• Chapter 30 •

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Third Person POV:   
    "That's nice of you to say." Sage smiled
"Well it's true." Cedric insisted "I mean you're one of the only girls I've seen who's had both Hogwarts students and Durmstrang students interested in you."
"Please." Sage rolled her eyes "Stefan is a friend."

    "You might wanna tell him that." Cedric smiled eating a grape
"You are all drama."
He winked at her "Of course."

    "So uh what about you and Cho Chang?" Sage smirked
Cedric cleared his throat looking away from me.
"Oh come on!" She shook him "You can't tell me there's nothing there!"

    "Alright, alright!" Cedric laughed almost choking on his grape "I don't know."
"You don't know? How can you not know?"
"Well, I really like her, but there's also this other girl that I really like."

    Cedric held Sage's gaze intensely causing her to break away from the look.
"Well, she seems nice. You two were very pretty at the ball together."
"Yeah." Cedric continued to stare

    "Sage!" Hallie called
Cedric and Sage both turned to see Hallie waving her down "We're going to be late!"
"Oh, I totally forgot! Coming!" Sage replied

   Sage got up, collecting her things she thanked Cedric for the picnic and for hanging out with her.
"I'll see you around?" She called
"Not if I see you first!" Cedric replied

    The two girls walked quickly down the hall, Hallie stopping to make a quick trip.
"I have to pick up some work from Professor Snape. Wait for me? I'll be just a second."

    "Yeah sure." Sage nodded
Rocking back on her heels Sage hummed a tune waiting for Hallie to return. She checked her watch making sure they were till good on time seeing as she had already made them run behind.

    "Talking to Ceddy now are you?" Fred came up behind her venom lacing his tone "Was the Gryffindors most eligible man not enough for you? Not you need the Hufflepuff one too?"
"Taking to me again are we now lobster head?" Sage replied not even looking at him

    Fred had completely ignored her since their little spat in the library. Just when you thought levels of ignoring couldn't get lower, he always found away. It had been as if she never existed at all to him.

    "It's not like I want to."
"Then why are you?"
"Professor McGonagall assigned me to tutor you." He grumbled crossing his arms
"What!" Sage gaped

    Out of all the bad news she could have received, this was definitely in the top five.
"Meet me at the library around five. We can study until dinner." He grumbled walking off

    "What was that about?" Hallie asked coming back
"Hallie! He has to tutor me!" Sage wailed
"Oh no." Hallie comforted "Maybe it won't be that bad?"
Sage looked at her, clearly not believing.

    "I'm sorry, let's go to class and forget your troubles." Hallie led her away
The day went by much to quickly and all too soon Sage was facing four thirty.

    She gathered her things and left to go to the library. She made sure to take the long way round and walk it as slowly as possible.

    Walking up to the library doors she saw Fred standing there leaning against the wall looking upset. She couldn't help but share his sentiments.

    "You're late." Fred grumbled
"As if you're always on time to everything." Sage retorted
"Whatever. Let's get this over with."
"Fine by me."

    Sage had been completely distracted the entire time. No matter what Fred said she couldn't focus. Which wasn't good.

    It also didn't help that her mind let wandering to what it would be like if Fred just leaned over and kissed her. She couldn't stop glancing at his lips.

    It was unfortunate that he had to be her first kiss. She could have thought about about some other guy like this if they had been her first kiss.

    "Are you listening to me?"
"Yes, you were saying something about transfiguration."
"That's seriously all you got from what I said? That it was about transfiguration?"

    "I'm tired." Sage mumbled massaging her aching neck
"Then wake the hell up." Fred grumbled snapping his fingers at Sage

    "This is your revenge isn't it?! To torture me into insanity!"
"Yes." Fred nodded "If I have to suffer I'm taking you down with me." Fred snatched a book out of Sage's hand

    "Give me the book back!" Sage growled
Fred continued to lean further back holding the book out of her reach. He enjoyed watching her struggle like this, teetering in her chair reaching for something she would never be able to reach without his help.

    He was too busy watching her struggle that he didn't notice how far his own chair was tilted back. Before they knew it Sage had toppled over and Fred went down with her.

    Sage landed smack dab on top of him, her warm breath fanning over his neck. She gripped the front of his robes, still braced for impact for any remaining falling items.

    In the rush of the moment Fred had grabbed onto her and pulled her against his chest, also bracing for impact causing his arms to be wrapped around her tightly when they finally fell to the floor.

    Fred could feel her chest pushing against his and Sage could feel his rapid heartbeat pounding against his ribs. Both still in shock they lay there, Fred resting his head against the floor letting out a breath.

    They just laid there like that. Neither of them knowing if they were enjoying this, if they were in shock, or how they always managed to end up in these positions.

    Someone cleared their throat from behind them causing them to both quickly separate in fear that it was someone they knew.

    Luckily it was just some random girl from Gryffindor who were rather fond of Fred and were made immediately jealous at the sight of another girl on top of him. If only they knew, it wasn't like that.

    Fred and Sage picked up their chairs and sat back down. Blush singeing both of their faces as they choose to look away from one another.

    "I hate you." Sage grumbled
"Oh, because you're so great. We wouldn't even have these problems if you didn't make one out of everything I do." Fred snapped
"Alright." Sage pushed her chair away from the table "I'm going to leave now, before I say things I will regret later."

    "Thank god." Fred sighed in relief "I didn't think I could handle another two hours with you."
"Shove off." Sage said storming out of the library

1110 Words | May. 2023

You guys, I have literally been so dead on here. I AM SO SORRY. I said I would be gone for a week, I was gone for like twenty. Listen I'm still here 😭 I just didn't have a chapter I was happy with yet so I didn't post. I promise it will pick up, a whole wave of new drama is coming sooner than you think 👀 I've been literally so excited to finish this chapter because the ones after this are so just drama Rama and I've been having so much fun writing those instead of this chapter. I'm sorry 😔 but it will get better I promise!
This is a really long authors note- SORRY BYE!

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