• Chapter 44 •

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Third Person POV:
It was drawing closer to the end of the year. Sage's feeling for Fred had yet to die out. She knew that the impending moment was drawing closer, when she would have to tell Angelina.

Sage couldn't deny there was a small glimmer of hope that Fred and Angie would break up and she would only have to confess that she was in love with Fred but Angie would never have to know that her and Fred had been together since before they broke up.

The couple had been fighting more than ever and Sage couldn't help but hope that they would call it quits. But even as Fred and Angelina fought so did Sage and Fred.

The truth was they were polar opposites trying to make it work. Two puzzle pieces that didn't fit. But oh, how she wanted the two of them to fit. She wanted to be with Fred more than anything and she would do anything to make it work.

She would never admit that of course...
"Sage. Be real with me." Hallie sighed setting her book down on the table "Do you really think you're going somewhere with Fred?"

Sage sighed, looking around the library as if searching for her answer among the many books on the shelves "I want to be going somewhere with him."

"That's not what I asked."
"I- I don't know." Sage admitted
"I mean, come on Sage... he refuses to break up with Angelina," Hallie began to count her points off on his fingers

"He refuses to tell anyone INCLUDING his own twin that he's involved with you," Hallie continued
"The two of you argue daily,"
"Yes but,"

"He keeps you around like his dirty little secret so he can boost his own ego."
"I'm not saying the guys a jerk, his twin is pretty great, but the guy is a jerk." Hallie sighed "I don't want you to end up broken hearted. After everything you've been through and the stuff you haven't told me, you deserve better."

    "I believe he likes me Hallie..." Sage mumbled quietly "I know I might be crazy but there's just something about him. After meeting dozens of guys who only wanted my money and my body, it feels nice to actually be... wanted."

    Hallie sat back with a sympathetic and resigned look on her face.
"I know it seems naive but, there's something about the way he looks at me, the way he holds my face in his hands when he's trying to get my attention..."

    She sighed longingly as she sat back in her chair "The way he says my name, it sounds like a symphony. The feeling of my hand in his or his arms wrapped around me." Sage sat forward looking at Hallie intensely

    "You can't fake all that Hallie. And aside from him dating Angelina, he's a perfect gentleman. He arranges dates based off what I like, he's never pushed me to do something I'm not comfortable with. I feel safe with him.... I've never had that before."

"Alright." Hallie surrendered "If you're sure."
"Right now? I am."


    Fred scoffed angrily "Please! I do not have a big ego."
Sage sat on the corner of her bed, hidden partially by the top bunk, her arms crossed. Her and Fred had been enjoying some quality time together in Sage's dorm when Fred decided to ruin the moment and "jokingly" bring up the fact he had two girls on his arm.

    Striking a cord from her earlier conversation with Hallie, Sage was sent into a frenzy.
"That's the only reason you're dating me isn't it! So you can feel good about yourself!"
"What? No!" Fred protested "If you're insecure about our relationship then that's not my fault!"

    "How am I supposed to feel good about our relationship when you keep us hidden like some disgusting secret?"
"Oh for Merlin's sake! You are so dramatic!
Fred raised his arms in exasperation and causing Sage to flinch and withdraw quickly, as if in self defense.

    Fred froze, his arms still midway in the air as Sage's eyes widen as if just realizing her own reaction. Fred slowly lowered his arms as he stared Sage down intensely.
"Did you... did you think I was going to hit you."

    Sage looked away, as if almost guilty about flinching "I know you wouldn't, I just-"
Fred sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"You're not some disgusting secret." He spoke quietly, leveling out his anger "I just, I don't want to deal with prying eyes right now you know?"

    Sage stared at him, breathing slowly as she took in his words.
"But I'm not trying to toy with you and I have never used you to boost my own ego." Fred turned to face her "I swear it."

    Sage nodded "Okay."
Fred slowly crawled back onto the bed with Sage, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "I want you more than anything. Do you understand me?"

    Sage nodded, her whole body going tingly in response to the intense look after was giving her.
"I need words princess." He smile softly
"Good." Fred smiled before pressing his lips to hers "And I'm sorry."

"I know I have a short temper... you should never have to flinch or be scared around me."
This time it was Sage who pressed her lips gently against Fred's "It's okay, I know you wouldn't hit me."


    The next few days Sage walked around with a giddy smile on her face. Holding her schoolbooks close to her chest, she wandered around the school to her classes with a warm feeling in her heart.
Fred did love her.

    Despite their ups, their downs, their mismatched edges and pointless fights, Fred loved her. He wanted her just as much as she wanted him. Or at least she hopped it was just as much. But either way his feelings, were genuine. And that made everything worth it.

1003 Words | May. 13 2024

   IM BACK ‼️ITS BEEN THREE MONTHS 🫡 you guys have stayed faithful and I stayed true to my promise (sort of) I AM BACK BABY! The semester is over, I got nothing but sweet sweet free time to write 😌🙏 we made it, the block is over and I am ready ...

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   IM BACK ‼️
ITS BEEN THREE MONTHS 🫡 you guys have stayed faithful and I stayed true to my promise (sort of) I AM BACK BABY! The semester is over, I got nothing but sweet sweet free time to write 😌🙏 we made it, the block is over and I am ready to get back in my grove. I hope you guys are too! 😁

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