• Chapter 13 •

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Hallie's POV:
"Lunch time!"
"Coming!" I replied
I got up off the sun hair I was tanning on heading back to the small resort that we were staying in.

"Burgers!" My brothers chanted pushing past me inside
"Hey, I love the new bathing suit." My sister complimented "It accentuates your cute figure."
"Aw, thank you." I said adjusting the top my face going warm with the compliment

When I found out we were going to the Bahamas for the summer, I knew I wanted to pick out a new and exciting bathing suit. Nothing too revealing but more out of my comfort zone. Mom agreed with me that this was a good middle ground.

My body had developed and I wanted to be comfortable in my own skin. Of course I had missed Sage desperately. I wanted her to be there with me, her scurrying around silently pointing out the stuff she thought would look good on me as I did the same to her.

We sat down on the deck eating the burgers dad had made, none of us bothering to change. We were practically living in our bathing suits. Except for when we slept of course.
"Heard from Sage?" One of my brothers asked with his mouth full

"No, I said throwing my feet over the edge of the deck so they were dangling over water "I hope she's doing alright."
"Come on, they're doing a muggle magic show down at the hotel part of the resort!" My sister called
We all quickly finished our burgers and only bothered to slip on flip flops before we were off.

The magic show was fun but nothing like real magic. We headed back to our area, jumping back into the crystal clear water. We found various games to entertain ourselves with and snacked as we wanted.

There was so set time for anything except for free breakfast. Our parents let us run off and do whatever. I took lots of moving photos to show Sage later. I knew she would love them.
"Hello there." A voice spoke from behind me

I jumped, turning to see a handsome guy standing there.
"Funny camera you have, I thought I saw the picture move." He had a calming accent one that I had come to be more familiar with around here

He was quite handsome, curly brown hair, a tan, sun kissed complexion, tall with broad shoulders and arms that had a nice tone to them. He was wearing a Yellow Hawaiian shirt with olive green shorts.

"Oh" I laughed nervously "Wouldn't hat be something?"
"You're not from around here, are you?"
"No," I shook my head "I'm visiting with my family."

I found out his name was John Rolle and that he'd lived in the Bahamas his whole life. I shared about London and where I lived and we talked until the sun began to set over the water. He kindly offered walked me back to my cabin.

"There's a bonfire tomorrow , I'd like you to come." He spoke
"We'll have to see about that." I smiled at him "I don't get out much."
"Well, maybe it's time you did."
I thanked him for walking me back and headed inside.

I walked past my sister who was looking out the window.
"He's pretty cute if I do say so myself." She smiled turning it look at me
She leaned back against the counter cocking an eyebrow at me.
"Yeah, I guess."
He wasn't George.

"Good night then." I sighed going to take a shower
I set my camera down on my nightstand going into the bathroom to wash the half a beach I'd brought back off. By the time I got out a quick storm had started to roll through as I changed into my usual tank top and shorts.

I flopped onto my bed tired from the days events. I picked up my camera and the photos I'd taken, picking the ones I wanted to keep and the ones I wanted to toss, using the flow from my wand to see, my damp hair hanging over my shoulder.

Once I had finished I set my camera back down and got under the covers. Lazily examining the bracelets on my arm that I'd collected over the years, I let the sounds of gentle rain lull ,e to sleep.


"Hey stop it!" I cried trying to cover myself from the water gun attack my brother was aiming at me "Now I all soaked!"
"You're wearing a bathing suit! You're supposed to get soaked Hallie!"
"Yes, but I wasn't ready to swim yet. I wanted a tan." I groaned
"You are such a teenage girl." He stuck his tongue out at me

He was dating a girl the same age as me and he's talking. Ironic. I'm ew we were going home tomorrow and I wanted to be as tan as possible without burning, which wasn't as tan as I hoped but still am improvement.

I had been hanging out with my parents, my siblings, and John almost the whole time. I just wanted a day to do what I wanted. And I wanted to tan. Our mother called us randomly throughout the day, giving us random sunscreen reapplications, food and water.

I think as much as we all enjoyed the resort, we were all beached out. Tired of the constant sand and blinding sun. Though we all agreed we should do this again. Though my dad didn't do much I think he enjoyed a few weeks of nothing but grilling, board games, and reading his digests.

Even I had to admit, I would miss John, but I missed George and Sage more.I made sure to exchange addresses with him so we could exchange letters every so often. We sage our last dinner in the Bahamas and played some cards.

The next morning we got up to eat the free breakfast and headed back to our cabin, packing all our things back into our suitcases. I was very glad I packed with room for souvenirs as I checked the whole cabin for things I might have missed and there was nothing.

"Ready kids?" My mom called
We all dragged our stuff down from the loft.
"Ready." We all replied
We walked out taking one last glance at the crystal blue water. Yep, I was ready to be back at school with my friends.

1070 Words | Apr. 10 2023

This is what I imagined the cabin and Hallie's bathing suit to look like 👀

This is what I imagined the cabin and Hallie's bathing suit to look like 👀

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