• Chapter 7 •

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Third Person POV:
"Wake up! It's Hogsmeade!" Hallie shook her roommate awake
Sage groaned rolling out f bed. She immediately checked the mirror, remembering what happened last time.
"No orange hair." Sage sighed

Hallie laughed remembering how Sage had practically flown out of the dorm room in anger and the depiction George gave her of how Sage had attacked Fred.

The two girls got dressed and ready, bundled up and headed down to Hogsmeade. They latched onto each others arms trying to exchange warmth as they shivered their way there.

"Butterbeer?" Hallie asked
"Butterbeer." Sage nodded
The two girls turned into the dimly lit pub Sage wandering off to find a table for the two.

"Uh, two butterbeers please." Hallie smiled at the bartender placing her money on the counter
"How about you make that four." Someone spoke from behind her adding his money with hers

"Hello George." Hallie smiled to herself closing her coin purse before turning to face him
"What's a pretty lady like yourself doing here all alone?" George teased
"Oh well, sir I'm not alone. I'm with my boyfriend you see." Hallie joked

George made a fake skeptical face "Where is this boyfriend of yours?"
"Right over there." Hallie gestured to Sage nestled into a corner booth gripping onto a book
"Hm, frightening." George replied
Hallie shook her head laughing at his response.

"Here you go." The bartender spoke pushing four butterbeers at them
"Here let me." George spoke reaching over Hallie grabbing the three remaining drinks before Hallie could grab another one to carry

Hallie led Fred and George to where Sage had placed herself. Hallie had barely noticed Fred though, he had been sulking from the moment he saw Hallie knowing she was a package deal with Sage.

"Stop sulking." George nudged him in the side
"I don't want to see her." Fred grumbled
"Then don't look."
The three sat down with Sage and Fred staring daggers into each other. Hallie and George exchanged a awkward glance not knowing how to break the tension.

"What are you reading?" George asked gesturing to the book Sage was gripping
"Little Women." She replied handing him the book
"Not again!" Hallie sighed
"It's a good book!"

George smiled shaking his head looking at the cover.
"I'll tell you one thing." Hallie started "She almost never lets anyone touch her books so you better be careful." She advised
George nodded "Promise."

Fred started flagging someone down while George read the back cover of the book. Fred had been practically dying inside and was ecstatic when he saw Lee waltz in.

He was determined to prove that Lee was wrong and Sage was mean.
"Lee! Mate!" Fred waved
"Hello my frantic friend." Lee greeted "What's happening?" He asked pulling up a chair

"To be fair Hallie, it does seem like an interesting book." George shrugged handing Sage back her book "Hello Lee."
"Care to introduce me to these lovely ladies?"

"Lee, this is Hallie and Sage. Sage and Hallie this is Lee Jordan." George spoke
"So you're Hallie?"
"Sage, actually."
"Oh sorry!"
"No it's alright, easy mistake." Sage smiled

Lee gave Fred a side eye not seeing the girl Fred always complained about. Lee made sure to spend extra time getting to know Sage, trying to draw out the horrible person Fred claimed she was.

"We should start heading back." Hallie spoke standing up
"Right." George agreed
"So, what do you do for... hobbies?" Lee asked
"Hm, I like to write, paint, read, hang out with Hallie. That's it." Sage replied

Fred's sulking had only intensified when Lee had seemingly taken a liking to Sage. He grumbled to himself and glared all the way back to the castle. What the others saw in her? He would never know, and he didn't want to.

"What's happening?" George asked when the found a large group of students in front of the Gryffindor common room entrance
"It's the fat lady, she's gone!" Ginny, Fred and George's little sister replied

The twins, being the tallest out of the five, took the lead pushing past others to see what was happening. There were large claw marks across the painting and, just as Ginny said, the fat lady was indeed missing.

Dumbledore eventually came barreling through the crowd ordering the ghosts to hold a search.
"There's no need for ghosts professor, the fat lady's there." Filch pointed
The crowd moved in unison try to get to the painting. Sage held onto Hallie's hand tightly trying not to get separated.

"Eyes like the devil he's got! And a soul as dark as his name. It's him headmaster, the one they all talk about. He's here,somewhere in the castle. Sirius black!" The fat lady shuddered

The students began murmuring amongst themselves as dumbledore ordered the castle to be secured. It was quickly decided that all the students would sleep in the great hall until the whole castle had been secured.

All the students were let into their rooms to get the essentials they would need and then bearded into the great hall like cattle. Everyone tried to push through dinner as if everything was normal, but it wasn't.

Hallie and sage stood outside the girls bathrooms waiting in the longest line they'd ever been in. Already dressed in their pajamas the girls let out frustrated sighs at how long it took girls to pamper themselves before bed.

"You know I have to say, I'm not comfortable standing here in a T-shirt and shorts." Hallie sighed
"At least you were smart enough to wear a T-shirt, look at me! Flannel shorts and a tank top? Why did you let me walk away like this?"

Hallie opened her mouth to retort but a loud whisper drew her attention away. He leaned to the side trying to see past Sage where the noise had come from.
"Hallie!" The voice whispered again

Both girls turned to see George from a corner waving for them to come over.
"No! We'll loose our spot!" Hallie replied
"I've got something better!" George whisper shouted
Hallie rolled her eyes before grabbing Sage's wrist and abandoning their spot in line.

George smiled triumphantly as the girls approached him.
"What?" Hallie asked slightly annoyed "If we just lost our spot in line because of you-"
"Relax, I've got a better option than that. Cmon then."
George took off down another corner leaving the two girls to quickly follow behind.

"Fred and I figured out how to get into the prefects bathroom." George smirked
"You what?" Hallie exclaimed
George opened a door and sure enough it was the prefects bathroom. Fred and Lee were already there brushing their teeth.

"Wow." Hallie spoke
"I know, we're pretty good at what we do." George replied
The group got read for bed and hid in the bathroom until they were ready to head back out.
"Hey, wanna sleep next to me?" George whispered to Hallie
She smirked at him trying not to blush at the thought of being that close to him.

"Why not." No was never really an option in her mind
The group headed back out setting up their pallets next to each other. Sage couldn't help but wonder why she let Hallie drag her everywhere.

"I guess we will have plenty of time to get to know each other Miss Jackson." Lee joked as Sage set up her pallet between him and Hallie.
"I'm sure I'll enjoy our time Mr Jackson." Sage played along
Fred rolled over under his blanket feeling angry and slightly betrayed.

He refused to speak to Lee as he grumbled to himself about how Lee was a two faced prat. Lee knew why he was upset and simply rolled his eyes at Fred's childlike behavior. He believed that Safe and Fred were either going to be married by the end of the year or they will have killed each other.

1320 Words | Mar. 8 2023

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