the table.
"I'll give you twenty four hours. I understand this will be a hard decision for you to make."
I could have strangled her.

She turned to leave before looking back "And if I hear she found out about this, she'll be dead regardless so don't do anything stupid."
I ran my hands through my hair. How could this woman be my mother?

Keep what I have now, put Sage in danger. Give up everything I've worked for, keep Sage safe. What about Hera? The feeling of security I had built for myself came crumbling down. Was I stupid to think I had escaped?

Maybe no matter what I did or where I went, she would always have her claws in me. I took a few deep breaths, knowing the choice I had to make. I gathered the photos and threw them in the trash.

I had finally built a stable home and reputation for myself. I had fought to pull away from my family name and the rumors. I could feel the guilt eating me alive at the thought that I had to think about this.

I had already left Sage behind. I had left her with them. I hadn't even fought to protect her, I assumed she would be safe once she got to Hogwarts. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I already knew the right choice, I just, didn't want to make it.

Sage's POV:
"He's just so wonderful Sage, you don't understand." Hallie reasoned
"You're right, I don't." I rolled my eyes
Hallie had been talking about George for the past half hour and had yet to stop. I just wanted to get to breakfast. Peacefully.

We sat down at our table as I pulled some bacon and eggs onto my plate and Hallie continued talking. I was halfway through a bite when I felt something hit me in the back of the head.

I turned around slowly trying to compose my rising irritation, locking eyes with Malfoy.
"Read the paper recently Jackson?" He asked
I sighed "Don't lie Draco, you just look at the pictures, you can't read."

Hallie lowered her head trying not to snort too loudly as Draco gave me a half snarl.
"Why don't you take a look." He said tossing the paper onto our table
"Whatever." I mumbled

Hallie leaned over as I unfolded the paper. My brows furrowed looking at the headline along with the photo that accompanied it.

Apollo Jackson
Trustworthy or Traitor?
The picture showed my brother trying to get out of the ministry while covering his face from the photographers. I read further trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Yesterday afternoon Apollo Jackson, son of well known Death Eaters Albert And Rosemary Jackson, resigned from his Auror position at the Ministry of Magic. Some believe he's gone back to the dark side while others believe this is an omen of another Wizzarding War. Apollo refused to give any comment or explanation on this drastic movement. Has he really gone back to his origin? One can only assume he's been using his higher position to gather information to use against us. Innocents beware."

Hallie looked at me with concern. This didn't sound right. Gone back to his origin? Turning to the dark side? Gathering information?
"What do you think happened?" Hallie asked
"I-I don't know. He seemed so happy with his life and his job at the ministry. This isn't like him."

"Maybe you should letter him."
"I will."
Other than that there was nothing I could do. Hallie and I left for classes. Practically everyone had seen the paper. It was all anyone could whisper about. All. Day. Long.

"Is it true? Is your brother a traitor?"
I didn't even know half the students who were coming up to me. Hallie pulled me away releasing from the obligation to respond. I couldn't believe this was happening and I definitely didn't believe he was a traitor.

The day had been long with the continuous whispers and questions. I had already lettered Apollo and of course by dinner time half the school had their own theories on why he left. I knew one thing was for sure.

My brother was not a traitor. He wouldn't do such a thing unless he wasn't given an option. But that's what made me so concerned.

1047 Words | Mar. 9 2023

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