• Chapter 46 •

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Third Person POV:
"Fred," Sage laughed, stepping out of her common room "Why did you insist I wear a sundress?" She tilted her head at her boyfriend who stood outside the door wearing a t-shirt underneath a sweater vest and a casual pair often tweed pants

"Well don't you look handsome." She teased
Fred looked her up and down as he admired the dress on her "Well I can't let my girlfriend show me up." He smiled
"So I look okay?" Sage questioned, giving Fred a quick spin so he could assess her

"You look prettier than any woman I've ever laid eyes on, my dear. Aphrodite couldn't even hold a candle to you."
"You're such a flatterer." Sage shoved him "Since when did you know such poetic words."

"Maybe you've made a poet out of me, love."
"Been reading that book of poems for your class?"
"Yeah that too." Fred confessed with a playful smile

"So, what are you plotting?" She asked, "Why are we all dressed up?"
"You'll see." Fred grinned giving Sage his arm before leading her through the hidden passageways of Hogwarts

He lead her outside to a secluded and familiar area "you remember this spot?"
Sage rolled her eyes as he took Fred's hand allowing him to help her over the slippery rocks on the bank of the black lake "How could I forget about the time you tried to drown me."

"Not intentionally." Fred pouted playfully
"That's what you say." Sage smiled
"Whatever." He grinned as he handed her a picnic basket "Hold this."

Sage stood there, watching as Fred laid out a big blanket on the bank of the river before taking the basket back and setting up the picnic and helping Sage sit down.
"You did all of this?" Sage asked In disbelief

"Um... planned? Yes. Executed? Of course not." He admitted, his voice full of pride that he managed to plan and actually accomplish his plan the way it was in his head

"It's the thought that counts." Sage smiled softly "You're so cute." She laughed picking up a chocolate strawberry

The truth was Fred had planned this picnic to gently break the news to her that him and George were leaving. He knew it wasn't a huge deal since it was close to the end of the year anyway but he knew it would still be a wrench especially if they were going to become a public couple.

But as the afternoon went on and he watched his beautiful girlfriend laughing and smiling the words died in his chest and he couldn't bring himself to tell her.

"You're so sweet for planning this." Sage turned her head to look at Fred only to find he was already staring at her intensely "W-what?" She questioned, caught off guard by his intense look

"You're beautiful." Fred replied, his voice deep and smooth as silk
Sage's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. She could feel her heart thundering In her chest as Fred's eyes drew her in deeper until she felt like she was drowning in the golden brown color. "Fred..."

She was so lost in his eyes that she wasn't even sure his name had even fallen from her lips until he reached up, wiping away a piece of chocolate strawberry that lingered on her lips "Yes, love?"

Neither of them seemed to be aware of how close they'd gotten until their lips connected in a passionate exchange. Freds hand still had a hold on Sage's face, a smirk forming on his lips as she pressed closer.

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