• Chapter 40 •

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Sage's POV:
"So... do we hold hands now or?" Fred spoke
"I'm- I'm not quite sure to be honest. I've never... done the relationship thing, before." I confessed
We sat in silence for what felt like forever.
"Well I have." He replied moving closer to me

Fred and I had found ourselves sitting together in the back of the library alone. We had shifted awkwardly, barley catching each other's eye before looking away.

Eventually Fred spoke first obviously. Truth was, I didn't really know what you did in a relationship. Based off Hallie and George it was just a lot of making out and giggling. That's all I ever see them do, anyways.

Fred took my hand in his, lifting it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss against my knuckles making my face flush as I watched.
"It's more than making out in secret." He smirked

"Yeah." He stared at me "Meet up with me by the black lake during your free period?"
"Don't you have class during my free-"
"Yes or no?" He interrupted
"Yes. Sorry."

"Good." He smirked "That's all you have to worry about, I'll take care of the rest."
"You will?"
Fred looked at me with exasperation "Yes. Oh ye of little faith."
"Sorry." I laughed a little

"Alright, I gotta go, see you in a little."
"Okay..." I couldn't deny the pang of sadness when he let go of my hand
"Oh c'mon love, don't pout on me."

"I'm not pouting." I was definitely pouting
"Yes you are." Fred stood up before leaning down to kiss my cheek "But you're cute so I like it."

"Shut up. Don't you have class." I hated being flustered and that's all I felt around him
"Yes ma'am." He laughed before grabbing his bag and heading out of the library

I slumped in my chair, groaning as I pressed my hands against my face "What am I doing?" I asked myself "This is wrong."

A part of me felt this was all some strange fever dream and this wasn't really happening. I had convinced myself I would wake up in a little while so I needed to enjoy this while I could. But this wasn't a dream. This was reality.

My excitement quickly turned into anxiety and guilt throughout the day. I was going on a date with Fred. Angelina was supposed to be the one going on dates with her...

Though I knew I would still go. If I was honest with myself no amount of guild could have stopped me from going on that date.

I Lay there next to Fred on the grass by the lake. We were there together in complete silence. This was the first time we had set a time and a place to be alone together. It felt strange to be around him without our friends.

I was so used to shooting daggers back and fourth or kissing passionately at random times that it felt strange to just be with him.

It still felt right somehow. Like, eventually it wouldn't feel strange. As if we were meant to be together like this and we just needed to adjust. You would think if it felt strange then it didn't feel right. But it did.

I finally took in a deep breath, daring to break the uncomfortable silence.
"So." Very original, I know.
"So..." He replied
"A-any plans for the weekend?"

I looked up at Fred as he stared at me blankly before laughing. I smiled, the sight. His smile was infectious.
"S-sorry." I laughed lightly "It's just, this is really different from our constant arguing."

Fred stopped laughing, sitting back on his hands "Yeah, I know. I never imagined we'd be here like this."
"Yeah. Me either."

Fred scooted closer, laying down besides me "We'll just have to get used to it then won't we?" He looked at me, our shoulders pressed against each other
"I guess we will."

"We don't seem to have a problem making out aggressively though, do we?"
"I think that's cause we redirect our energy from bickering to... that." I replied
"You're probably right." He chuckled

"Are we crazy?" I looked up at him, he was already staring at me
"Yeah," He nodded "We are. But maybe that's the good part."
"Oh yeah, nothing like getting killed by our families for being stupid." I rolled my eyes

"No," He laughed "I mean, if we weren't at least, just a little bit crazy we wouldn't have gone for this. And I'm really glad we did."
"Yeah." He nodded
"Okay." I smile

"So You've been a single lady till me huh?" Fred smirked staring up at the sky
"No need to sound to happy about that." I rolled my eyes, Fred's hand tightening around mine

"No," He laughed "I just thought, that you had a line of men at your door every morning that Hallie would have to chase off."

"I do. Just, they all want my families money or.... something, else..."
"Oh... oh." Fred replied
"Yeah, and none of them are here." I added "I'd rather be single than be married to a guy who won't hesitate to off me as soon as I'm not needed." I laughed

"You're laughing but the words coming out of your mouth aren't funny." Fred gave me a hesitant smile
"No, I know." I laughed harder "I know."
"Should I be worried about you?"
"Maybe..." I signed, my laughter calming down

"Yeah? Well maybe I won't mind worrying about you."
"That was so corny!" I started to giggle again
"It was wasn't it?" Fred laughed with me

"Well, I gotta get to class. I'll see you later yeah?"
"Yeah." I nodded
"Alright." Fred stared at me for a moment before leaning down to kiss me "Same time next week?"

"Are we waking this a regular thing?" I smile
"Yeah, I was thinking so." He smirked back
"Okay, same time next week then."

"Bye love."
I watched Fred run off towards the school. I watched my boyfriend, run off towards the school. I had a boyfriend.

1018 Words | Oct. 21 2023

YALL IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME 3000 YEARS TO GET A CHAPTER OUT 😭 I KNOW I SAID I WOULD HAVE ONE OUT SOON AND I DIDNT. I kept rewriting this chapter and then I couldn't come up with any ideas. 🏃‍♀️

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