• Chapter 25 •

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Third Person POV:
"Crap." Sage spoke under her breath
Sage had been purposely avoiding Fred for the past two weeks, knowing he would be livid about what happened.

Ducking and dodging through the halls and crowds of students, Sage continued to flee. Students grumbled and complained about her pushing and shoving but they would get over it.

Sage would not be able to get over Fred killing her if he caught up. Sage fled until she couldn't see orange hair anymore. Taking the opportunity Sage plopped down on one of the benches. Remembering she didn't have her wand in her robes she began digging through her bag for it.

Fred was in fact furious. He intended to have it out with her. He had never been so furious and it only intensified when she managed to run away. He spun in all directions vigorously trying to find her.

By the time he spotted her he was seeing red. He was practically floating with rage as he watched her rustle through her bag. As his eyes raked over her his mind wandered to how nice her hand felt in his that day.

His mind had actually been wandering there for the past two weeks but madame Pomfrey had warned him some effects of the potion might last. He was sure that was it and didn't pay any mind to those thoughts.

He quickly dismissed them in fact. It was her fault his mind was playing tricks on him. Sage stood up sticking her wand in her pocket as Fred came up behind her.
"Thought you were gonna get out of this did you?"

Sage jumped and took off down the hall, not daring to look back. Maybe it was her friends playing a practical joke on her but she couldn't take that chance. Sage dodged and ran not taking a chance to stop this time. He wasn't going to get her.

Thinking wildly Sage tried to clear her muddled thoughts as to where she could go where Fred wouldn't think to look for her. If she could disappear once she could manage it again.
"Oh no you don't." Fred growled following behind her quickly

To say Fred was livid and humiliated, was an understatement. Rumors were still going around and students making fun of him. People asking if he was secretly dating Sage, if he had actually been dumb enough to take love potion, girls cat calling him like he was an easy target.

It was all. Her. Fault. And he was going to get his justice. Still very much seeing red, Fred followed her blindly pushing others out of his way. Though most moved without his prompting, noticing the enraged look on his face.

Sage thought of all the places she knew where she could run. Forbidden forest? No. Astronomy tower? Too easy. The bathroom? He seemed mad enough to follow her there. She began to worry that there was no place she could go.

Until, a glimpse of water reflecting in the light launched an idea into her head. The black lake. It seemed foresty enough to hide and surely Fred wouldn't follow her that far and even if he did the slippery bank would hopefully cause him to fall over.

Heading out an exit and crossing the courtyard, Sage felt slightly exposed.
"You can't get away!" Fred called causing Sage to start printing
This petty pranking war seemed to have gotten out of hand.

Sage ran to the black lake only to have her arm end up in Freds grip. So much for the 'he wont follow me' plan.
"We need to have a chat."
"Hello Gingy." Sage batted her eyelashes
"Don't play stupid with me."
"I don't know what you mean."

"You drugged me!" Fred roared
"It was a joke! Don't be so sensitive!"
"Oh, oh, oh, like that time I dyed your hair and you choked me?"

"That was totally different." Sage snapped stepping up onto a rock
It didn't take them long to get into it. Sage was so engrossed in winning the argument she didn't notice how the rock she towered over Fred with was unstable.

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