• Chapter 41 •

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Third Person POV:
    "God! I can't believe I trusted you!" Sage paces back and fourth
"Sage," Fred sighs
"Am I really just some stupid girl who fell for your stupid game?!"

    "Of course not-"
"Then what am I to you! Is this some sort of cruel revenge on me?"
"Sage! Would you just-"
"No! You jerk! I will not just!"

"How many girls were there?"
"How many girls have you tricked before me!"

    "None! Sage I'm not trying to trick you! I just- I wanted to be sure that we're both sure about this! I'm not trying to get rid of you!"
"Please!" Sage scoffed grabbing her wand

    Sage stormed off grabbing the doorknob.
"Just stay away from me!"
"Fine! Fred shouted after her "I wouldn't want to be around you anyway!"

    They both stormed off in different directions huffing and grumbling. Sage went back to her dorm room, slamming the door so hard the walls trembled.

    Fred huffed all the way to quidditch practice. Huffing and muttering angrily as he changed into his quidditch robes and headed onto the field.


    "Fred! Get your head in the game!" Oliver shouted
Fred gripped his bat tightly. That was the fifth bludger he had missed in two hours.
"Fred!" Angelina called out, running up to him from across the field "What's the matter with you?"

    She placed a concerned hand on his shoulder, her broom tucked under her arm as she looked at him, her face laced with concern.

    "Nothing." Fred retorted, pushing past her coldly "I'm fine."
"Fred." Oliver held up his hand stopping Fred from storming off "I don't know what's going on with you but you have got to snap out of it. Use that anger you have and direct it towards playing better."

    Fred glared off into the distance, his jaw clenched before nodding "Okay."
"Thank you." Oliver sighed "Now get back on your broom and get back out there."


    Fred slammed his locker shut as water dripped from his hair. He sat down, sighing heavily as he massaged the bridge of his nose, fighting a headache.

    "Hey." Angelina spoke, leaning against the lockers at the entrance
"What are you doing in here?"
"Looking for you, I waited till everyone left."

Angelina let her arms fall to her sides as she approached Fred "what is going on with you?"
"Nothing, just... stressed is all."
"Well then.." Angelina sighed sitting down next to Fred on the bench

    "How about tonight, we meet at our spot and I'll help you relax?"
Fred nodded "Yeah."
"Yeah... I'll see you later."

    "Bye Freddie."
Fred got up and left the locker rooms with a grimace. He hated that name. It always bothered him when people called him that and he wasn't quite sure why.

    His family called him that sometimes but coming from anyone other than his family, he didn't like it...

    "There you are. Having a little after practice fun are we?" George wiggled his eyebrows at Fred, leaning against his shoulder
"Not hardly." Fred scoffed
"What's that supposed to mean?"

    "It just means that's not what was going on." Fred shrugged
"Did you have a fight?"
George stared at him blankly as they made their way into their class room.

    Fred glanced at Sage as he passed her on the way to his desk. She looked as if she hadn't slept in three months. Fred couldn't help the pang of guilt that hit him suddenly but he continued to his desk.

    The whole class was a fog, Fred couldn't stop thinking about how miserable Sage looked and he knew it was his fault. He wanted nothing more than to scoop Sage up in his arms and protect her.

    He was so lost in thought he didn't even hear George calling out to him.
"Hey! Dumbo!" George snapped
"Hm?" Fred hummed looking up from his desk

    "Hallie and I are going out and we won't be back until til dinner, catch you later?"
"Yeah that's fine, see you later." Fred replied
After George had left Fred looked around the room, it was empty. He wasn't even sure when everyone had left. It was completely empty, except for one person.

    Fred felt another pang of guilt as he stood up and made his way over to Sage who had fallen asleep at her desk. He slid into the seat next to her, admiring her peaceful form for a moment.

    "We're going to drive each other crazy..." Fred sighed "But it's worth it."
He sat there, just admiring her. Her features, her hair, the way her eyelashes looked, each freckle and birthmark on her face.

    He reached out carefully as he could, brushing the curls out of her face, causing her to stir.
"Hm?" Sage groaned, starting to wake up
"Hey," Fred spoke softly trying not to disturb her too much

"Yeah, it's me."
"I missed you..." Sage mumbled laying her head back down on the desk
"I know, I'm sorry I was a jerk."
"I'm sorry I yelled at you."

    Fred chuckled "I know I deserved it."
"Mmh, I'm still sorry..." Sage replied sleepily
"Hey, come on." Fred stirred Sage "We're gonna go somewhere."
"Where?" Sage yawned letting Fred lead her out of the classroom


    "Why are we at your dorm?" Sage asked sleepily
"You'll see." Fred replied simply
Most students were in class now so it hadn't been very hard to sneak Sage up to his dorm room.

    During his free period Fred often came back to his dorm to take naps, especially after quidditch practice, today he decided the best way to make peace was to simply take a nap. No words (wich he was not very good with) necessary.

    Fred got into his bed, scooting to the far side before pulling back the covers for Sage.
"Come on then."
Sage stood there blinking at him slowly before crawling into bed with him.

    To his surprise Sage curled right up next to him with little prompting. Also to his surprise laying next to her didn't feel weird. It felt right actually, very, very right.

    He found himself drifting off before he knew it, Sage already fast asleep against him. He was so content to be here with Sage that he forgot about Angelina...

1050 Words | Nov. 25 2023
Happy thanksgiving everyone! 🦃
I'm sorry it took me a literal month to get out a chapter! 😭 this year is a just a little slow but I promise after this it's gonna pick up. I'm not forgetting about the book it's just hard to find filler that makes sense with the plot 🥲 if you guys have any ideas I'd love to hear them!

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