• Chapter 23 •

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Third Person POV:
Excitement flowed through Sage's veins as her, Hallie and Angelina waltzed into the great hall for breakfast. She held the vial of love potion tightly in her fist. Today was the day.

"Morning George!" Hallie chirped
The girls had set up a plan hours before coming in. Hallie would go in first to distract George, then Angelina who would sit between the twins and draw Fred's attention away from the side that his drink sat on.

They had taken the time to let Lee in on their plan so he could be backup if needed. They decided against telling George as they thought he would probably sell them out or try to talk them out of it.

"Hello Freddie." Angelina sank down between Fred and George
Sage, silently as ever sat on the other side of Fred, luckily going unnoticed as she and Lee stared at each other.

Sage waited a moment until she felt Fred's attention was fully on their group on the other side of him before moving. She braced herself for the pop of the cork in the vile before relaxing. She glanced around making sure no one had noticed as Lee continued to stare, trying desperately not to laugh.

Waiting another moment before letting herself believe no one noticed Sage raised the vile of potion to Fred's cup.

Angelina's distracting laugh made sage jump and quickly pour the potion in the cup in fear. She had done her part, now all he had to do, was drink it.

Sage's POV:
I stood up just as Fred's hand moved to his drink. I crossed to the other side of the table as Lee scooted over, leaving enough room for me to sit down across from Fred.
"How long will it take to work." Lee whispered as Fred took a sip of his drink

I pretended to laugh as if Lee had told a really funny joke, touching him on the arm lightly trying to get Fred's attention to make sure this went well.
"I have no idea." I whispered back

I turned facing front once again, adjusting in my seat. I looked up and Fred was staring straight at me. I jumped slightly as he stared at me wide eyed. I stared back. I don't know what I expected but this wasn't it.

He gulped and I could see his Addams apple bobbing.
"Something wrong freckles?" I asked
He took in a sharp breath.

"Yeah Freddie, you look really red." George pointed out how paying attention
"Nothing. I have class." He responded quickly getting up and out of the hall

For the first time ever I was happy that only Fred and I shared our first two classes
"I'm gonna go finish homework in the library." I said also leaving the hall

I skipped cheerily to class not even stopping by the library like I said I was. It was almost two hours before class, no one would be in there this early.

I entered the classroom and much to my joy it was empty except for one redhead who was breathing heavily at his desk.

I contemplated weather or not I should come onto him in private making it harder for him to ignore the effects of the potion.

In the end I decided to come on a little bit not enough for him to notice while he was under drugs like this.

I dragged my finger slowly across the back of his neck causing him to jump.
"Something wrong Annie? You left the hall in quite a hurry."

"Sage," his voice had gone suddenly hoarse
I wasn't even sure if I'd ever heard him speak my name before. I felt suddenly nervous. What was he about to say?

"I think I'm in love with you."
Of course he was. What was I expecting him to say?
"You are?" I said pretending to be shocked

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