• Chapter 17 •

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Fred's POV:
"For Merlin's sake." I grumbled gathering my stuff and getting out of class
I hated sharing classes with Sage. For some reason our professors thought we were best buds and always gave me her make up work to give to her when she was out.

Why couldn't she just show up to class?
"You know, you miss more classes than she does right? You're a hypocrite." George said
I didn't realize I had been talking out loud.
"Whatever can you just give this to her?" I begged
"And miss this opportunity for entertainment? No way but good luck with that mate."

"I don't even know where she is!" I protested
"How do you know that?"
George shrugged. Sometimes, he was insufferable.

"On the topic of Sage, why have you been avoiding her?"
"I haven't."
"Yes you have."
"No I have not."
"You're getting snippy."
"Piss off."

"Oh my!" George squealed "Someone's face is going red! I think our little Freddie has a crush on someone!"
"What the hell? No!"
"What are you thinking about then?"
"Someone else." I lied

I wasn't red in the face because I had a crush. I hated her and that was anger warming my face. Though I didn't think George would believe me.
"Cmon Freddie, I've seen you be civil with her."
"When?" I asked

"When you asked if she was ok."
"I thought you were asleep that night."
"I hear everything."
"Whatever, that doesn't mean I like her." I said passing the portrait hole

"Aren't you supposed to be dropping that off for Sage?" George asked clicking open our dorm room
"Yeah... later."
"Wouldn't she want it now?"

"Then she shouldn't have missed class."
"Or she should have given me a warning she wasn't going to show up."
"You aren't friends though."
"Then she should have told you so you could tell me."

"We aren't best friends she doesn't tell me everything."
"Then she should have told Hallie to tell you so you could tell me."
"Why would She let you know though?"
"So I could prepare myself."

"You have to prepare yourself to give Sage her homework?"
"You are a big baby."
"Am not!"

"What Angelina sees, I will never know." George shook his head
"A better looking face than yours."
"I can pick out a few people who would disagree." He mumbled
"Who? Hallie?"

"Mhm. Thought so."
"Piss off."
"You're getting snippy." I smirked "I think our little Georgie is the one with a crush." I said changing my shirt

I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Why did everyone think I liked her? She was insufferable. What did anyone even like about Sage. Truly, what? Just thinking about her made me tired...

I opened my eyes stretching out on my bed. I guess I fell asleep and didn't realize it.
"Morning Freddie."
I jumped, looking to see who it was. Her curls were sprawled all over the place, laying on her side she smiled at me, her freckles moving with the upward curve of her full lips. My muscles relaxing at the sight of her.
"Morning love."
I buried my face into the crook of her neck breathing deeply.
"We have to get up." She laughed lightly
"Oh cmon Sage."
Sage? WHAT.

Jolting awake, I sat up breathing heavily. What was wrong with me? Why was I having these thoughts? I don't like her. I do not have feelings for her! I got out of bed, deciding it would be best if I didn't lie back down. I decided to just take Sage her homework and get some fresh air.

I passed through the door walking into the Hufflepuff common room. It wasn't forbidden to go into other common rooms but with the passwords on each door it had sort of become and unspoken rule.

It was quite different than the red and gold environment I was used to. There was no fireplace, probably to protect the insane amount of plants growing all over the place. But in place of where you would think there would be a fireplace was a large wooden bookshelf.

There were tables that hang from the wall with small stools on either side, window seats and shelves in the walls. A large couch in the middle part In front of the bookshelf on top of a rug. It may not have had a fireplace but it wasn't any less warm.

I went down the small set of stairs noting the shocked and slightly upset faces that stared at me. Obviously they didn't like outsiders or maybe Sage had just brainwashed them.

I walked past the main area heading in the directions of the girls dormitories. I wasn't looking forward to this, feather light touches from my dream still crawling on my skin. I hated that my subconscious forced me to think about her that way.

Intrusive thoughts really sucked.
I turned to see a stunned Sage sitting in the couch. Alone. I guess the others had gotten away. Lucky twats.
"How the hell did you get in?"
"Does it matter?"

"What are you doing here?"
I swaggered over to where she was sat tizzies b the rolls of parchment in her lap "I heard you were actually happy today and I couldn't live without knowing I ruined that for you."
She glared at me setting the scrolls aside "Thanks, you can leave me alone now."

I looked at the paper she was working on in her lap and took it upon myself to further ruin her mood. If I had to suffer she was going down with me. After six years, there was one thing I learned. She was stubborn and hated to be told when she did something wrong.

"You did that wrong." I said plopping down next to her
I pointed out a problem she really had done wrong. Another thing that pissed her off: I had better grades than her and I never had to put in effort.
"Then I'll be losing points I guess. I'm not changing my answer.

"You did that one wrong too," I tutted "You are going to fail this assignment Miss Jackson and I don't think you want to end up with me as your tutor."
"I'd rather be held back a year than be tutored by you."

"You did that wrong too-"
"Oh my god! When did I ask?" Sage snapped
"You didn't, but sometimes you just sound so stupid that one can't help but correct you."
Sage's nostrils flared as though she fought the urge to slap me across the face.

"Okay, get out!" She shot out of her seat
She grabbed my by the collar pulling me up. Unfortunate she couldn't keep her hold as I stood up fully forcing her to let go. She started shoving me back towards the door.
"Get out and don't come back!" She hissed slamming the door in my face

1163 Words | Apr 20 2023

I know that's probably not what the Hufflepuff common room actually looks like, is just what I imagine. Love y'all
- Jane

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