• Chapter 45 •

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Third Person POV:
      "They are kids I know but I want them nowhere near mine!" Molly huffed
Sirius rolled his eyes in exasperation as he sat back in his chair.
"Molly, they aren't-"

      "You may not think they are like their parents but the fact of the matter is they were still raised by a pair of You-Know-Who's followers. Something is bound to have bled over and I don't want them corrupting my children!"

      Molly began pacing around the kitchen cleaning up breakfast with a huffy flare "I worry about Fred already, what if that girl-"
"Sage. She has a name." Sirius snapped slightly

      Molly took a deep breath, calming her rising anger "Fine... Sage, what if she gets too close to Fred and they start sneaking around..."
"I don't think you need to worry about that." Sirius assured her "Everyone tells me they hate each other and from what I've seen they can barely stand to be in a room together much less alone. You have nothing to worry about, they are not gonna start sneaking around together."


      Fred pulled away from their heated kiss with the biggest smirk plastered across his face "I think I like sneaking around with you." He whispered
Sage laughs resting her forehead against his chest "You're a bad influence."
"The worst." Fred agreed kissing her again

    Fred sighs as the speaker rings with another round of Umbridge's rules.
"I know it's hard." Sage smiled sympathetically "but her ban of your products seems to have actually increased the demand for them."
"I don't care about that." Fred growled "I care about being able to hold your hand and kiss you senseless without having that toad lurking around each corner."

      "You're so dramatic." Sage smiled softly brushing his lips with her fingertips "We hide our relationship from everyone, what's one more person, hm? You can be sweet."
"I'll be sweet later." Fred replied quickly pulling Sage closer to him

      After a few more minutes of making out, Sage decided to speak up about the thing that had been nagging her in the back of her mind. The thing that had been nagging her for a while... more like eating her alive with guilt.

      "Listen..." Sage spoke softly as Fred leaned in for another kiss, her voice was so quiet as if she were afraid to say what she was going to say "I, uhm..."
"What's wrong darling?"
Sage looked away from Fred, gripping the front of his robes tightly "I don't want to keep doing this to Angelina."
Fred's face fell slightly "...Are you saying you want to break up?"

    "What? No- no! I mean, I mean I don't think you shouldn't keep dating both of us... Besides we were bound to get caught soon, you know there are rumors and Hallie has seen us and if Hallie knows then George knows and Lee has seen us and..." Sage paused her rambling to bite at her lip nervously "you need to pick one of us. And I know... I know that may not be me but this isn't right..."

    "You're right." Fred replied
Sage's eyes snapped up to Fred's. She had expected some push back, some sort of argument as to why they had to do this.
"At first I really did think we had a decent reason for our actions but the longer we went on the more guilty I felt but I couldn't bring myself to tell her, she was so happy..."

      "Was?" Sage asked quietly
"Lately, we've been arguing a lot and she's started canceling our hangouts because she says she's busy. It's just not like it was before and I'm pretty sure her feelings have long since faded. It's time."

    "Wait- you're breaking up with Angelina... not- me?"
Fred gave her a smile, brushing a strand of curly hair out of her face "I told you, you goose you're the one I want."


    "Hallie!" Sage called, rushing over to her friend as she walked out of Snape's class
"Huh?" Hallie replied looking dazed as she carried out the 20 page assignment that Snape had just given out

    Sage's voice fell into a hushed whisper "Fred is gonna break up with Angelina and keep me."
Hallie's eyes brightened, clearly made alert by this news "WHAT!"
"Shh, shhh," Sage hushed her

    "sorry, sorry," Hallie replied, quieting her voice "what?"
"I told Fred that i didn't want to keep going behind Angelina's back and he agreed with me and said that he's going to breakup with her."

    "Woah..." Hallie huffed "so you two... will be official?"
Sage nodded "Hallie, I'm going to have a boyfriend... a real boyfriend that's all my own."


    "So you're breaking it off with Angelina?" George's eyebrows raised in surprise "And you're going to announce to the whole world that you're with Sage?"

    Fred nodded, lounging back on his bed "Yeah."
"And you're not going to regret this? You're gonna get some backlash you know."
Fred glared at his brother "You don't give me enough credit."

    "And you give yourself too much credit." George stated bluntly "you may like Sage- and don't get me wrong I adore her but you won't have Angelina to hide behind. You're going to have to take the full brunt of your actions. Everyone loves Angelina and we'll not so much Sage."

    "So you're condemning her because of her last name." Fred quipped
George huffed "No. I'm not. I'm making sure you aren't going to get her into this with you and then break her heart the second it gets difficult for you and your reputation that you covet so much."

    "Would you relax. I know what I'm doing. I'm gonna be serious with Sage... besides. We don't be here for much longer will we?"

1063 Words | Jul. 12, 2024

I would have had this posted sooner but a hurricane came through and I didn't have power for a while 😭🙏 I apologize

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