• Chapter 10 •

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Sage's POV:
I sat in front of the fireplace with two gifts and three letters in tow. I had to admit, even though I enjoyed my alone time, this was a bit much.

Almost no one stayed here during Christmas. Definitely none of my friends... It was quite lonely actually. I opened the packages smiling widely at the two book series Hallie had gotten me. She was outrageous.

The other being from George, I hated how I didn't dislike him. He had gotten me four books and some candy. I guess he was pretty cool. I reminded myself to write him and Hallie thank you notes later.

I started one of the books George got me nibbling on some candy. The book wasn't one I had heard of before and I was curious as to why George would think of me.

I finished the book within a few hours, it left me crying on the common room couch surrounded by piles of tissues. It was hands down one of the best books I'd ever read.

I turned the last page to find a note written on the back cover.
This has always been one of my favorite books, I thought you might enjoy it like I did little women when you lent it to me. Merry Christmas
Okay, maybe I didn't dislike him.

I had totally forgotten about lending him that book, he hadn't said much about it. Probably because Little Women was classified as a sappy, girly book.

By the time I finished the book it was time for dinner so I cleaned up and headed to the great hall. There were a few students scattered about the tables, it felt like a ghost town.

I nibbled a bit before dinner ended and everyone went their separate ways. I wandered around a while, finding myself at the astronomy tower. I guess all the couples who shagged there were home for the holidays.

When it got too cold to stand I left to go to my dorm room.
"We really are the same." A voice spoke from behind me
"No we aren't Draco." I replied
"Sure we are, left all alone during the holidays, we both hate those weaslebees, my parents are friends with your parents."

"I don't think my parents have any friends, just people they're forced to work with."
"I still say you were put in the wrong house, you should hang out with me more. Your parents would like that wouldn't they?"
"I don't really care what they would like. I do what I want and I don't want to be friends with you." I said leaving him behind

I'm sure my parents had said something to Draco's parents about how he should befriend me. Probably about what a good influence he would be on me. I think not. I sat down at my desk writing my thank you notes. Once I had finished and sent them off and laid in my bed starting my new book series.


The next morning I plopped down at the Hufflepuff table pacing some bacon and eggs on my plate. I ate a little waiting for the post to come in when someone decided to sit down next to me.

She was absolutely gorgeous. Dark long hair and practically glowing with flawless skin. She smiled at me holding out her hand for me to shake.
"Angelina Johnson." She introduced
"Sage, Jackson." I replied

"You got stuck here by yourself too huh?"
"Yeah, but it's not been too bad. What about you?"
"I usually go home but something came up and my parents asked if I could stay."
"That's rough." I said deciding explaining the whole my parents are crazy bit would be too much

"Maybe we can hang out, you know keep each other company."
"Yeah, I'd like that." I replied
Over the years I hadn't really made any friends other than Hallie, Lee, and possibly George. The thought that someone would actually enjoy my company always put me in a good mood.

The rest of the two weeks we hung out almost constantly. I even spent the night in her dorm. I found out she played quidditch, had a small crush on Fred, liked experimenting with makeup, had a great sense in fashion, her birthday
Was October 27th, and loved those old muggle records. She was also tall and beautiful and beautiful and tall.

"Woah, I've never been in the Hufflepuff common room before." Angelina smiled "It's so pretty." She said examining the plants that hung around the room
"Yeah it's pretty cozy."

I took her up to my dorm flipping on my string lights instead of the normal lighting.
"I love your dorm." She spoke examining my large bookshelf filled to the brim with my books "You have so many, I'm assuming you like to read." She smiled

"You know, every now and then." I joked
"Feel free to put your stuff anywhere."
Angelina ended up finding my old record player and forced me to break out my record collection. I used to be obsessed with muggle music, it had been a while since I listened to it.

We snuck down to the kitchens getting snacks to bring back to the dorm room, we listened to the muggle records, she did my makeup for fun, I asked her more about her family and then we passed out.

My alarm went off blaring the two of us awake. Students were arriving back at school today. Angelina and I got dressed and ready, she sat with me at breakfast as I told her about Hallie. I felt they would get along really well.

We were allowed to go down to the strain station so that's what we did. I searched wildly for Hallie, catching her get off with the Weasley twins. Angelina jumped slightly at the sight of Fred. I questioned her taste in men.

Hallie spotted me running over with the twins following in tow. We hugged each other tightly as Lee caught up with the rest of us.
"Hallie this is Angelina, Angelina this is Hallie." I introduced

Not even five minutes in and they were chattering like birds walking back to the school. I was right, they got along swimmingly. Fred George and Lee followed with us back to the school Lee and I talking about random things. I liked Lee too, he was fun.

"Thanks again for the book Weasley." I bumped George slightly on the arm with my elbow
He smiled at me "Anytime Jackson."
I nodded. There was a long pause before he spoke again.
"Don't hate me anymore do you?" He said smugly
"Shove off." I grumbled

1120 Words | Apr. 5 2023

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