• Chapter 26 •

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Sage's POV:
    Everyone was sat in the great hall taking a tests deadly silent as the professors wandered up and down between the tables.

    Hallie was sat next to me scribbling and thinking deeply trying to actually put in effort and not think about the fact George hadn't asked her to the ball.

    Fred turned laughing quietly at something George whispered. It was so surreal to think he was the one who had saved me from drowning.

    How could this snarky asshole be the same person who gave me his shirt and hid me for an entire week and saved me from drowning.

    He was the reason I had been drowning in the first place! Of course he hadn't known I couldn't swim but still he was being a jerk when it happened. It was... was... bipolar. It was bipolar! He was bipolar! It was so confusing.

   I didn't know how to feel but it didn't seem worth having to admit I was wrong. He needed to make up his mind.

    I couldn't stop thinking about Fred long enough to focus. What was wrong with me? I needed to stop.

    Fred tossed a note to Ron, watching intently as Ron read it.
"Who are you going with then?"

    How had he picked me up so easily off the ground? Why did his jumper have to be so warm?

    Will you, go to the ball with me?
My heart withered in my chest. Angelina pretended to be nonchalant before agreeing.

    "I expect we will be hearing about this later." Hallie whispered playfully
I nodded staring down at my test.

    Why was I upset? Of course he asked her, they were practically dating. It was probably just because I knew Angelina deserved better than him. I quickly finished my test and got out of the room.

    I walked down the hallway trying to get away before anyone else finished their work.

    "Sage!" Angelina called
I turned around to see her happily running up to me.

    She practically knocked me over as she tackled me in a hug "Did you see? He asked me!"

    "I did! I'm so excited for you!" I smiled trying to smother the ache that my heart felt
"Oh no..." she said pulling back to look at me "No ones asked you, have they?"

    I felt a small twinge of relief at knowing that she assumed my sadness was from a lack of a date and not what it was actually from... that I didn't like her new boyfriend. 

    "Yeah, but I'll be fine. I can go by myself, I'm a big girl." I assured her
"I promise to hang out with you half of the time alright?"

    "No, don't make that promise. I want you to have fun with Fred, you've been waiting for him to ask you. I promise I'll be fine, just have fun for me, that's all I ask."

    She hugged me again "Thank you."
"For what?" I questioned
"For being such a good friend to me."
"Anytime." I sighed

    Angelina ran off to go tell her other friends and I wandered around the school. Why did him asking her bother me? Is was none of my business.

    Maybe I had possessive issues over my friends. Yeah, that was it. I was just possessive of my friends.

    Most students were still in the hall taking their test. I stood next to the bathroom trying to decide if i wanted to splash some cold water on my face or if i was fine. I stood there for a good five minutes.

    I had just about decided to head back to my dorm when i heard the creaking of the bathroom door.

    I looked to see a slightly flustered Cormac coming out of the boys bathroom. How had I not heard the toilet flushing or the sink running? How long had he been in there?

    "Sorry." Nodded walking away
"Wait! Sage, I wanted to talk to you." He said catching up

    "Well I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to the Yule ball with me?"

    "Fred seems to think that me asking you if sunny because you're too proud to be seen with someone like me."

    He was right. Cormac sexualizes everything and I wouldn't want to be seen with him.
"We could prove him wrong."
He was right, we could.

    "I think you're hot and I want to take you to the ball. What do you say?"
I wanted to say no... but no one else had asked me and I couldn't bear the thought of Fred's satisfied expression when he found out. I could say yes and shock him. Prove his ignorant ass wrong.

    "We could you know be the new it couple. I know you don't like Fred and I'm starting to see why."
I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Was it worth it?

    "He used to be my best friend. Now, what better way to get at him than asking out is enemy, plus you a really are hot."


    "I was always going to ask you." Fred assured her
"Well it took you bloody long enough." Angelina playfully glared at him letting Fred throw his arm over her shoulders "Now we just have to get you two dates."

    Hallie laughed awkwardly.
"Come on George quit being a prick and ask Hallie." Fred smiled
"S-shove off." George shifted just as uncomfortably as Hallie had

    A small flash of disappointment flashed across Hallies face, obviously taking George's response as his not wanting to go with her.

    "And I'm sure someone will ask you, eventually Sage." Fred sneered
"Not that it's any of your business but I've actually already been asked."

    "Really?" Angelina sat forward
"What did you say?" Hallie questioned
"I said yes."

    Fred's face fell. Oh it was totally worth it. It was worth an evening with Cormac to see that expression. I wanted to take a pic
It was about to get so much better.
"Cormac." I said bravely

    Not only did Fred's face fall further, but everyone's faces fell. Causing me to falter slightly.

    "Really?... Cormac?"
"Yes, why is that so bad?"
"Well he's, weird." Hallie spoke up

    "He's perfectly fine and its just the ball it's not like I'm going to date him."
"Yeah. Just unexpected I guess."
"Well, I'm going with him."

1065 Words | May. 20 2023
Y'all im so sorry, a glitched happened and my book somehow got unpublished. Here's a chapter to make it better 🤲

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