• Chapter 42 •

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Sage's POV:
     "Alright I finished~" Hallie chirped
We all ooed and awed at her creation fresh out of the oven.
"Now remind me again," Angelina spoke "Why are you going on this baking endeavor again?"

     "Because I wanted to learn a new practical skill." Hallie smiled "And Sage offered to teach me for free and she's the best baker, cook to ever exist."
"You're so dramatic." I sigh passing down a pile of plates

     "Everyone will be disagreeing when they taste my masterpiece. Everyone in all the land will know I had the most superior of teachers." Hallie spoke with a dramatic tone as if she were telling a story as George cut her cake and handed everyone a piece.

     "Dig in! I wanna know how it is!"
Everyone took a bite of the dessert all of us nodding in agreement that it was good before I froze. Something didn't feel right.

     Everyone began complimenting her baking as Hallie danced around the kitchen, rejoicing that her project had turned out better than planned. I sat still as the odd feeling intensified. Until I recognized the feeling.

     "What did you put in this?" I ask trying to think of all the ingredients I told her to use.
"Just the ones you told me to use," Hallie's voice faded away as she began to list the ingredients and breathing became increasingly difficult

     "And my secret ingredient."
"Wich is?" I ask, my tongue slowly swelling in my mouth
"Coconut, why?"
"C-coconut? Coconut? You put coconut?"
"Yeah it's my secret ingredient."
"That's what's gonna kill me." I reply my face growing flushed

     "What? What are you talking about?"
"I'm allergic to coconut." I blinked at her
Hallie stared at me, one hand on her hip as she narrowed her eyes.
"Oh my God!" Hallie gasped her hands flying over her mouth, realization dawning on her

     "I forgot! Oh-" Hallie began to dig around in my school bag "Is your throat closing?" She asked
"No." I reply sarcastically, my words altered by my swollen tongue "I just have a naturally small airway!"

     "I can't find it!" Hallie shrieked, practically dumping out my bag
"This is ridiculousness." I mumble
"You know what's ridiculous? The way you sound right now." Hallie growled before continuing her search

     "Found it."
"Is she going to be okay?" Angelina asked nervously
"Yeah, we just have to inject her with an epipen." Hallie replied fumbling with it "I can't get it open-"
"Oh Just Gimmie the thing." I reply, my words getting harder and harder to understand

     "No." Hallie replied "I'm doing this-"
The two of us began to tussle over the epipen fighting so obnoxiously over who was going to inject me that we didn't notice George getting the epipen from the first aid kit.

     George silently readied the needle as Hallie and I continued to beef. Suddenly I felt something stabbing my thigh through my jeans.
"Woah," I mumble as I topple backward
"I've got ya." George spoke catching me as I fumbled back

     "What'd you do?" I groan feeling the effects of the epipen as my allergic reaction began to clear
"You and Hallie were taking too long to work it out. Fight on your own time."

     A few hours later I was back to normal and everyone was laughing about my swollen tongue and Hallie and I's bickering over the epipen.

     "I still can't believe you almost killed me."
"Well, I play quidditch I don't bake, so why would I remember your food allergies." Hallie huffed

    "I thought you loved me." I shook my head pretending to cry
"Oh my goodness." Hallie rolled her eyes
Everyone laughed at our antics before Angelina spoke up "You two have always seemed pretty different, I've always wondered how you two became friends."

     Hallie and I looked at each other. It had been so long I'd practically forgotten. I watched as Hallie's face geared up for an over dramatic, half truthful retelling of the story.

     "I took Sage under my wing and taught her everything I knew, hence passing the torch on to my young protege." Hallie spoke
"I'm older than you."
"Oh my."

     "So what's your version, Sage?" Angelina laughed
"Well, it's true she took me under her wing." I nod "I was too scared to talk to anyone and apparently she thought I looked like fun to hang out with so she just started dragging me everywhere with her."

     "Aww, that's sweet." Angelina smiled
"And then she started dating George over here," I laid a hand on his shoulder "And now I'm stuck with him too."
George nodded "Like glue."

    "Thanks for catching me earlier."
"Well I wasn't gonna just let you fall and hit your head."
" I know but that was like a trust fall I wasn't prepared for."
"Well you're still in one piece and I can understand what you're saying again so I'd say it worked out."

    After a while of talking everyone left, going off to do their own thing leaving just me and Hallie.
"We are pretty different aren't we?"
"Yep." I nod "But I think that's what we work well together. You know, the whole 'opposites attract' theory."

     "I think you're right." Hallie nodded before grasping me dramatically, wrapping her arms around my neck "You're the moon to my sun!" She exclaimed while squeezing me tighter causing me to choke slightly

     "The fall to my winter, the black cat to my orange cat, you're my brown eyes!"
"I thought George was your brown eyes."
"You're the OG tho."

    I rolled my eyes playfully shaking my head. She was crazy but I loved her. She was my best friend from the beginning and I didn't know what I'd do without her.
"And you're my blue eyes." I finally reply

    "I know." She smiled at me "I know you love me. Otherwise you wouldn't keep me around... you also buy me an excessive amount of gifts."

     We sat in silence for a moment before Hallie spoke "We'll always tell each other everything right? No secrets?"
I felt a sudden pain in my heart. I hadn't expected such a blunt question on the one topic I'd been trying to avoid.

     I held back the tears welling up in my eyes as I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Yeah." I nod "No secrets."

1060 Words | Jan. 7 2024

IM ALIVE 🫡 MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKAH, HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎆🎊🍾 (I missed like all the holidays guys)
I've been fighting for my life lately getting these chapters out cause it's just not a very interesting part of the book BUT it should... hopefully... probably... with any luck be picking up soon. I have the next few chapters planned so hopefully it won't be too long before I get another one out 😭

I love seeing you guys' comments on my chapters, they make me laugh

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