• Chapter 20 •

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Third Person POV:
"Dress robes?! Why would I need dress robes?" Ron whined examining the hideous contents of the package he'd been sent

Just a few weeks ago the two other schools had arrived at Hogwarts and the Tri Wizard Tournament was announced, now there were more new things happening.

A whole double period had been canceled and replaced with some super secret class with the head of each house and no one seemed to know what was going on.

"As I'm sure rumors are already spreading rumors, let me fulfill your curiosity now. Along with the Tournament and the arrival of the new schools, it is traditional that the Yule Ball be held Christmas Day." Professor Sprout announced

Everyone began whispering wildly about dates and picking out outfits, it was all so much it made Sage's head spin.
"But before you're going to be doing any dancing at the ball, you must first learn to dance. Mr. Diggory! Will you join me please?"

This time it was the girls whispering wildly as the Hufflepuff knockout Cedric Diggory politely complied and demonstrated the dance with Professor Sprout.
"I don't see what's so attractive about him." Hallie whispered
"That's because you're into redheads." Sage whispered back

Hallie went beet red sitting back in her seat, deciding not to peruse the topic any further.
"Alright, everyone together now!"
Everyone rose awkwardly out of their seats not knowing exactly what to do until girls and boys began partnering up.

Hallie got asked almost instantly, Sage wasn't surprised, nor could she blame the guy. If she were a man shed be going for her too. Sage looked around trying not to panic or drown in the sea of people she was engulfed in. Had there always been so many people put in Hufflepuff?

Sage's POV:
"Without a partner too huh?"
I jumped before turning to see who had spoken to me. To my surprise it was Cedric.
He held out his hand for me to take "Then would you like to be mine?"
"Yes, thank you." I replied taking his hand

Professor Sprout counted everyone off and we began waltzing around the room. It was quite awkward actually, I didn't know him and I wasn't quite sure how to start a conversation.
"So, I don't think I've seen you around before.?
"Probably not." I agreed
"What year are you?"

"Really? How have I never seen you? We're in the same year."
"I don't get around much."
"Apparently, since I don't even know your name."

"Oh, it's Sage." I laughed awkwardly
"Wait... are you that one girl thats been fighting with Fred Weasley since like first year?"
"Goodness." I laughed looking down
I didn't realize our feud was well known.

"You are!" He laughed "I gotta say you don't strike me as the type to fight anyone."
"I make special allowances for Fred."
"Oh man the things I've heard. Did you really call him carrot crotch?"
"Hey! He called me a raccoon!"

Cedric snorted trying not to burst into a fit of laughter, I couldn't help but laugh a little with him.
"Okay okay, I have to know. Did you actually put him in a chokehold? Because I gotta know how."
"So he had dyed my hair red..."
"So I basically jumped him."

Cedrics jaw was practically on the floor as I recounted the story of how i jumped Fred and kept him in a chokehold.
"I thought that was just a rumor!"
"There are rumors?" I questioned
"You two will probably be legendary."

"Alright students! Times up!"
Everyone paused their dancing and separated.
"Thank you for being my dance partner Sage."
"Thank you for asking."

Everyone went and grabbed their bags and headed to their next class or free period.
"You seemed real chatty with Mr Diggory over there." Hallie nudged me in the side
"He was nice, nicer than I expected." I nodded
"Hello ladies, what tea are we spilling today?" George came up behind us throwing his arm over Hallies shoulders

"Sage has a thing for Cedric!" She said dramatically
I scoffed. I met him two class periods ago.
"Really?" George asked
Fred came up next to him listening in on our conversation.

"What's wrong with him?" Hallie asked
"Nothing..." George mumbled
"Oh never mind I know what it is. It's that neither of you can seem to get over loosing to Hufflepuff in a quidditch match because you're big babies."
"Are not."

"Do you really have a thing for him?"
"No. He was rally nice and I enjoyed talking to him."
"Please! You never talk that much."
"I was talking too much?" I panicked

"When did I say too much?"
"Do you think I came off as clingy?"
"You are anything but. You independence actually scares me sometimes."
"That makes no sense."

"I'm always worried you're gonna go off and do something stupid on your own and get hurt or something."
"Oh? Oh? That all you got? No 'I wont do that' or 'I'll get help if i need it.' no, just 'Oh."
"And a 'I have to get going."
"Oh you little-"

But I was already too far away to hear Hallies insult. Luckily I had a free period next and decided to spend it in the library. On my way there I met up with Angelina who was in desperate need of company.

"You really are one of my best friends." Angelina commented
"Aw, and you're one of mine." I agreed
"So, anything new in your life?"
"Mmm, I talked to Cedric Diggory today."
"Oh my goodness really? I heard he's entering the tournament!"

"Oh yeah."
"Are you going to enter?"
"Can't, I'm younger than even the twins."
"Really? For some reason I thought you were older."

We chatted for a while before some of Angelina's other friends came rushing in and engulfing us.

"Angie! Angie! Angie, cmon! We found this awesome hideout. You gotta come see!"
"Uh well I'm actually hanging out with Sage right now."
"You hang out with her all the time!"
Way to acknowledge my existence.

"I do no-"
"Come on! Just come see it, shes fine. Right?"
They all looked at me for an answer. It wasn't very hidden knowledge that her friends didn't like me. Angelina looked at me sympathetically knowing there was only one answer I was gonna give.

"Yes, I'm fine."
"Exactly. See Angie shes fine."
"I don't wanna leave her-"
"Its fine Angelina, I'm going to be alright alone for a while."

Angelina sighed resigning to going with her other friends.
"Catch up with you later?"
"Of course."
And with that she left. Her friends dragging her away.

Angelina took one last look back at me as if to make sure I was ok.
Before they were completely out of ear shot I heard them giggling about something. To my dismay it was what I thought they were laughing about, me.
"Calling you Angelina, shes so stuck up!"

1185 Words | May. 4 2023

Hey guys! Just wanted to let y'all know Paramour is now out on AO3! 🥸... Bye!

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