• Chapter 11 •

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Third Person POV:
"Fred is so cute though! And you know he plays beater which mean he has some muscles and he's so tall."
"No because George though." Hallie piped in
"They are both fine honestly." Angelina agreed
"True! But especially George."

"Especially Fred."
Sage rolled her eyes scoffing slightly. What anyone saw romantically in Fred Weasley was beyond her. He was rude, immature and thought way too highly of himself. In her opinion he needed a good humbling and she was here for it.

"I don't understand why you don't like him." Angelina commented
"He's just, just so annoying. He pisses me off!" Sage gritted not knowing yet how to express how angry he made her without cussing and yelling
"Love that self control." Hallie remarked
"Shove off." Sage sat back continuing her book

"But he's so sweet and funny. He plays sports, he's tall, sure maybe he has an ego but if you were as good looking as him wouldn't you?"
Sage scoffed loudly "When has he ever been sweet? And I hardly find his preschool pranks funny. They're stupid."
"You know she's always very quiet. Until you get her talking about Fred. Then suddenly, she becomes a politician." Hallie sarcastically interjected

Angelina sniggered at Hallie's commentary as Sage glared at her stuffing her hatred back down.
"You know, I have a lot of fun with you two." Angelina smiled
"I'm surprised you don't hang out more with like the quidditch team or the popular students." Hallie confessed
"I do, but I just really like you guys."

Once the girls had left the library Alicia Spinnet came running along insisting she needed Angelina and George came sweeping Hallie off her feet and down the hall leaving Sage on her own. She didn't mind though, she had things she needed to get done, the type of stuff that gets forgotten about normally.

"Hey, Jackson!"
Sage didn't even try to cover her groan as Fred came up to her.
"If it isn't the little orphan Annie." Sage grumbled
"Piss off. I was looking for my brother."
"Which one? You seem to have a lot of those."

"George you nitwit, who the hell else do I ever look for?"
"Alright, don't get your knickers in a twist."
Fred's jaw flexed in annoyance. He hadn't exactly wanted to talk to her but after looking practically everywhere he was left with no choice. Not even Lee knew where he was.

"He left with Hallie to go somewhere." Sage waved him off
"How the hell should I know?"
"Well then. Thanks for nothing!"
"Anytime. Carrot crotch!"
Fred flipped her off heading down the hall in the opposite direction.

Fred did not like that woman. Not one bit. She set his teeth on edge and made him want to bang his head against the corridor walls. Every time he saw her his heart rate would rise and his face would flush. She pissed him off.

"What's wrong mate?" Lee asked spotting an angry looking Fred storming past
"Sage. She is just, just so annoying. She pisses me off!"
"What happened this time?"
"She is so rude. All the time! Those are the only words that come out of her mouth, rude ones."

Fred went on for about an hour about how mean and rude and unkind Sage was. He thought of as many words as he could to describe how mean she was before Lee could get a word in.
"Okay Fred, mate, you are such... a liar!"
Lee exclaimed

"What?" Fred threw his arms in the air
"Liar! Liar! Liar!" Lee chanted
"What do you mean I'm a liar!"
"Sage is not mean! She doesn't have a single mean bone in her body! I actually thought you had Hallie and Sage mixed up when you told me!"
"Bu-but she's so mean!"
"Please! She's so quiet and sweet-"
"She's quiet because she's simmering on how to insult you!"

"Fred. Be real with me right now." Lee placed a hand on Fred's shoulder "You're in love with her aren't you?"
"WHAT!" Fred was flabbergasted
"It's the only logical explanation! You like, hyper fixate on this girl."
"You are disgusting! You think I'm really gonna fall in love with some girl who calls me carrot crotch? No!"

"What the hell Lee? Why? Why would you think that!"
Raising his hands in surrender Lee finally conceded "Alright fine, calm yourself. You're bigger than I am, be nice."
"In love, yeah right. When hell freezes over." Fred grumbled

Fred was in a sour mood for the rest of the day. For anyone to think that he might be in love with someone like her, made him want to do a nose dive off the astronomy tower. Even George asked what had happened to him, leaving Lee to explain.

What did anyone see in Sage anyway? He wondered. As far as he was concerned she was just like her parents, cruel and vile. The only words he'd ever heard leave her mouth her horrible ones. He was convince she wasn't capable of kindness and everyone was just stupid. But he knew.

She'd probably brainwashed everyone and now she was sinking her claws into his twin through Hallie. She was going to turn every one against him. It was just a matter of time. She had Lee, now Angelina, next was George and then the whole school.

Fred lay awake that night thinking about her. She was mean. He imagined the smug smirk on her face as she called him carrot crotch when he stormed off. He thought of all the best replies laying there. If only he'd thought of them sooner.

Why didn't he insult her height? Why didn't he just throw her down the hall? She was small enough, he could manage it. He could have called her Cornish Pixie. That would have shut her up.

But he couldn't get Lee's words out of his head.
"You're in love with her aren't you?"
Why would he think that? It was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard in his life. Love her? Never. Not in this lifetime anyway.

1025 Words | Apr. 6 2023

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