• Chapter 6 •

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Sage's POV:
Ever since I was born I think I knew my parents didn't really love me. I wasn't a son and I wasn't the first born. They kept me around though, good business bargaining chip when I become of age.

All I had was my brother, even the house elves avoided me. But even he too, left me eventually. I always struggled with an anxiety disorder and from the moment I could walk my mother drilled proper wife etiquette into me. The usual things, keep quiet, be agreeable, never have an opinion, don't make eye contact, etc. So to say I was an awkward child would be an understatement.

When I started at Hogwarts that's when I met Hallie. She was more extroverted than me and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She helped crack the mold that my parents had formed around me since the moment I was born.

Then I met Fred Weasley, all I could remember was the pang of fear I felt. I thought with how much my family hated his that surely he would come after me. Maybe that's why I was so mean to him when he pulled that prank.

I felt horrible afterwards, I felt so guilty for reacting the way I did and then the next day when he tried to talk to me I got defensive. I don't know why, but I did. Since that moment he never had a kind word for me and I never had one for him.

By the time I got home this past summer, my mother had me meeting possible suitors the whole time. I had never despised something so much. It felt like I was cattle at an auction, lucky to be sold to the highest bidder.

"Earth to Sage Jackson!" Hallie waved her hand in front of my face
"S-sorry." I said blinking away the beginnings of a headache
"Merlin, I said your name about five times."
"Spaced out I guess."

"You guess? I would say you did space out."
"Thinking about a special someone?" Hallie wiggled her eyebrows
I laughed at her expression "Like who?"
She shrugged "I don't know you're so quiet all the time I never know what you're thinking. Except when you're arguing with Fred of course."

"I know what special someone you're thinking about." I smirked "A certain George Weasley."
Hallie's face went into flames as we stared at each other.
"My mortal enemy." I sighed shaking my head

I had kind of given up on hating George. Though I would never confess that. I found he really was rather nice and Hallie practically clung to him so continuing the struggle didn't seem worth it anymore.

"You like him though, even just a little bit."
"Maybe.... Just the smallest bit." I side eyed her
"George is thinking about inviting me over for Christmas break!" Hallie squealed "Can you imagine? Hello yes Mrs. Weasley, I'm your future daughter in law." Hallie batted her eyelashes

"What!" I exclaimed "Future daughter in law?"
"You know..." Hallie shifted awkwardly "Maybe some day."
"Oh good lord." I groaned

"Anyway, I've got to go find George, I told him we could hang out after three." Hallie said backing her things up "I'll see you later." She waved
"Tell him I said congratulations." I replied
"On what?" She questioned
"You know, the future engagement."
Hallie's face went red "Shut up."

I sat in silence for a moment before remembering that I had forgotten to get my mail that day. I headed up to the owlry. When I got there I had three letters waiting for me. One from my parents, probably just my mother, one from my brother, and one oddly unnamed one.

I headed back to my dorm room reading the letter from my mom.

You will be spending Christmas at school again this year, your father and I have business to attend to and don't have time for you to be whining around the house.

No surprise there. I spent every Christmas as school.

This summer I already have a new lineup of suitors for you to meet, I will be sending the list shortly so you can learn all their names by heart. You've never been smart enough to remember names so I'm being merciful and giving you the opportunity to not embarrass yourself. Don't disappoint me.

Merlin's beard. Already? A whole new lineup already? I internally groaned at the thought of having to spend my entire summer meeting men I had absolutely no interest in. The only quality most of them had was money and that wasn't something that interested me.

Was it too much to ask that I end up with someone I want, that I meet, and get to know, and fall in love with? Was it really too much? I guess when you come from a family like mine, it is.

"Hey pretty lady." I heard someone come up behind me
I hadn't even had a chance to open my other letters. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly who it was.

"You may be short but I bet you are good at riding."
"It's never gonna happen Cormac. Give it up." I didn't even bother looking up

"Oh come on now, it doesn't have to be anything serious."
If only he knew, that was the problem. This was another reason why I didn't like Fred. He didn't have a very good taste in company.

"Goodbye McLaggen."
I let out an exasperated sigh once I was down the hallway, opening my brothers letter.

How are you doing? I heard about what mom had you doing this summer. I'm sorry, I would have taken you if I could have. I'm sure everything will be fine.

I'm glad he is because I'm definitely not sure about that.

On a brighter note I met someone. Her name is Hera. We met at a coffee shop and she came over to talk to me. She made some funny joke about how we were both named after Greek gods. I cant wait for you to meet her.

Why did he get to fall in love and I didn't?
I sighed setting down that letter and opening the last one. It wasn't labeled or anything which meant it had to have come from someone in the school. I entered my dorm throwing the other two letters on the desk.

My one and only, my nimbus 2000, you are more beautiful than the quidditch field and pumpkin pasties. I must have you, you cannot deny the attraction we feel for each other. Your height of course never bothered me, obviously were meant for each other. Meet me at the astronomy tower at seven and I'll show you just how beautiful you are.

I stared at the letter dumbfounded before I burst into laughter.
"What's so funny?" Hallie asked coming into the dorm after me

"Hallie!" I continued to cackle shoving the letter in her face
She read it with brows furrowed drowning out my unstoppable laughter.
"What! Nimbus 2000?" She exclaimed causing me to laugh harder "They compared you to a broom? Who is this from!" Hallie flipped the letter over looking for some type of signature

"It has to be a joke!" I giggled
"Some secret admirer you have..."
Hallie and I stared at each other before bursting into laughter again.
"Not the nimbus 2000!" Hallie cried
I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard as I fell back on the floor.
"Are you crying?" She laughed harder

Hallie went to the bathroom still giggling at the love letter. All of a sudden from the bathroom I heard her shout.
"A nimbus 2000! Really?"
I laughed some more trying to compose myself "I don't think I can show my face at the astronomy tower again!"

Obviously it was a joke, no one is THAT bad at writing love letters and the fact that I'm quite sure no one has feelings for me like that. I lay down in my bed still giggling at the letter. People can be so silly sometimes.

I am so sorry for this boring chapter 🏃‍♀️

1336 Words | Mar. 4 2023

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