• Chapter 33 •

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Third Person POV:
"You two need to learn to get along!" Angelina scolded
Sage opened her mouth to reply but was cut off.

"Now I don't care how long you two have been fighting! I don't care that it's legendary here in the school! He is my boyfriend and you are my best friend. Now I know I've helped you prank him in the past but now I have to defend him too."

If only she knew that wasn't the problem anymore. Sage still hated Fred... She hated how he managed to capture her heart when she wasn't paying attention and how he didn't love her back.

Her heart had been shattered before it even had a chance and only Hallie knew about it. Sage had made her swear not to tell anyone. Hallie had sat, flabbergasted for at least ten minutes.

But the girls were agreed... telling anyone about this would be pointless. Not when Fred and Angelina were dating and happy. It would only to damage to say something. Especially when they knew Fred didn't love her back.

"Now, you are coming with Fred and I on this picnic!"
Sage zoned back in "What?"
"Yes! Now I haven't told him because I believe the best way to break this fight is to catch him off guard so he doesn't have time to sulk on it."

"No no no Angelina, no absolutely not I'm not going." Sage fought
"Yes. You are."
"No! I'm going to be the third wheel!"
"No you won't!"

Sage knew she would be and of course everyone knew there was nothing worse than being the third wheel to the guy you liked who was dating your best friend.

"Now come on!" Angelina grasped Sage's wrist and dragged her to the picnic
Fred whistled contently, waiting for Angelina so they could go on their date.

He was happy with her. He wasn't sure he loved her but he assumed if you were dating and enjoyed spending time together the love would come eventually.

"Fred!" Angelina's voice carried across the courtyard
Fred's jaw dropped when none other than Sage (who was actively trying to recoil at the sight of Fred) behind her.

"Sage has nowhere to go. Mind if she joins us?" Angelina batted her eyelashes
Sage stared at the ground looking exceptionally upset.

"Really?" Fred laughed awkwardly "You sure she has nowhere else to go?" He asked
"Yes. Now play nice and let her come with us."

Fred groaned loudly throwing his head back. He wanted to protest but seeing as Angelina was so dead seat on bringing her he knew there was no point.

He didn't want her to join them. Not only was this supposed to be a date but he didn't want to see Sage at all. In any situation. Ever.

"Thank you." Angelina patted his chest and took off to their spot, still clearly dragging Sage
Sage thought if she could just twist her wrist enough she could get out of Angelina's grasp and make a run for it. It didn't work.

Fred set up the all too romantic looking picnic in the all too romantic spot and Angelina forced the two to sit.

"So, Fred." Angelina hummed "Sage was telling me the other day that you're tutoring her now."
"I guess I am." He replied
"How come You Never told me!"

Sage felt a pang in the bottom of her gut. Was this a confession? Did she know? Fred felt a bead of sweat drop down his back. Was this a confession? Did she know?

"Dunno, didn't think she was important enough to bother you with." Fred glared at Sage, who stuck her tongue out at him
"Don't be rude." Angelina replied

Although Angelina did know to some extent she didn't know everything. Only what they accidentally told her when they thought she wasn't there.

She of course denied it. She brushed it off as some prank they decided to pull because they were mad she left them alone together. But now, there were rumors.

People saying they'd been going to the library together and hiding in places no no one would see them together. Rumors that they'd seen Sage on top of him. Rumors that they consistently made out in different hiding spots.

She had begun to feel anxious. That was until she watched them fight over the most ridiculous things, like cheese. How does one even start a fight over cheese if you don't thoroughly hate the other person?

She wasn't sure if this was a good idea. Maybe she was sabotaging her relationship with Fred. Maybe the more time she forced them to spend together they would realized they loved each other and she would be left in the lurch.

But she had to know. She had to see for herself if there were feelings there. She almost hoped they're fighting would worsen just so she could feel better.

She knew it was a terrible thought. But if they had feelings for each other there would be nothing she could do and her heart would be shattered.

Fred still had no idea what was going on in his mind. He had Angelina, he wanted Angelina. Or, at least he thought he did. But some part of his soul called out for Sage like the most annoying SOS signal that he just couldn't turn off.

But the notion of him and Sage together was laughable. His family would hate it, her family would hate it, other students would hate it. It would crush Angelina and he didn't want that.

He didn't even know if Sage liked him back. She was ignoring him. She always made her distaste for him obvious. But the kisses in the corridors, the light accidental touches gave him a rush.

Her eyes staring into his made him feel some way he'd never felt before. It made him feel some way that Angelina never did. Maybe it was the excitement of wanting something you couldn't have.

But dwelling on those feelings for Sage was pointless. Not when he knew they couldn't be together anyway. But he couldn't help but dwell.

He couldn't help but sit for hours daydreaming about what her smile looked like, or what his name sounded like on her lips, what it would feel like to hug her and be hugged back. But him and Sage, their chance together was shot down before it was even thought about.

The three of them sat in silence, Sage staring angrily at the lake before her. She very strongly disliked Angelina right now. Angelina, who was having an internal battle quickly realized this was one of her worst ideas.

She didn't know what the silence was an omen of. Was it unspoken attraction between Fred and Sage? We're they both pissed off at her? Were they choosing to stay silent because they knew the second they started talking it would turn into a fight?

"Um, sorry to interrupt." Someone spoke from behind
All three of them jumped and turned.
Cedric stood there hands in his pockets. Fred wanted to smack that smug look off of his face.

"I came to see if Sage was available. Of course if you three are bus-"
"No!" Sage cried scrambling up "I'm free."
Fred wanted to yank Sage back down and tell that good for nothing Hufflepuff to go away and stay there.

He didn't of course. He was taking sage away so at least he could have an actual date with Angelina. He didn't care where Sage went as long as she was away from him.

"Thank you." Sage sighed in relief
"I saw you from a ways away and you looked really uncomfortable. I figured if you were fine then you'd tell me you were busy."
"I can't thank you enough." Sage replied

1308 Words | Jul. 12 2023

OMG YOU GUYS 4K?! This is crazy!!!
I literally feel like I just started this book and I never expected it to get even to 2K reads I'm so incredibly grateful 😭
THANK YOU 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

Thank you to all my commenters you guys make me laugh and seeing ur comments makes my day 😚

Thank you to all the voters who actually think this book is worth voting for 😩

And thank you to all my readers! For the people who consistently read my book I love you guys so much and I hope you find it worth the reading 😘

Anyways I'm outie guys hope you enjoyed the chapter

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