• Chapter 18 •

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Sage's POV:
"Psst! Sage!" Angelina whispered
I looked at her trying not to get in trouble with the professor.
"What?" I mouthed

She folded up a piece of paper into a bird and floated it over to me.
"Can I copy off of You?"
I stared straight ahead weighing the odds in my mind.

I didn't typically let people copy off of me but she was my friend and class was halfway over. I couldn't leave her in the lurch.

I turned back to look at her as she batted her eyelashes at me and clasped her hands in a begging motion.
"Thank You!" She looked overly relived

Shifting in my seat I moved so that she could see my paper. I cleared my throat, my inconspicuous way of letting her know to look up. I lifted my paper enough so she could see but not to where it looked like I was doing anything other than getting a better look at the paper.

I sat like that for about five minutes before I dared to turn around and see if she was done. She shot me a thumbs up and I let out a breath that I didn't know I'd been holding in.

Praying we wouldn't get caught I waited till she and two other people turned in their tests before turning in mine so it didn't look like we finished at the same time.

Once everyone finished we waited silently in our seats for Snape to finish grading. If I had all the answers right, wich I think I did, he wouldn't notice and just think we both studied.

Angelina knew to reword the open answer question right? Of course she did, that would be the dumbest mistake to copy the free answer word for wor-

"Miss Jackson and Miss Johnson would you come up here please?"
My stomach dropped. We'd been caught. We had so been caught. Had he seen us talking?

"Yes Professor?" I squeaked
"I am going to give you girls one opportunity to tell me which one of you cheated off the other."
He looked furious. Angelina opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off before she could confess.

"It was me professor." I stated
They both looked at me mildly shocked.
"What?" He asked
"It was me, I asked for the answers."

"Are you sure Miss Jackson?"
I guess he knew I wasn't the type to steal answers. Or he was just biased against all Gryffindors.
"Yes professor."
Grumbling slightly Snape stood up from his chair "Very well then, you will be serving detention with me 9pm, don't be late."
"Yes professor."

We both went and sat back down in our seats for the rest of class. Although I wasn't looking forward to detention I knew I had fewer strikes than her and would get in less trouble.

"I can't believe you did that!"
I shrugged turning down the hall.
"You took the blame and the detention for me!"
"It's no big deal Angie."

"You are the most wonderful human being." She said hugging me tightly
Rolling my eyes I hugged her back.
"I owe you one."
"No you don't."

A few hours later after classes had ended I found myself sitting in the library with Fred, Angie, Hallie, George and Lee.

Lee and I had struck up a conversation about random things trying to drown our sorrows about being single and surrounded by couples.

Of course Hallie and George were being all cute and giggly like they normally were but today Fred seemed especially attached to Angelina.

I think everyone suspected he had feelings for her and everyone knew she had feelings for him but they never really did anything about it.

Now, they were hugging and whispering in each others ears. He was so touchy, I couldn't understand. Why did he have to like her? Why did it bother me so much?

"Earth to sage?" Lee asked
"S-sorry." I mumbled glancing at the two again
"Awe! Fred that's so sweet!" Angelina squealed

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I don't know why them being cute together bothered me so much. Maybe it's because I knew she could do better than him.

I mean if you saw your friend dating someone you hated, you would be uncomfortable too, right? Yeah.

George rolled his eyes, throwing his arms over Hallie's shoulders. Maybe it was being surrounded by couples while being desperately single that was the real problem.

"You and me huh Sage?" Lee teased "Everyone else has their soulmate."
I smiled "Guess so."
Lee made it more bearable though.

"You guy are practically on top of each other!" Lee whined
"Are not!" All four of them protested
"If it wasn't true then why did all of you get defensive?" He asked

"Whatever, Sage will be our alibi."
"No! She'll be mine because we're in the same boat!"
"She's my best friend." Hallie retorted
"Why don't you just ask her?" George suggested

"Yeah! Sage, who's right? Me or Hallie?"
"Yes Sage please tell us who's side you're on here." Hallie leaned forward
Everyone turned to look at me as Hallie and Lee stared me down.

"I have detention." I said standing up and gathering my things
"What! You can't leave!" Lee cried
"Yeah! You have to tell us which one of us is right!"

I waved behind me leaving the two couples and Lee all alone. I made my way to Professor Snape's classroom, dreading what was in store for me.

I prayed it wouldn't be too horrible and that I might actually go to bed before 3AM.
"Come in."

I creeped into his office trying to make myself as small as possible. Maybe he would take pity.
"Clean my office." And he left
I stood there mildly confused by his lack of instruction and got to work.

It took me four hours to clean before he deemed it spotless and let me leave. On the scale how how bad his punishments were, this was definitely on the less side.

I headed back to my dorm and got ready for bed. Hallie was already asleep in her bed as I laid down. I barley had enough energy to complete a thought before I fell asleep

1050 Words | Apr. 25 2023

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