• Chapter 35 •

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Trigger Warning-
⚠️  Mentions of abuse / vomiting ⚠️

Sage's POV:
"There." She let my arm and the chain go "For your betrayal."
"Please mother, please don't do this!"
"Don't expect food until you've learned your lesson. Maybe you'll loose some weight."

    "I'm sorry!" I grasped the hem of her skirt frantically "Please, please don't leave me here!" I could feel my panic rising
She kicked me away going through the door "You deserve this."

    "No!" I cried jolting forward
The sound of the door locking causing me to panic more. No one would be able to get in. The chain ran out of slack and the rug slipped from underneath me causing me to fall forward. I know I hit the floor but I couldn't feel anything other than the shooting pain up my chained arm and the feeling that I was going to die here.

    I laid there on the floor, my shoulder dislocated, small tears slipping down my face. I was going to die.
"I know, but I always come back don't I?"
"Just make sure you do. Promise me." Hallie scowled "Promise me!"
I sobbed quietly "I'm sorry Hallie..."


    It had been weeks since the first day of summer and as my mother hoped I'd dropped the fat that made me unworthy in her eyes. I didn't have the energy to move so I started sleeping on the floor.

    The house elves supplied me with water and maybe some stale bread if they took pity on me, but nothing more. I felt hope and my will to keep going slip away with every passing hour.

    No one was going to save me. I wasn't living in some fantasy where everything works out and I go back to Hogwarts. This was reality. I wasn't getting out, no one other than my mother and probably my father knew where I was.

    I didn't even know if Apollo was still alive. Probably not. I would have cried for him but I lost the energy to feel anything about two days ago. The tears and anger had just stopped.

    At least I wouldn't be whimpering and crying like a pathetic animal with a broken leg when my final hours came. I just felt bad for Hallie.

    I could imagine her excitedly looking around for me on the platform, and then nervously on the train. I wasn't going to be there. She would know. She would be crushed, but she would have George and Angelina at least.

    I wondered if I'd go in my sleep. Or would I just stop breathing one day and never start again? Would I blink and never reopen my eyes? Would anyone find me? Maybe I'll be nothing more than bones by the time they do.

    I laid there on my floor, I wasn't sure when the last time I moved was. The action of even flinching seemed impossible. I wasn't all skin and bones but I was thinner and I reeked from having not taken a shower since before I left Hogwarts.

    I couldn't feel bad for myself though. There were people who had died in this house that had suffered fates much worse than passing in your sleep. The severed limbs I'd found in the attic when I was seven told me that.

    I spared a glance at my window, it felt like I'd been laying here for hours. I had. My window no longer let in a cool light. Only darkness. Another day gone.

    I cradled my injured arm waiting for sleep to take over and hopefully never let go. That really did seem the best way to pass. No fuss, no struggle, you're just... gone.

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