• Chapter 38 •

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Sage's POV:
    I sat in the train compartment across from Hallie staring out the window waiting to take off. I felt anger bubbling in my chest as I sat with my arms crossed over my chest and my fingers tapping in annoyance.

    I had been perfectly fine a few moments ago until my eyes were violated. I hated Fred Weasley. I didn't care what my heart told me, I was done with him. Nothing that had been said or was going to be said mattered. I was through with that man.

    The whole time everyone was crammed into Sirius' place Fred had been sending me what I thought were romantic advances. His hand would brush my thigh if we were sat next to each other at dinner, his eyes would follow me every time I entered a room, and that night in the windowsill, even when he had told me he loved me.

    I thought it was the beginning of something. But then it began to feel like he was playing with my heart... making me think something was there and then he would pull away and the worst part was, there was nothing I could do to stop it.

    I was head over heels before I even knew I had fallen and now I was drowning. Every time I would be mad enough to move on from him, he would send another signal and I'd be right back where I started.

    The only time I felt a reprieve was in my sleep. Until I started dreaming of him. I had the most wonderful dreams, where he would take me in his arms and kiss me as passionately as he had the night of the Yule Ball and confess that his heart belonged to me and only me.

    And then I would wake up and I was returned to the land of mixed signals. So I started to avoid him and cling to Hallie more than I already did. Turns out, Hallie was a packaged deal with George. You couldn't have one without the other now that they were dating. I quickly became their third wheel and suddenly I was faced with picking the lesser of two evils.

    Somehow I managed to make it through the rest of the summer. Finally back to school came around and I walked through Kings Cross station with an added bounce in my step.

    I was so happy I wasn't going to be crammed in that place, unable to hide from anyone. I thought I had made it. I was wrong, the universe had one last cruel joke in store for me.

    All the students were crowed with their families on the platform, everyone loading their luggage, hugging goodbye, trying to find a compartment. I was in the middle of loading my luggage when out of all the things

    He was with Angelina, but he wasn't just with her. He was kissing her. More like making out. In front of everyone. He had her pressed against one of the train cars as he kissed her with obvious passion. Similar to the way he had kissed me that night in the alcove.

    It felt as if he had slammed me into a wall, reached down my throat, grabbed my heart, ripped it out, cut it in half, smeared one half on the train car she was pressed against, and stomped on the other half.

    I gripped my shirt, suddenly gasping for air as tears clouded my vision. I don't know what I expected. Of course he chose her. I quickly looked away, he was still making out with her. I hoped he passed out from a lack of oxygen.

    I got on the train quickly, finding an empty compartment. I wanted to be alone for a moment. Of course Hallie eventually found me but I had pushed my broken heart away and now that hurt had turned into anger.

    That's how I found myself sitting staring angrily out the window of the train the entire way to Hogwarts. The whole six hours I stared, sulked, and overthought.

    It was only me and Hallie in the compartment, naturally I didn't feel like sitting with our normal group which included the redheaded backstabber and my best friend who was dating him.

   We all filed off the train and unfortunately Lee found us and so we ended up having to walk back to the castle with the group.

    Which meant Hallie abandoned me for her boyfriend and Angelina asked me a thousand questions while giggling as Fred wrapped his arms around her affectionately. I hated it here.

    I managed to keep my composure till dinner, only to find out some pink toad from the ministry had been hired as a professor. She was obviously here to do more than teach, seeing as she interrupted Dumbledore's yearly speech so give us some bull crap about the ministry.

    I practically ran to the common room afterward, getting my dorm assignment so I could slam my stuff down on my bed and get my pent up anger out.

    I grumbled angrily the whole time I was putting my things away. Hallie eventually came in and quietly put her things away and got ready for bed. She could tell I was on edge. She could always tell when something was wrong. It pissed me off.

    Once I had finished I got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth with an angry flare, I changed clothes with an angry flare, I even made my bed with an angry flare. I knew I was grumbling to myself but I was so mad I didn't care.

    Hallie eventually got out of the shower and brushed her teeth before settling into her own bed. She watched me silently shuffle around the room in a huff as I looked for my book.

    "What?" I snapped, her staring starting to get on my last nerve
She shook her head and went back to reading as I rolled my eyes. Finally I got into bed and read my book silently.

    Hallie sighed, closing her book and setting it on her nightstand "I wish you would talk to me." She stated simply before turning off her light and rolling over.

1045 Words | Sep. 12 2023

Trying to get back in the groove y'all 🙏

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