• Chapter 39 •

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Third Person POV:
    Sage strolled lazily through the library searching for some pastime reading. Everyone, meaning Hallie, George, Angelina, Lee, Fred and a reluctant Sage had decided to study together in the library.

    Sage of course wanting to leave as soon as possible finished first but they refused to release her so she excused herself to go look for a book. She was in no great hurry, barley even reading the covers before she walked on, not wanting to find a book that actually did sound interesting.

    She was about three isles in when she felt a body press against hers and suddenly hands were pressing against the bookshelves, locking her in. Sage sucked in a breath not needing to look to know who it was.

    "What do you want?" Her voice taking on a snap
"You." Fred's lips ghosted the shell of her ear
A shiver ran down her spine from his tone as she composed herself "Funny, I thought you already had a girlfriend."
"Come on, don't be like that."
"Don't be like what? Don't condone you cheating on one of my best friends?"

     He gave me a look that Sage couldn't quite work out "You know I've wanted you."
"Every random touch, every look, you want me just as bad." His voice was getting quieter with each word, not wanting anyone else to hear "You even said it yourself. Don't lie to me."

    "You.... have a girlfriend."
"So you do want me."
"No. Not until you tell me the truth."

    "Alright." She snapped "You want the truth? I am so angry with you. I am angry that you have sent me nothing but mixed signals all summer, I am angry that you won't just be a man and stop jumping from me to her, I am angry that you show her more affection than you show me. And most of all, I am angry that I can't get over you! That no matter what I do or say to convince myself that you are a jerk I still want you more than I have ever wanted anything else!"

    Fred grabbed Sage by the wrist suddenly dragging her out of the library without anyone noticing.
"Fred-" Sage hissed "What are you doing?"
"Hush. Don't want anyone to hear us, do you?"

    Sage shut her mouth glaring angrily at the back of Fred's head as he lead her all the way to his dorm room. His grip was much too strong for her to struggle without making a big scene and he was right, she didn't want anyone to see them.

    Fred pushed her into his dorm, shutting and locking the door behind him. He stood there, gripping the door handle facing away from her.

    "What was the point of that?"
In a moment, Fred was across the room in front of her, taking Sage into his arms and kissing her passionately. Sage grabbed the front of his robes, gearing up to push him away.

    But the more his lips worked against her the more she lost her will to resist him. Each kiss with him felt exhilarating and passionate. More so than the last.

    The feeling of his hands in her hair, the way he held her so close she could feel his heartbeat, the way he towered over her as she pressed against his chest. A small gasp escaped from her lips as his mouth started to wander.

    Soft kisses trailing along her jaw and down her throat. Sage could feel her face flushing as his lips worked along her neck. Fred let out a laugh through his nose, feeling Sage's hands tremble as he gripped onto him.

    He pulled away, planting one last kiss to her lips before holding her close to his chest and whispering in her ear.
"I have to keep Angelina otherwise everyone would find out. I want you, I want you more than anyone else. Okay?"

   Sage stood there unable to meet his eye. She was fighting with two parts of her brain. One half was telling her that this was horrible, that she was horrible for even thinking about this. Fred would be using Angelina, she was her best friend. Angelina would never do this to her.

    But the other half only heard Fred's words. He wanted her, he wanted her more than anyone else. Her, the girl that had never been anyone's first choice. The girl who had always been the third wheel and the one who was always isolated. And now, someone wanted her, really wanted her.

    And her heart, her poor heart. Her heart wanted Fred more than anyone. She needed him. But her best friend. But she wanted Fred. But her best friend would be crushed. But she had a chance to have what she wanted. But this wasn't right, friendship meant everything to her...



    "I'm scared." Hallie joked
Sage and Hallie were sat in their DADA class waiting for the new professor to arrive.
"Honestly that speech she gave at dinner. I could've smacked that smirk right off her face."
"The look she gave the twins." Hallie huffed "I could've smacked that wig right of her head for looking at my boyfriend like that."

    Sage couldn't help the snort that escaped, causing Hallie to laugh along with her. The joy quickly withered up and died though. The whole class falling deathly silent as Umbridge waltzed in.

    George turned his head to look back at Hallie rolling his eyes as Umbridge giggled happily looking out at the class. Hallie had to cover her mouth not to laugh at the pure disgust etched into his face.

    "Your instruction in this class has been, disturbingly uneven. This year we won't have that problem with this highly structured, ministry approved material." Umbridge stated abruptly, handing out new textbooks.

    "There's nothing in here about defensive spells?" A student spoke up everyone flipped through their textbooks with confused looks on their faces

    "You won't be needing any." Umbridge stated simply with a much too giddy look on her face "Why would you when the ministry is here to protect you." She giggled
"HUH?" Sage voiced a little too loudly

    Everyone in the class turned to look at her, Hallie's face flushed red as she fought to keep in her laughs, practically falling over.
"Students will raise their hands when speaking in my classroom."

    "I know you Miss Jackson. Rest assured you will not be a disturbance in my classroom. Detention tonight, let's see if we can't work out those disruptive habits out hm?"

    Sage kept her face neutral until Umbridge had turned away. Sage and Hallie exchanged a disgusted looks.
"Talk about bias, did you hear the way she said your name." Hallie whispered "What a toad."
"Yeah... can't wait to see what her detentions are like."

1140 Words | Sep. 16 2023

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